Search The Texis Manual for:
Search The Webscript Manual for:


INSERT INTO (new rows)
INSERT INTO (selected rows)


Aggregate Functions
Column Aliasing
Document Similarity
Join Order
SQL functions.
Table Aliasing
Texis properties


An Overview
Approximate Patterns
Concept Searching
Keyword Search
Numeric Quantities
Phrase Searching
Proximity Range
Query Logic
Regular expressions




fmt, strfmt
rex, split
strcmp, strcmpi
strncmp, strnicmp
strstr, strstri
uniq, uniqcount
urltext, urllinks
Variable assignment
wordlist, wordcount, wordoccurrencecounts

refInfo API







Timport is a general purpose import tool which can import a wide range of text formats, including comma separated, mail-messages, DBF format from PCs, as well as allowing custom formats to be specified.

timport -s <schema>  <datafiles>
[more about: Timport] [^top^]


varchar headerDecode(varchar header)


  • header - A raw varchar header value


  • The unfolded and decoded varchar header value

See also: headerGetItems

[more about: headerDecode] [^top^]

varchar headerGetItems(varchar header)


  • header - A raw varchar header value


  • The raw (original encoded) list of CSV items, as a varstrlst

See also: headerDecode, headerItemGetParameterValues

[more about: headerGetItems] [^top^]

varstrlst headerItemGetParameterNames(varchar headerItem)


  • headerItem - A varchar raw header item


  • The varstrlst decoded list of parameter names

See also: headerItemGetParameterValues, mimeEntityGetHeaderParameterNames

[more about: headerItemGetParameterNames] [^top^]

varstrlst headerItemGetParameterValues(varchar headerItem
                                      [, varchar paramName])


  • headerItem - A varchar raw header item

  • paramName - An optional varchar parameter name


  • The varstrlst decoded list of parameter values

See also: headerItemGetParameterNames, mimeEntityGetHeaderParameterValues

[more about: headerItemGetParameterValues] [^top^]

varchar headerMailboxGetAddress(varchar mailbox)


  • mailbox - A varchar mailbox (with address and/or display name)


  • The decoded varchar email address

See also: headerMailboxGetDisplayName

[more about: headerMailboxGetAddress] [^top^]

varchar headerMailboxGetDisplayName(varchar mailbox)


  • mailbox - A varchar mailbox (with address and/or display name)


  • The decoded varchar display name

See also: headerMailboxGetAddress

[more about: headerMailboxGetDisplayName] [^top^]

varbyte mimeEntityGetBody(mimeEntity entityOrReader[, varchar flags])


  • entityOrReader - A mimeEntity or mimeReader object

  • flags - An optional CSV list of flags:

    • "reparented" - Re-parent HTML if appropriate


  • The decoded varbyte body of the entity

See also: mimeEntityGetSafeFilename, mimeEntityGetText

[more about: mimeEntityGetBody] [^top^]

int mimeEntityGetChildNumber(mimeEntity entityOrReader)


  • entityOrReader - A mimeEntity or mimeReader object


  • int child number of the entity

See also: mimeEntityGetImapSectionSpecification, mimeEntityIsLastChild, mimeEntityGetSequenceNumber

[more about: mimeEntityGetChildNumber] [^top^]

varchar mimeEntityGetContentLocation(mimeEntity entityOrReader)


  • entityOrReader - A mimeEntity or mimeReader object


  • The varchar content location URL of the entity

[more about: mimeEntityGetContentLocation] [^top^]

int mimeEntityGetDepth(mimeEntity entityOrReader)


  • entityOrReader - A mimeEntity or mimeReader object


  • int depth of the entity from root

See also: mimeEntityGetChildNumber

[more about: mimeEntityGetDepth] [^top^]

varstrlst mimeEntityGetHeaderNames(mimeEntity entityOrReader)


  • entityOrReader - A mimeEntity or mimeReader object


  • varstrlst list of header names

See also: mimeEntityGetHeaderValues

[more about: mimeEntityGetHeaderNames] [^top^]

varstrlst mimeEntityGetHeaderParameterNames(mimeEntity entityOrReader,
                                            varchar headerName)


  • entityOrReader - A mimeEntity or mimeReader object

  • headerName - The varchar name of the header


  • varstrlst list of parameter names for header

See also: mimeEntityGetHeaderParameterValues

[more about: mimeEntityGetHeaderParameterNames] [^top^]

varstrlst mimeEntityGetHeaderParameterValues(mimeEntity entityOrReader,
                                varchar headerName[, varchar paramName])


  • entityOrReader - A mimeEntity or mimeReader object

  • headerName - The varchar name of the header

  • paramName - The optional varchar name of the parameter


  • varstrlst list of parameter values from header for given parameter name

See also: mimeEntityGetHeaderParameterNames

[more about: mimeEntityGetHeaderParameterValues] [^top^]

varstrlst mimeEntityGetHeaderValues(mimeEntity entityOrReader,
                                    varchar headerName)


  • entityOrReader - A mimeEntity or mimeReader object

  • headerName - The varchar name of the header


  • varstrlst list of decoded value(s) of given header name

See also: mimeEntityGetHeaderNames, mimeEntityGetHeaderParameterValues

[more about: mimeEntityGetHeaderValues] [^top^]

varchar mimeEntityGetImapSectionSpecification(mimeEntity entityOrReader)


  • entityOrReader - A mimeEntity or mimeReader object


  • varchar IMAP section specification

See also: mimeEntityGetChildNumber

[more about: mimeEntityGetImapSectionSpecification] [^top^]

varchar mimeEntityGetMessageFilename(mimeEntity entityOrReader)


  • entityOrReader - A mimeEntity or mimeReader object


  • varchar filename for the entity, as specified in the message

See also: mimeEntityGetSafeFilename

[more about: mimeEntityGetMessageFilename] [^top^]

varchar mimeEntityGetRawBody(mimeEntity entityOrReader)


  • entityOrReader - A mimeEntity or mimeReader object


  • varchar raw (original encoded) body of entity

See also: mimeEntityGetBody

[more about: mimeEntityGetRawBody] [^top^]

int64 mimeEntityGetRawBodyOffset(mimeEntity entityOrReader)


  • entityOrReader - A mimeEntity or mimeReader object


  • int64 byte offset of raw (original encoded) body in message

See also: mimeEntityGetBody

[more about: mimeEntityGetRawBodyOffset] [^top^]

int64 mimeEntityGetRawBodySize(mimeEntity entityOrReader)


  • entityOrReader - A mimeEntity or mimeReader object


  • int64 byte size of raw (original encoded) body in message

See also: mimeEntityGetBody

[more about: mimeEntityGetRawBodySize] [^top^]

varchar mimeEntityGetRawHeaderSection(mimeEntity entityOrReader)


  • entityOrReader - A mimeEntity or mimeReader object


  • varchar raw (original encoded) header section of entity

See also: mimeEntityGetHeaderValues

[more about: mimeEntityGetRawHeaderSection] [^top^]

int64 mimeEntityGetRawHeaderSectionOffset(mimeEntity entityOrReader)


  • entityOrReader - A mimeEntity or mimeReader object


  • int64 byte offset of raw (original encoded) header section of entity in message

See also: mimeEntityGetHeaderValues

[more about: mimeEntityGetRawHeaderSectionOffset] [^top^]

int64 mimeEntityGetRawHeaderSectionSize(mimeEntity entityOrReader)


  • entityOrReader - A mimeEntity or mimeReader object


  • int64 byte size of raw (original encoded) header section of entity

See also: mimeEntityGetHeaderValues

[more about: mimeEntityGetRawHeaderSectionSize] [^top^]

varstrlst mimeEntityGetRawHeaderValues(mimeEntity entityOrReader,
                                       varchar headerName)


  • entityOrReader - A mimeEntity or mimeReader object

  • headerName - The varchar name of the header


  • varchar raw (original encoded) header named `headerName`

See also: mimeEntityGetHeaderValues

[more about: mimeEntityGetRawHeaderValues] [^top^]

varchar mimeEntityGetSafeFilename(mimeEntity entityOrReader)


  • entityOrReader - A mimeEntity or mimeReader object


  • varchar filename for entity, safe for filesystem

See also: mimeEntityGetMessageFilename

[more about: mimeEntityGetSafeFilename] [^top^]

int mimeEntityGetSequenceNumber(mimeEntity entityOrReader)


  • entityOrReader - A mimeEntity or mimeReader object


  • int sequence number for the entity

See also: mimeEntityGetChildNumber

[more about: mimeEntityGetSequenceNumber] [^top^]

varchar mimeEntityGetText(mimeEntity entityOrReader)


  • entityOrReader - A mimeEntity or mimeReader object


  • varchar formatted text of the entity's body

See also: mimeEntityGetBody

[more about: mimeEntityGetText] [^top^]

varchar mimeEntityGetTextCharset(mimeEntity entityOrReader)


  • entityOrReader - A mimeEntity or mimeReader object


  • varchar charset of mimeEntityGetText return data

See also: mimeEntityGetText

[more about: mimeEntityGetTextCharset] [^top^]

varchar mimeEntityGetTextFormatter(mimeEntity entityOrReader)


  • entityOrReader - A mimeEntity or mimeReader object


  • varchar token indicating text formatter used for body text

See also: mimeEntityGetText

[more about: mimeEntityGetTextFormatter] [^top^]

int mimeEntityIsLastChild(mimeEntity entityOrReader)


  • entityOrReader - A mimeEntity or mimeReader object


  • int boolean value indicating whether entity is the last child of its parent

See also: mimeEntityGetChildNumber

[more about: mimeEntityIsLastChild] [^top^]

int mimeEntityIsReparented(mimeEntity entityOrReader)


  • entityOrReader - A mimeEntity or mimeReader object


  • int boolean value indicating whether the mimeEntityGetBody value is reparented (if reparenting requested)

See also: mimeEntityGetBody

[more about: mimeEntityIsReparented] [^top^]

int mimeEntityIsStartBodyPart(mimeEntity entityOrReader)


  • entityOrReader - A mimeEntity or mimeReader object


  • int boolean value indicating whether the entity is the overall message start part

See also: mimeEntityGetSafeFilename

[more about: mimeEntityIsStartBodyPart] [^top^]

mimeEntity mimeReaderGetEntity(mimeReader reader)


  • reader - A mimeReader object


  • mimeEntity object for current entity

See also: mimeReaderGetFullEntity

[more about: mimeReaderGetEntity] [^top^]

mimeEntity mimeReaderGetFullEntity(mimeReader reader)


  • reader - A mimeReader object


  • mimeEntity object for entire entity tree at cursor

See also: mimeReaderGetEntity, mimeReaderOpenEntity

[more about: mimeReaderGetFullEntity] [^top^]

int mimeReaderMoveToNextEntity(mimeReader reader)


  • reader - A mimeReader object


  • int value: 1 on success, 0 on EOF, -1 on error

See also: mimeReaderMoveToNextEntitySibling

[more about: mimeReaderMoveToNextEntity] [^top^]

int mimeReaderMoveToNextEntitySibling(mimeReader reader)


  • reader - A mimeReader object


  • int value: 1 on success, 0 on EOF, -1 on error

See also: mimeReaderMoveToNextEntity

[more about: mimeReaderMoveToNextEntitySibling] [^top^]

mimeReader mimeReaderOpenEntity(mimeEntity entityOrReader
                               [, int64 maxDepth[, varchar flags]])


  • entityOrReader - A mimeEntity or mimeReader object

  • maxDepth - An optional integer maximum depth to parse to

  • flags - An optional CSV list of flags:

    • "inherittreeposition" - Continue with same depth, IMAP number, etc. of parent entityOrReader


  • mimeReader object

See also: mimeReaderOpenFile

[more about: mimeReaderOpenEntity] [^top^]

mimeReader mimeReaderOpenFile(varchar file[, int64 maxDepth])


  • file - A varchar path to the MIME file to open

  • maxDepth An optional integer maximum depth to parse to


  • mimeReader object for parsing the file

See also: mimeReaderOpenString

[more about: mimeReaderOpenFile] [^top^]

mimeReader mimeReaderOpenString(varchar string[, int64 maxDepth])


  • string - A varchar string with the MIME message

  • maxDepth An optional integer maximum depth to parse to


  • mimeReader object for parsing the message

See also: mimeReaderOpenFile

[more about: mimeReaderOpenString] [^top^]

refInfo API

varchar refInfoGetAttribute(refInfo ref, varchar attrName)


  • ref - A refInfo object

  • attrName - The varchar name of the attribute to get


  • The varchar value of the named attribute, HTML decoded, in UTF-8.

See also: refInfoGetAttributes

[more about: refInfoGetAttribute] [^top^]

varstrlst refInfoGetAttributes(refInfo ref)


  • ref - A refInfo object


  • The varstrlst list of attribute names for the reference.

See also: refInfoGetAttribute, refInfoGetTagName

[more about: refInfoGetAttributes] [^top^]

varchar refInfoGetDescription(refInfo ref)


  • ref - A refInfo object


  • The varchar human description of the reference.

See also: refInfoGetTypes, refInfoGetFlags

[more about: refInfoGetDescription] [^top^]

varstrlst refInfoGetFlags(refInfo ref)


  • ref - A refInfo object


  • The varstrlst list of flags for the reference

Flags may be zero or more of:

  • dynamic The reference was created dynamically, i.e. via JavaScript. The reference may have been directly created by a script - e.g. setting document.location - or indirectly - e.g. via document.write('<a href="link.html">link</a>').

See also: refInfoGetTypes, refInfoGetTagName

[more about: refInfoGetFlags] [^top^]

varchar refInfoGetLinkText(refInfo ref)


  • ref - A refInfo object


  • The varchar link text for the reference, i.e. the visible text a user would click on to follow it, HTML decoded, in UTF-8

See also: refInfoGetAttributes

[more about: refInfoGetLinkText] [^top^]

int64 refInfoGetProcessedDocLength(refInfo ref)


  • ref - A refInfo object


  • The int64 character length of the reference's element in the processed document (HTML)

See also: refInfoGetRawDocLength

[more about: refInfoGetProcessedDocLength] [^top^]

int64 refInfoGetProcessedDocOffset(refInfo ref)


  • ref - A refInfo object


  • The int64 character offset of the reference's element in the processed document (HTML)

See also: refInfoGetRawDocOffset

[more about: refInfoGetProcessedDocOffset] [^top^]

int64 refInfoGetRawDocLength(refInfo ref)


  • ref - A refInfo object


  • The int64 character length of the reference's element in the raw document (HTML)

See also: refInfoGetProcessedDocLength

[more about: refInfoGetRawDocLength] [^top^]

int64 refInfoGetRawDocOffset(refInfo ref)


  • ref - A refInfo object


  • The int64 character offset of the reference's element in the raw document (HTML)

See also: refInfoGetProcessedDocOffset

[more about: refInfoGetRawDocOffset] [^top^]

varchar refInfoGetSourceAttribute(refInfo ref)


  • ref - A refInfo object


  • The varchar name of the HTML attribute of the tag that signified it as a reference

See also: refInfoGetTagName

[more about: refInfoGetSourceAttribute] [^top^]

varchar refInfoGetStrBaseUrl(refInfo ref)


  • ref - A refInfo object


  • The varchar JavaScript base URL of the reference, if any.

[more about: refInfoGetStrBaseUrl] [^top^]

varchar refInfoGetTagName(refInfo ref)


  • ref - A refInfo object


  • The varchar name of the HTML tag that signifies it as a reference

See also: refInfoGetSourceAttribute

[more about: refInfoGetTagName] [^top^]

int64 refInfoGetTextLength(refInfo ref)


  • ref - A refInfo object


  • The int64 character length of the reference's formatted text span.

See also: refInfoGetProcessedDocLength

[more about: refInfoGetTextLength] [^top^]

int64 refInfoGetTextOffset(refInfo ref)


  • ref - A refInfo object


  • The int64 character offset of the reference's element in the formatted text

See also: refInfoGetProcessedDocOffset

[more about: refInfoGetTextOffset] [^top^]

varstrlst refInfoGetTypes(refInfo ref)


  • ref - A refInfo object


  • The varstrlst list of one or more types for the reference

Types may be one or more of:

  • link

  • image

  • frame

  • iframe

  • strlink

See also: refInfoGetTagName

[more about: refInfoGetTypes] [^top^]

varchar refInfoGetUrl(refInfo ref)


  • ref - A refInfo object


  • The varchar URL (link) of the reference

[more about: refInfoGetUrl] [^top^]


ALTER USER user-name IDENTIFIED BY password

Changes user-name's password to password. You must be logged in as that user or _SYSTEM to perform this operation.

[more about: ALTER USER] [^top^]


  ON table-name

  (column-name1 [DESC]

  [, column-name2 [DESC] ] ...)
Index TypePurposeUpdated
(unspecified)A standard BTREE index used for fast lookup and orderingAutomatically as needed
UNIQUESame as BTREE but prevents replicated keys and records from to being insertedAutomatically as needed
INVERTEDUsed only for DATE fields, it allows rapid ORDER BY
Note: Be sure to create DESC if output is to be inverse chronological order
Automatically as needed
METAMORPHAn index for text retrieval speedOn re-issue of CREATE METAMORPH INDEX command
METAMORPH INVERTEDA larger METAMORPH index with additional speed for ranking and phrasesOn re-issue of CREATE METAMORPH INDEX command
METAMORPH COUNTERA METAMORPH index with additional information for LIKEIN queriesOn re-issue of CREATE METAMORPH INDEX command

See also: Virtual Fields

[more about: CREATE INDEX] [^top^]

CREATE TABLE table-name

  (column-name1 data-type 

  [, column-name2 data-type ] ...)
data-type description
BYTE(length) unsigned 8 bit fixed
VARBYTE(length) unsigned 8 bit variable
CHAR(length) signed 8 bit fixed
CHARACTER(length) same as char
VARCHAR(length) signed 8 bit variable
DATE 'C' time_t 32bit GMT
CTIME same as date
COUNTER 64 bit global unique value, may be converted to DATE
DOUBLE 'C' double type
FLOAT 'C' float type
INTEGER 32 bit signed integer
LONG Large signed integer (platform-dependent size)
INT64 64-bit signed integer (Texis version 6+)
UINT64 64-bit unsigned integer (Texis version 6+)
REAL same as FLOAT
SMALLINT 16 bit signed integer
INDIRECT A file treated as a field
[more about: CREATE TABLE ] [^top^]

CREATE TABLE table-name AS 
  SELECT  {expression1 [, expression2]...}{...}

  FROM  table-name1 [alias1] [, table-name2 [alias2] ]...

  [WHERE     search-condition]

  [GROUP BY  column-name1 [, column-name2]...

  [ORDER BY  column-name3 [DESC] [, column-name4  [DESC] ] ...]
[more about: CREATE TABLE AS (ALTER TABLE) ] [^top^]

CREATE USER user-name IDENTIFIED BY password

Creates a new user with the specified user-name and password.

[more about: CREATE USER] [^top^]

DELETE FROM table-name

  [WHERE search-condition]
[more about: DELETE FROM] [^top^]

DROP INDEX index-name
See also: SYSINDEX system table
[more about: DROP INDEX] [^top^]

DROP TABLE table-name
See also: SYSTABLES system table
[more about: DROP TABLE] [^top^]

DROP USER user-name
[more about: DROP USER] [^top^]


       {privilege1 [,privilege2]...}

  ON   {table-name}



       {userid1 [,userid2]...}
ALL User can do anything (default)
DELETE User can delete records
INSERT User can insert records
SELECT User can read records
UPDATE User can update records

See also: REVOKE, SYSUSERS system table, CHMOD(1), CHOWN(1)

[more about: GRANT PERMISSIONS] [^top^]

INSERT INTO table-name[(col-name1 [, col-name2]...)]

  VALUES(value1 [, value2]...)
[more about: INSERT INTO (new rows)] [^top^]

INSERT INTO table-name[(col-name1 [, col-name2]...)]

[more about: INSERT INTO (selected rows)] [^top^]

SELECT [DISTINCT] {expression1 [[AS] alias1] [, expression2 [[AS alias2]]...}{...}

  FROM  table-name1 [alias1] [, table-name2 [alias2] ]...

  [WHERE      search-condition]

  [GROUP BY   column-name1 [, column-name2]...

  [HAVING     search-condition]]

  [ORDER BY   column-name3 [DESC] [, column-name4  [DESC] ] ...]
comparison operators
=, < ,> , != , >< , >= , <= standard comparison for all data types
[NOT] BETWEEN value1 AND value2bracketed range for all data types
[NOT] LIKEMetamorph query for text fields
(exact match text retrieval)
[NOT] LIKE3kewords only match within text field
(very fast)
LIKERkeyword Relevance ranking within text field
(fast, ok precision)
LIKEPrelevance ranking within text field
(high quality)
[NOT] INSet Membership
logic operators
AND, OR, NOTMay be used to bind any set of conditions
math operators
+, -, *, /may be used on numeric and character data types

See also: Text Queries

[more about: SELECT ] [^top^]

UPDATE table-name

 SET column-name1 = expression1

  [, column-name2 = expression2]...

 [WHERE search-condition]
[more about: UPDATE] [^top^]

    string xmlReaderGetAttribute(xmlReader reader, string name
    [, string nsURI])


  • xmlReader - the xmlReader object

  • name - the name of the attribute whose value you want

  • nsURI (optional) - The URI or the namespace for the attribute. Defaults to any namespace.


  • The value of the attribute.

See also: xmlReaderGetAttribute xmlReaderGetAttributeCount xmlReaderGetAttributeNumber

[more about: xmlReaderGetAttribute] [^top^]


The aggregate functions operate on a set of rows, and return information about the set as a whole. These are particularly useful in conjunction with a GROUP BY clause.
AVG() Average of all the values
COUNT()Number of values
MAX() Maximum Value
MIN() Minimum Value
SUM() Total of all the values
[more about: Aggregate Functions] [^top^]

Column aliasing allows one to change the name of an output column. This is useful and needed in a couple of situations.

The first is that Texis WebScript will name the variable the same as the column name. If the default name of the column would be an illegal name, or would conflict with an existing variable, renaming the column lets you change the variable name at the same time.

The second situation is within the query itself. If you have a GROUP BY clause with either a HAVING clause or an ORDER BY clause, then any aggregate or calculated fields must be aliased, and the alias name used in the HAVING or ORDER BY clause. This is the only time the alias name can be used in the query.

[more about: Column Aliasing] [^top^]

One of the commonly desired features in a search interface is to find similar documents once a good match is found. The way to do this in Texis WebScript is to use the text2mm function in combination with a LIKEP query. When you are selecting the text to display you should also select the query to use, with the text2mm function:
<EXPORT $nquery>
<SQL "select Body, text2mm(Body) nquery from ...">
<A HREF=$url/morelike.html>Find Similar</A>
In the morelike function a LIKEP query is used to find the similar documents.
<A NAME=morelike>
<SQL "select id, Title from ... WHERE Body LIKEP $nquery">
[more about: Document Similarity] [^top^]

The order in which tables are specified in the FROM clause can significantly affect the query speed. Texis will try and arrange the tables in the best order. To disable this if you are sure you know the correct ordering you can use set nooptimize='join';, in which case Texis will process the tables in the order specified in the FROM clause. Because of this you should put the tables which can initially return the smallest number of rows first, preferably with an index. For example if you have two tables, one of customers, and the other of orders. You don't know the customer number of 'John Doe', but you want to see all his orders the correct way to write the query is
SELECT, orders.text FROM cust,orders WHERE = 'John Doe' and orders.custid =;
If is indexed it will find the customer record with the index, and then use an index on orders.custid to find the orders. If you switched the FROM clause it would look at each order, find the corresponding customer, and see if the name was 'John Doe', which will be slower.
[more about: Join Order] [^top^]

Literals are quantities that are obtained from the SQL statement rather than from a column. There are three types of literal available in SQL:
  • Integers
  • Floating point numbers
  • Character Strings

The range available in the numeric literals is machine dependent. You can typically count on at least the range in a long or double respectively.

Character strings are delimited by single quotes. To include a single quote in a string it should be doubled. For example:

'He''s one of us now.'
[more about: Literals] [^top^]

Texis includes a number of functions that can be used to manipulate data at the server. The functions are as follows:

File Functions
Returns the contents of a file
totext(text or filename)Converts a PDF or wordprocessor file to text
toind(text)Stores the text into a texis managed indirect and returns the filename
String Functions
abstract(text[, maxsize[, style[, query]]])Abstract a block of text
text2mm(text[, words])Generate a query from a block of text
length(text)Returns the length of a block of text
lower(text)Returns the lowercase form of a block of text
upper(text)Returns the uppercase form of a block of text
initcap(text)Returns the text with the first letter of every word in uppercase
sandr(search, replace, text)Returns the text with search replaced by replace
Other Functions
exec(cmd[, args])Allows execution of external commands
mminfo(query, text)Find out hit offset information
convert(data, type)Converts fields from one type to another
seq(increment[, init])Returns a number increment than the last, or init
random(max[, seed])Returns a random number less than max
math functionsacos, asin, atan, atan2, ceil, cos, cosh, exp, fabs, floor, fmod, log, log10, pow, sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, tanh
date functionsdayname, month, monthname, dayofmonth, dayofweek, dayofyear, quarter, week, year, hour, minute, second
[more about: SQL functions.] [^top^]

Table aliasing allows the renaming of table in the query. This has two uses. The first is simply a typing aid, in that a long table name can be aliased to a shorter name.

The second, and more interesting use, is that it allows a table to be joined to itself. One example of this would be to generate a listing of employees and bosses.

SELECT Boss, Employee
    FROM employees emp, employees boss
    WHERE = emp.boss_id
[more about: Table Aliasing] [^top^]

Some of the properties of Texis can be modified by issuing SQL SET statements. The syntax of the SET statement is
SET property = value
The value should be a literal string or number. In the following table are the most useful properties, and what they do:
indexspaceA directoy to store indices. You can put indices in a different directory either for space reasons, or to improve performance.
addexpAn expression to use for creating metamorph indices. This adds to the expressions. The default expression is \alnum{2,99} which should catch most English words.
The properties only remain in effect for the duration of a connection to the database. This is typically one invocation of Texis.

Properties that affect Metamorph indices are kept with the index and do not need to be respecified. If you want to change the properties of an index you will need to drop it and re-create it. If searching must be maintained you can create a new index first with a different name, and then drop the old index.

[more about: Texis properties] [^top^]

When generating a query with a group by clause it is necessary to put the proper portions of the query in the WHERE clause and in the HAVING clause.

The WHERE clause will affect which rows are selected from the table to be grouped. The HAVING clause will determine which groups are actually returned.

For example the query:

       WHERE SALARY > 50000
will select for each department the average salary of those people with a salary over 50,000. The query:
       HAVING AVSAL > 50000
will select only those departments having an average salary over 50,000.
[more about: WHERE vs. HAVING] [^top^]


<A NAME=name [PUBLIC | EXPORT | PRIVATE] [param[=value|$var] ...]>
  ... statements ...

Defines a script function with given NAME. params are local to the function; if not passed arguments at call time, they are initialized to no-values or the given value or global $var, even if start function. params with no defaults must be given args at call time (except if start function).

Flag Makes function visible to
PUBLIC Same script file, included modules, web/command-line
EXPORT Same script file, included modules
PUBLIC Same script file only

[more about: A] [^top^]

<abstract $text [$maxsz [$style [$query]]]>

Generates an abstract from $text. Abstract will be at most $maxsz characters (default 230). $query is a Metamorph query to search for and focus abstract on. $style is one of:

Style Action
dumb (0) Use top of document
smart (1) Look for first meaningful chunk of text
querysingle (2) Contiguous chunk on best occurence of $query
querymultiple (3) Multiple chunks on each $query term
querybest Alias for best query-based style

Default is smart if neither $style nor $query given.

abstract returns an abstract for each of the supplied texts.

[more about: abstract] [^top^]

<addtrailingslash = yes|no>

Whether to add a trailing slash (via a redirect) when the script is accessed via a "directory" URL without a trailing slash, e.g. /texis/dir/script becomes /texis/dir/script/.

See also: [Texis] Vortex Add Trailing Slash setting in texis.ini

[more about: ADDTRAILINGSLASH] [^top^]

<adminsql [options ...] [statement ...]>

Execute an arbitrary SQL statement, the concatenation of statement args. SKIP=n and MAX=n can be given as leading options. No embedded Vortex variable parameters. Results printed in an HTML <table>.

adminsql returns nothing.

See also: SQL, createdb

[more about: adminsql] [^top^]

<apicp $name $value [$value ...]>

Modify Metamorph control parameters. Boolean settings take on, true or yes to turn on, opposite to turn off. Defaults for these can be set in texis.ini [Apicp] section.

Query protection settings:

Setting Controls Default
alequivs Allow equivalences (synonyms) off
alintersects Allow intersections (@N) off
allinear Allow linear searches off
alnot Allow "not" logic (- operator) on
alpostproc Allow post-processing off
alwild Allow wildcards on
alwithin Allow within (w/) operator off
builtindefaults Set Thunderstone defaults (ignore texis.ini [Apicp]) -
defaults Set defaults (use texis.ini [Apicp]) -
denymode Action to take on disallowed query: silent, warning or error warning
qmaxsets Maximum number of sets (terms) in a query 100
qmaxsetwords Maximum number of words per set 500
qmaxwords Maximum number of words in a query, after expansion 1100
qminprelen Minimum prefix (non-wildcard) length of wildcard term 2
qminwordlen Minimum word length in queries 2
querysettings Alias for setting a group of settings; see below -
texisdefaults Deprecated; use querysettings texis5defaults -

querysettings values:

Sub-setting Action
defaults or 0 Vortex defaults; same as <apicp defaults>
texis5defaults or 1 Texis version 5- defaults
vortexdefaults or 2 Vortex defaults; same as <apicp defaults>
protectionoff or 3 Turn off query protection settings

Query processing settings:

Setting Controls Default
defsuffrm Remove trailing vowel/double-consonant on
edexp End delimiter (if no W/ in query) empty
eqprefix Equivalence/synonym file builtin
exactphrase Exactly resolve noise words in phrases; on, off or ignorewordposition off
inced Include end delimiters in hits (ignore for w/N) on
incsd Include start delimiters in hits (ignore for w/N) off
intersects Default intersections if no @N in query -1
keepeqvs Use equivalences (synonyms) of query words/phrases off
keepnoise Preserve noise words in the query off
minwordlen Minimum word length to prefix/suffix process to 255
noise Noise list See manual
olddelim Emulate old/broken delimiter behavior off
phrasewordproc Which words of phrases to suffix/wildcard process: mono, none, last last
prefix Prefix list for prefix processing See manual
prefixproc Do prefix processing off
rebuild Do word rebuilding on
reqedelim Require the end delimiter to be present in hits on
reqsdelim Require the start delimiter to be present in hits on
sdexp Start delimiter (if no w/ in query) empty
see Whether to look up "see also" references during equivalences off
stringcomparemode Case etc. fold mode for string compares unicodemulti, respectcase
suffix Suffix list for suffix processing See manual
suffixeq Suffix list for equivalence processing ' ies s
suffixproc Do suffix processing on
textsearchmode Case etc. fold mode for text searches unicodemulti, ignorecase, ignorewidth, ignorediacritics, expandligatures
ueqprefix User (secondary) equivalence/synonym file none
withinmode w/ operator mode: {char|word}[ {radius|span}] word span
withinproc Process w/ operator in queries on

[more about: apicp] [^top^]

<apiinfo $setting>

Returns current value(s) for <apicp> single-setting $setting. $setting may also be "settings" to return list of all setting names.

See also: apicp

[more about: apiinfo] [^top^]


Exits the innermost enclosing looping statement (WHILE, LOOP etc.). $loop/$next are unchanged.

See also: CONTINUE

[more about: BREAK] [^top^]

<cal [options] [$dates [$events [$var ...]]][ /]> [</cal>]

Print an HTML calendar of events with links. $dates are the dates, $events are corresponding text to print. In looping syntax, programmer must print each day's <td>, text and </td>.

Option Action Default
TYPE=type Sets type: week, month, quarter or year $dates range
DATEVAR=date Name of variable to set to each day's date date
DAYFUNC=/day.html URL function/MIME extension for day-number links /day.html
EVENTFUNC=/event.html URL function/MIME extension for event links /event.html
MAXEVENTS=5 Max events to print per day 5
BORDER=1 BORDER value for table 1
WIDTH=100% WIDTH value for table 100%
HEIGHT=50% HEIGHT value for table 50% (except for week)
WEEKLEN=1 Length of weekday name strings to print 1 for quarter and year, else full length
MONTHFMT="%B %Y" Date format to print month header %B for year, else %B %Y
DAYFMT="%e" Date format for non-event days' numbers %e for Unix, %#d for Windows
NEWDAYFMT="%b %e" Date format for week type days that start a new month %b %e for Unix, %b %#d for Windows
EVENTFMT="<b>%e</b>" Date format for event days' numbers <b>%e</b> for Unix, <b>%#d</b> for Windows
MONTHCLASS=class CSS class for month header none
WEEKCLASS=class CSS class for weekday names MONTHCLASS if given
DAYCLASS=class CSS class for non-event days none
EVENTCLASS=class CSS class for event days DAYCLASS if given
START=date Start date for calendar Earliest $dates value
END=date End date for calendar Latest $dates value
NOHREF Flag: do not link any days or events off

See also: calrule

[more about: cal] [^top^]

<caldate $varprefix>

The caldate function returns a list of dates from the variables submitted by a form created with calendar. The value(s) of $varprefix are the variable prefix(es) given to calendar.

See also: calendar

[more about: caldate] [^top^]

<calendar $yr $month $day $hour $min ["am"|"pm" [$prefix [flags ...]]]>
<calendar $date [$prefix [flags ...]]>

Note: The calendar function is obsolescent. Use cal instead.

Prints a calendar HTML form. Submitted date(s) can be read with caldate.

Argument Meaning
$year Year (4-digit)
$month Month number (1 = January)
$day Day of month
$hour Hour (24-hour unless am/pm flag)
$minute Minute (00-59)
am/pm AM/PM (and $hour is 12-hour)
$prefix Form variable name prefix (default cal)
$date Texis-parseable date

Flag Meaning
radio Radio buttons for days (default)
checkbox Checkboxes for days
julian Julian days (day number in year, not month)

calendar returns nothing.

See also: caldate

[more about: calendar] [^top^]

<calrule [options] [RULE=]$rule[ /]> [</calrule>]

Translates a vCalendar or English calendar rule and returns the Texis date(s) matching the rule. With </calrule>, loops over the date(s), and $loop and $next are set.

Option Meaning
RULE=$rule vCalendar/English rule to iterate
START=$date Start date for rule (if needed)
END=$date End date for rule (if needed)
SKIP=$n Initially-returned dates to skip
MAX=$n Max dates to return (default 100)
FIRST=$date First date to return results on or after
LAST=$date Last date to return results on or before
ROW Do not accumulate nor loop-context $ret
TOVCAL Translate English rule to vCalendar and return it
TOENGLISH Translate vCalendar rule to English and return it

See also: cal, SCHEDULE

[more about: calrule] [^top^]

<CAPTURE [flags]>
  ... Vortex code ...

CAPTURE returns the standard output of the Vortex code within the block, as one value.

See also: EXEC

[more about: CAPTURE] [^top^]

<checkbox $name $values $selected $output
          [$classes [$ids [$titles]]]>

Prints HTML checkbox for each $output value. $name is the name for the checkboxes, $values are the values. $values matching any of the $selected values are pre-checked. $classes gives CSS classes to assign, $id gives id attributes, $titles gives titles (i.e. hover text).

checkbox returns nothing.

See also: options, radiobutton

[more about: checkbox] [^top^]

<clist $values>

clist returns the $values in one parenthetical, comma-separated value, or an empty string if there are no values.

See also: slist

[more about: clist] [^top^]

<code2geo $num>

code2geo returns a string, the space-separated latitude and longitude for the given geo2code-encoded number.

See also: <geo2code> Vortex function, geocode2lat(), geocode2lon() SQL functions

[more about: code2geo] [^top^]


Continues the innermost enclosing looping statement (WHILE, LOOP etc.) at the start of its next iteration. $loop/$next are incremented as usual.

See also: BREAK

[more about: CONTINUE] [^top^]

<COOKIES urldecode|asis>

Whether to URL-decode (or leave as-is) the value of cookes when importing into Vortex variables. The default is urldecode.

See also: [Texis] Cookies setting of texis.ini

[more about: COOKIES] [^top^]

<count $var>

count returns the (integer) number of values the $var variable has.

[more about: count] [^top^]

<createdb $db $syspass $publicpass>

The createdb function creates a new database whose path is given by $db. The passwords for _SYSTEM and PUBLIC are given as arguments. For security, the _SYSTEM password $syspass is required to be at least 6 characters and contain punctuation. The PUBLIC password $publicpass may be empty.

createdb returns "Creating database succeeded" on success, or "Creating database failed" or nothing on error.

See also: adminsql

[more about: createdb] [^top^]

<DB = "path">

As a directive (before any functions), sets default database for SQL statements, state table. As a statement (inside a function), sets current database for <sql> statements. Default if not set is from texis.ini, or texis/testdb in install dir.

See also: SQL, vxinfo

[more about: DB] [^top^]

<decrypt $crypt $key>

decrypt returns each value of Unix-style encrypted data $crypt, decrypted using key $key.

See also: encrypt, pwencrypt

[more about: decrypt] [^top^]

<doctype $langver [$type]>

doctype prints a <!DOCTYPE> declaration based on $langver and $type.

$langver values:

Value Declaration printed
html2.0 HTML 2.0
html3.2 HTML 3.2
html4.01 HTML 4.01; a $type must be given also
html5 HTML 5
xhtml1.0 XHTML 1.0; a $type must be given also
xhtml1.1 XHTML 1.1

$type values:

Value DTD printed
strict Strict DTD
transitional or loose Transitional DTD
frameset Frameset DTD

doctype returns 1 on success, or 0 on error.

[more about: doctype] [^top^]

<encrypt $data $key>

encrypt returns each value of $data, encrypted Unix style, using key $key.

See also: decrypt, pwencrypt

[more about: encrypt] [^top^]

<ENTRYFUNC = function>
<EXITFUNC = function>

Directive: additional function to call first at entry ( ENTRYFUNC) before the start function, and last at exit ( EXITFUNC) after execution ends normally (without exit). Module entry and exit functions are called (in undefined order) before main script entry and exit functions.

See also: EntryScript (vhttpd URL Settings), ExitScript (vhttpd URL Settings)

[more about: ENTRYFUNC, EXITFUNC] [^top^]

<EXEC [options] program [arg ...][ /]>
  ... input to program ...

Executes program with given args. Output of enclosed block becomes input to program.

Option Action
APPEND The immediately preceeding TOFILE or STDERRTOFILE should append instead of truncate. May cause loss of output in Windows.
BIN Returned output is binary (varbyte). Implies NOBR.
BKGND Run program in background: do not wait for completion, and return process id instead of output.
CHDIR=$dir Set working directory for program. Default is current dir.
DOMAIN=$domain Domain for USER option. Default taken from USER option if present, else ".". Windows only.
ENVCLR Do not pass parent (Vortex) environment to program.
ENVSET Set environment vars for program: following option "assignments" are taken as environment var assignments. E.g. ENVSET LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/bin". Default is current Vortex env.
FASTLOGON Use faster logon method for USER that requires less permissions. Windows only.
FLAGS=$flags Set flags given in CSV list $flags. Any of bin, bkgnd, envclr, fastlogon, msg, nobr, nomsg, noquoteargs, quoteargs.
FROMFILE=$file Redirect program input from $file. If empty, use /dev/null. If "-", use Vortex script's standard input. If not given, input comes from <exec> block output.
MAXSTDERR=$n Max number of bytes of standard error to read. Default if empty or unspecified is unlimited.
MAXSTDOUT=$n Max number of bytes of standard output to read. Default if empty or unspecified is unlimited.
MSG Distribute putmsgs via normal mechanisms. Default is per <vxcp execmsg>, which defaults on. $ret.err is always set regardless.
NOBR Leave output intact, do not split into lines.
NOMSG Do not distribute putmsgs via normal mechanisms. $ret.err is always set regardless.
NOQUOTEARGS Do not double-quote program/arguments.
PASS=$pass Password to use with USER option. Windows only.
QUOTEARGS Windows: double-quote program and args that contain spaces and do not already contain double-quotes. Other OSes: do nothing. Defaults to texis.ini setting Exec Quote Args, which defaults to on.
SKIPONFAIL Skip inner block code if $file fails to open.
STDERRTOFILE=$file Redirect program standard error to $file. If empty, use /dev/null. If "-", use Vortex script's standard error. If not given, standard error goes to $ret.stderr for foreground programs or /dev/null for BKGND.
TIMEOUT=$n Timeout: program is terminated if execution exceeds $n seconds. -1 or empty is no timeout.
TOFILE=$file Send program output to $file. Empty for /dev/null, "-" for Vortex standard output.
USER=$user User to login and run program as. Windows only. See full docs for caveats.
-- (two dashes) End of options: program and args follow.

EXEC returns the standard output of the program (unless BKGND or TOFILE is given). If the NOBR or BIN flags are given, the output is one value; otherwise the output is split into one value per line.

See also: CAPTURE

[more about: EXEC] [^top^]

<exit [$code]>

exit terminates the script immediately. The optional integer $code becomes the exit code of the Vortex process (default 0).

exit returns nothing.

See also: RETURN

[more about: exit] [^top^]

<EXPORT $var [$var ...] [flags]>

Marks variables to be saved and restored at next script invocation, i.e. session variables.

Vars Saved to When
Non-LOOP/SQL vars State table First time $url printed when vars set
LOOP/SQL vars URL Every time $url printed inside a loop of those vars
<EXPORT QUERY> vars URL query string Every time $urlq printed

[more about: EXPORT] [^top^]

<fetch [METHOD=$methods] $theurl [$rawdoc]>
<fetch PARALLEL[=n] [METHOD=$methods] [URLS=]$urls [$loopvar ...]>

Parallel version: all $urls are retrieved, up to n (default 10) at a time, using parallel protocol method(s) listed in $methods (default "GET"). Completed URLs are returned, fastest first, one per loop iteration. Use <urlinfo> for information about current URL in loop. $loop and $next incremented each iteration.

fetch returns the raw document just fetched (after content/transfer encodings decoded), or the value of $rawdoc.

See also: submit, urlinfo, urlcp

[more about: fetch] [^top^]


The flush function flushes any pending (printed but not sent) output to the server (and thus indirectly back to the web client).

flush returns nothing.

See also: fmtcp, mm, rex

[more about: flush] [^top^]

<fmt format [arg ...]>
<strfmt format [arg ...]>

Prints arguments formatted, to output or string.

Format codes:

Format code Prints argument as
%b Binary integer
%B String, encoding to base64
%c Single character
%d or %i Decimal integer
%e Floating-point exponential
%E Floating-point exponential with capital E
%f Floating-point (no exponent)
%F Floating-point fraction: whole number plus fraction
%g Floating-point (as %e or %f format)
%G Same as %g format, but with capital E
%H String, HTML-escaped
%L Latitude, longitude or location
%o Octal integer
%Q String, encoding to RFC 2045 quoted-printable
%r Lower-case Roman numeral integer
%R Uppercase Roman numeral integer
%s String
%t Local date/time
%T GMT/UTC date/time
%u Unsigned decimal integer
%U String, URL-encoded
%v String, encoding from UTF-8 to UTF-16
%V String, encoding from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8
%W Encode from UTF-8 to RFC 2047 encoded-word format
%x Hexadecimal integer
%X Hexadecimal integer with capital hex letters
%z gzip
%/ Platform-specific directory separator (e.g. "/" or "\")
%: Platform-specific search path separator (e.g. ":" or ";")
%% Percent sign (no argument)

Format flags:

Flag Applies to codes Action
(space) Numeric Space before positive numbers
! H U V W B c z Decode instead of encode
# o x X e E f g G b Print in alternate format
& Numeric, string Pad with &nbsp; instead of space
+ Numeric; L; string Always print +/-; location; ellipsis if over precision
- Numeric, string, L Left-justify instead of right; latitude
0 (zero) Numeric Pad with zeros instead of spaces
= (equal sign) V Input encoding is same as output; just validate
a t T L Next arg (before date or lat/lon) is date or lat/lon format
h !V v HTML-encode out-of-range chars
h V !v !W Decode HTML entities in input first
hh V !V =V v !v W !W Decode input entities; HTML-encode 7-bit chars
hhh V !V =V v !v W !W HTML-encode 7-bit chars
j s H v V B Q and ! variants Do newline translation
k Numeric Print comma every 3 places left of decimal
K Numeric Print next arg every 3 places left of decimal
l (el) H Only encode 7-bit characters
l (el) !H Decode entities to 7-bit strings instead of 8-bit chars
l (el) / : Print REX expression to match separator, instead of separator
m s H V v Metamorph hit markup (query is next arg)
p U Path instead of query-string encoding (%20 instead of +)
p !U Path instead of query-string encoding (do not decode +)
p s H Paragraph markup
P s H Paragraph markup, next arg is REX expression to match
PP s H Paragraph markup, next 2 args are REX and replacement
q U Full encoding: encode / and @ too
q !U Safe decoding: only decode RFC 2396 unreserved chars
q W Only use Q encoding; no base64
^ (caret) V =V !V v !v W !W s Replace XML-unsafe chars with ?
_ (underscore) Numeric, string Pad with byte 160 instead of space
_ (underscore) v Do not output a leading BOM
_ (underscore) !v Preserve leading BOM in input
_ (underscore) Q !Q Use Q encoding instead of quoted-printable
| (pipe) !V =V v W !W L Take illegal input as ISO-8859-1; longitude

Metamorph hit markup sub-flags (after m):

Sub-flag Action
b HTML bold highlighting
B VT100 bold highlighting
c Continue hit count into next query call
C Class (<span class=...>) highlighting; differentiate terms
e Mark up exact query (no queryfixupmode/NOT processing)
h HTML HREF highlighting (default)
I Inline stylesheet (<span style=...>) highlighting; differentiate terms
n Do not truncate/move hits overlapping tags
N Mark up NOT terms as well
p Paragraph formatting
P Paragraph formatting, next arg is REX expression to match
PP Paragraph formatting, next 2 args are REX and replacement
q Mark up query itself, not the text arg
R VT100 reverse-video highlighting
U VT100 underline highlighting

Date/time format codes; note that these may vary by OS:

Date/time code Prints
%a Abbreviated weekday name (Sun, Mon, etc.)
%A Full weekday name
%b Abbreviated month name (Jan, Feb, etc.)
%B Full month name
%c OS-preferred date and time representation
%d Day of month (00 through 31)
%H Hour, 24-hour clock (00 through 23)
%I Hour, 12-hour clock (01 through 12).
%j Day of year (001 through 366)
%m Month number (01 through 12)
%M Minute (00 through 59)
%p AM or PM
%S Second (00 through 61)
%U Week number of year, starting with first Sunday (00 - 53)
%W Week number of year, starting with first Monday (00 - 53)
%w Day of week as integer, Sunday being 0
%x OS-preferred date representation without the time
%X OS-preferred time representation without the date
%y Year number without century (00 through 99)
%Y Year number including the century
%Z Time zone name or abbreviation
%% Literal percent character

Subformat codes for %L (latitude/longitude/location). For %D/%M/%S codes, width, precision, space, zero, minus flags can be given, and d, i, f, g flags print according to that standard code:

Code Prints
%D Degrees (default space-padded)
%M Minutes (default zero-padded)
%S Seconds (default zero-padded)
%H Hemisphere letter
%h Hemisphere sign
%o ISO-8859-1 degree sign
%O UTF-8 degree sign
%% Percent sign

Format escape codes:

Format escape code Prints as
\a Bell character (ASCII 7)
\b Backspace (ASCII 8)
\e Escape character (ASCII 27)
\f Form feed (ASCII 12)
\n Newline (ASCII 10)
\r Carriage return (ASCII 13)
\t Tab (ASCII 9)
\v Vertical tab (ASCII 11)
\\ Backslash
\xhh Hexadecimal escape. hh is 1 or more hex digits.
\ooo Octal escape. ooo is 1 to 3 octal digits.

fmt returns nothing. strfmt returns the formatted output as a string in $ret.

[more about: fmt, strfmt] [^top^]

<fmtcp $setting [args ...]>

fmtcp controls various facets of fmt and variable printing behavior. The possible settings are:

Setting Action
query $fmt $query Sets <fmt> string and Metamorph query for hit markup
sandblast [noesc] $search $replace Set search and replace expressions for <sb>
sandcall [noesc] $search $func Set search expressions and callback functions for <sb>. Callback params: hit expn tag attrs vals
promoteints on|off Whether to automatically promote integer format codes in <fmt> to largest type available
defaults Restores default settings
querystyle $CSSstyle|default Sets inline style for highlighting entire query (with delimiters)
querysetstyles [$CSSstyles ...]|[default] Sets inline styles for sets' highlighting
queryclass $class|default Sets class name for highlighting the entire query (with delimiters)
querysetclasses [$classes ...]|[default] Sets class names for highlighting sets
queryclassesprefix $prefix|default Sets all highlighting classes to $prefix plus default name
querysetcyclenum $n|default Sets maximum number of distinct sets to highlight before recycling styles/classes
highlightwithindoc on|off Whether to use querystyle / queryclass when query has no delimiters or delimiters are whole document. Default off
queryfixupmode withindot|findsets How to modify queries during highlighting so all requested terms are highlighted

fmtcp has no effect on $ret.

See also: fmt, strfmt, mm, sb, rex, split

[more about: fmtcp] [^top^]

<fmtinfo $value>

fmtinfo obtains the current values for various facets of fmt and variable printing behavior. The possible values are:

Setting Returns
stylesheet CSS stylesheet for classes currently defined for query highlighting

fmtinfo returns a value according to its arguments.

[more about: fmtinfo] [^top^]

<geo2code $lat $lon [$radius]>

geo2code returns a long integer for each latitude/longitude coordinate pair given, for a BETWEEN(aaa, bbb) GIS search. If a $radius argument is given, geo2code returns a comma-separated parenthetical pair of numbers instead, for the bounding box that contains a circle of that radius centered on the point. All arguments are Texis/Vortex DDDMMSS integers (DMS "degrees minutes seconds" format, west-positive).

See also: <code2geo> Vortex function, latlon2geocode(), latlong2geocodearea() SQL functions

[more about: geo2code] [^top^]


The getpid function returns the integer Vortex process ID.

See also: sysinfo, procexists, kill

[more about: getpid] [^top^]

<getvar [NOMSG] $var>

The getvar function returns the values of the (single) named variable.

See also: setvar, readvars, varinfo

[more about: getvar] [^top^]

<hash [options ...] [DATA=]$buf[ /]>
<hash [options ...]> ... </hash>


Option Action Default
TYPE=$type Type of hash to produce gw
OUTPUT=$what What to print (not return) none
RET=$what What to return (not print) Depends on TYPE
DATA=$buf Source data to hash Last unnamed param, or output of enclosed block
PROVTYPE=$provtype Optional provider type Depends on TYPE
PROVIDER=$provider Optional crypto provider Depends on TYPE

Hash TYPEs:

TYPE value Supported by PROVTYPEs Produces Default return type
gw texis gw (Webinator) style hash; default counter
crc32 texis CRC32-compatible 32-bit checksum long
adler32 texis Adler32-compatible 32-bit checksum long
OpenSSL digest name openssl OpenSSL hash (e.g. md5) hex
Microsoft CryptoAPI algorithm PROV_... Microsoft CALG_... hash hex

Microsoft CryptoAPI algorithm TYPEs:


OUTPUT and RET values:

Value Produces
bin varbyte hash
counter counter hash (big-endian)
hex hexadecimal varchar hash
input the input data (useful for OUTPUT)
long long hash (big-endian)
none nothing



PROVIDER values:

PROVIDER value Supported by PROVTYPEs
texis texis
Registered OpenSSL engine openssl
MS_DEF_DSS_DH_PROV PROV_... (Microsoft CryptoAPI)
MS_DEF_DSS_PROV PROV_... (Microsoft CryptoAPI)
MS_DEF_PROV PROV_... (Microsoft CryptoAPI)
MS_DEF_RSA_SIG_PROV PROV_... (Microsoft CryptoAPI)
MS_ENHANCED_PROV PROV_... (Microsoft CryptoAPI)

The hash function returns a hash or checksum value for each value of DATA=$buf (or the output of the enclosed block). The return type varies with options but defaults to counter.

See also: fetch, urlinfo

[more about: hash] [^top^]

<header NAME=$name [VALUE=$value] [options]>
<header COOKIE=$name [VALUE=$value] [options] [cookie-options]>

PRINTIF valid for both NAME and COOKIE. All other options are COOKIE only:

Option Effect
PRINTIF=flag[,...] Only print if protocol and content conditions true Restrict cookie to domain (default remote client)
MAX-AGE=seconds Expire cookie after given number of seconds (default session)
EXPIRES=time Expire cookie after Texis-parseable time (default session)
PATH=/path Restrict cookie to given URL path (default /)
SECUREIF=flag[,...] Set Secure flag if conditions met
HTTPONLY Set HttpOnly flag in header; prevents client script access

PRINTIF / SECUREIF condition flags:

Flag Type Condition
http protocol True if running under CGI with HTTP
https protocol True if running under CGI with HTTPs
cmdline protocol True if running from command line
headers content True if CGI and still printing headers (default)
content content True if command line, or CGI and past headers
always protocol, content Always true

header returns nothing.

See also: URL syntax, EXPORT, RFC 2109 (cookie specification)

[more about: header] [^top^]

<IF condition1>
  ... statements if condition1 true ...
[<ELSEIF condition2>
  ... statements if condition2 true ...]
  ... statements if both are false ...]

Condition may be simple: arg1 op arg2 where op is one of:

eq Equals
neq or ne Does not equal
gt Greater than
gte or ge Greater than or equal to
lt Less than
lte or le Less than or equal to
nmod Not mod: true if arg1 mod arg2 is 0

Or condition may be a SQL WHERE clause.

See also: SWITCH

[more about: IF, ELSE, ELSEIF] [^top^]

<kill $pid [$sig]>

To each process id in $pid, the kill function sends the signal in the corresponding value of $sig. If fewer values of $sig are present than $pid, the last is re-used; if none are given, SIGTERM (15) is used. Signals may be given as numbers or names (e.g. "SIGHUP" and 1 are generally equivalent).

The kill function returns 1 if the call succeeds, 0 if not. In version 3.01.983500000 20010301 and earlier, nothing is returned.

See also: getpid, procexists

[more about: kill] [^top^]


loadavg returns a list of 3 double values representing the system load averages. In the event of an error, -1 is returned for one or more of the values.

See also: sysinfo

[more about: loadavg] [^top^]

<LOCAL var[=value|$initValue] ...]>

Defines and declares given variables to be local. Scope ends at matching </LOCAL> tag, or end of enclosing block if not given.

See also: Function definitions, Variable scope discussion

[more about: LOCAL] [^top^]

<loguser $REMOTE_ADDR [$limit]>

loguser returns "Success", or "Fail" if more than $limit (default 5) distinct users have accessed the server in the past minute (as counted by loguser). The count for the given user is updated in either case.

See also: userstats, resetstats

[more about: loguser] [^top^]

<LOOP [SKIP=s] [MAX=m] [REV] $var1 ...>
  ... statements ...

Iterates over named variables, one value per loop iteration.

Option Action
SKIP=s Skip initial s values
MAX=n Stop after n iterations
REV Loop in reverse order

$loop and $next are set at start of each iteration and at loop end:

Variable Value
$loop SKIP plus number of previous iterations
$next $loop + 1 inside loop, $loop at end

See also: SQL, BREAK

[more about: LOOP] [^top^]

<lower $str [$mode]>

lower returns its $str parameter with all values converted to lower case characters. $mode is an optional stringcomparemode value.

See also: upper, strfold

[more about: lower] [^top^]

varstrlst mailParseAliases(varchar aliases, varchar what
                           [, varchar flags])


  • aliases - A varchar string in sendmail /etc/aliases format

  • what - A varchar field indicating what to return:

    • "aliases" - List of entries' aliases (left side)

    • "targets" - List of entries' targets (right side)

    • "types" - List of entries' types: "include", "fail", "pipe", "file", "address"

  • flags - An optional CSV list of flags:

    • "includes" - Parse include files (default)

    • "noincludes" - Do not parse include files


  • A varstrlst list of aliases, targets or types

[more about: mailParseAliases] [^top^]

<mm> ... $variables ... </mm>

Enables/disables automatic hit markup of printed variables, previously configured with fmtcp.

<mm> and </mm> have no effect on $ret.

See also: fmtcp, fmt, strfmt, sb

[more about: mm] [^top^]

<nsinfo $name [$which]>

Name Returns
addrs List of IP addresses in reply
name Canonical host name
aliases Aliases known for the host
errnum Error code (not protocol code)
errmsg Error message
replyheader Text info about reply header: id, flags, opcode, response code
replyrecords Reply records text info. $which is query, answer, authority, additional or all
rawreply Raw varbyte packet data from reply

Error codes and messages:

Code Message
0 Ok
1 No recovery
2 Try again
3 Cannot open hosts file
4 Cannot connect to nameserver
5 Nameserver connection refused
6 Nameserver query timeout
7 Host not found
8 Bad IP address
9 Incorrect usage
10 Out of memory
11 Bad service
12 No data
13 Internal error
14 Unknown error

nsinfo returns the requested information from the last nslookup completed.

See also: urlcp, nslookup

[more about: nsinfo] [^top^]

<nslookup [options] $host|$ip[ /]>
<nslookup PARALLEL[=n] [opts] [HOSTS|ADDRS=]$hosts|$ips [$loopvar ...]>

Option Action
BYADDR Do IP-to-name lookup (default if ADDRS= given)
BYNAME Do name-to-IP lookup (default if HOSTS= given)
MTERR Return empty string if item not resolved (default return as-is)
[HOSTS=]$hosts or [ADDRS=]$ips List of hosts or IPs to resolve

nslookup returns the resolved IP address or domain name, as appropriate. On error, either the original value or an empty string is returned, depending on the MTERR flag.

See also: urlcp, nsinfo, fetch

[more about: nslookup] [^top^]

<options $values $selected $output
         [$classes [$ids [$titles]]]>

Prints HTML <option> for each $output value; $values are the corresponding values. $values matching any of the $selected values are pre-selected. $classes gives CSS classes to assign, $id gives id attributes, $titles gives titles (i.e. hover text).

options returns nothing.

See also: radiobutton, checkbox

[more about: options] [^top^]

<pagelinks [options]>

Option Action Default
SKIPVAR Name of <SQL SKIP> variable <SQL SKIP> var, or skip
NUMROWS Max total rows query will return $rows.max
PGSZ Rows per page <SQL MAX> value, or 10
MAXPGS Max number of page links 10
SUMFUNC Function name to print "X through Y of Z documents" sumfunc
PREVFUNC Function name to print previous-page link prevfunc
NEXTFUNC Function name to print next-page link nextfunc
PGFUNC Function name to print numbered page links pgfunc
ORDER Call order for ...FUNCs sum,prev,page,next
URLEND Function/MIME extension to add to URLs /$urlfunc$urlext

pagelinks returns 0.

See also: SQL and its special variables, especially $rows.min and $rows.max

[more about: pagelinks] [^top^]

<pdfxml $query $Body [options ...]>

Prints XML for Adobe browser plugin to highlight terms while displaying a PDF. Options:

Option Action
$color Color to highlight terms with; #RRGGBB form
words Hit markup should use word mode (default)
characters Hit markup should use character mode
active PDF viewer should jump to first match
passive PDF viewer should not jump to first match
showhits Include matching terms in XML output as comments
startpage $pg or startpg $pg Page that $Body starts at (default 0)
charset $charset Charset of $Body (default ISO-8859-1)

The pdfxml function returns a list of strings to be sent to the Web browser's PDF viewer plugin.

[more about: pdfxml] [^top^]

<!-- pragma [push|pop] name [value] -->

Inline compiler directive; takes effect after location in code.

Name Default Controls
strictcomment on Strict comments (<!-- not <!)
nestcomment off Nestable comments
literalprint on Allow literal text and variable printing
compilesqlexpressions on Compilation of SQL expressions

See also: urlcp

[more about: pragma] [^top^]

<procexists $pid>

The procexists function returns 1 if the process exists, or 0 if not, for each $pid.

See also: sysinfo, getpid, kill

[more about: procexists] [^top^]

<profiler INIT $table [$profile [$field [$db]]]>
<profiler GET $msg [$profile]>

Example usage:

  ... create table SearchTable with queries and index ...
  <profiler INIT SearchTable testProfile QueryField>
  ... get new message $msg ...
  <profiler GET $msg testProfile>        <!-- trim the $msg -->
  <SQL "select Name from SearchTable where QueryField likein $ret">
     $Name matches the message

The profiler INIT command returns "Ok" on success, otherwise a human-readable error message. The profiler GET command returns the intersection of the words in msg with those in the index.

See also: xtree, wordlist

[more about: profiler] [^top^]

<PUTMSG call|log|print|all|override on|off|exceptiononly>

Directive: whether to log, print, and/or call <putmsg> on errors. <vxcp putmsg> usually overrides this. Default is log and print on, unless a <putmsg> function is defined, in which case default is call on and log / print exceptiononly. override and call are on / off only.

See also: vxcp, Error Messages section (Vortex Error Messages), ErrorScript ErrorFile settings in texis.ini (Vortex texis.ini Configuration Settings)

[more about: PUTMSG] [^top^]

<pwencrypt $pass $salt>

pwencrypt returns each $pass password, encrypted Unix-style. A random salt is used if $salt is empty.

See also: encrypt, decrypt

[more about: pwencrypt] [^top^]

<radiobutton $name $values $selected $output
             [$classes [$ids [$titles]]]>

Prints HTML radiobutton for each $output value. $name is the name for the radiobuttons, $values are the values. $values matching any of the $selected values are pre-checked. $classes gives CSS classes to assign, $id gives id attributes, $titles gives titles (i.e. hover text).

radiobutton returns nothing.

See also: options, checkbox

[more about: radiobutton] [^top^]

<rand $min $max>

rand returns a pseudo-random integer n, $min <= n < $max.

See also: randpick, srand

[more about: rand] [^top^]

<randpick $var>

The randpick function returns a single randomly-selected value of $var, as a string.

See also: rand, srand

[more about: randpick] [^top^]

<read $files [$offset [$length]]>

read returns a list of the contents of each file, from the indicated offset and length. Empty value(s) indicate an error reading the file or the file was empty.

See also: READLN, spew, fetch, submit

[more about: read] [^top^]

<READLN [options] $file[ /]>
  ... statements ...

Reads text one line at a time from $file, looping over each.

Option Action
REV Read file in reverse order, starting from end.
START=$expr Start returning lines with first match of REX expression $expr.
END=$expr Stop returning lines with first match of REX expression $expr
MAX=$n Return at most $n lines.
MAXLINES=$lines Read at most $lines from file.
ROW Do not append lines to, nor loop over, $ret.
SKIP=$n Skip (do not return) the first $n lines that would otherwise be returned.

READLN returns a list of the lines read from the file (without newlines), or the last line read if ROW is set.

See also: read, spew, WRITE

[more about: READLN] [^top^]

<readvars $srcvarnames [$destvarnames] $urldata>

The readvars function returns the number of values that were URL-decoded and assigned from $urldata. $srcvarnames is the list of valid $urldata variable names; $destvarnames is the optional list of Vortex variables to assign to.

See also: fmt "%U", fmt "%!U", getvar, setvar

[more about: readvars] [^top^]

<resetstats $REMOTE_ADDR>

The resetstats function resets the user access count - maintained by loguser - for the given user to 0. If the $REMOTE_ADDR argument is empty, all users are reset.

resetstats returns nothing.

See also: loguser, userstats

[more about: resetstats] [^top^]

<RETURN [$value]>

End current function.

RETURN sets a return value if an argument is given.

See also: BREAK, exit

[more about: RETURN] [^top^]

<rex $expr $data[ /]>                <split $expr $data[ /]>
  or                                   or
<rex [options] $expr $data>          <split [options] $expr $data>
  ...                                  ...
</rex>                               </split>

Specifying any option makes the statement looping. Options:

Option Action
ROW Do not accumulate nor loop $ret
SKIP=$n Skip first $n matches; does not affect $loop
MAX=$n Return at most $n matches
SPLIT Act as <split>: return non-matches instead
NONEMPTY Only return non-empty matches
SYNTAX=re2|rex Expression syntax is RE2 or REX

rex returns a list of the matching hits from $data. split returns a list of the non-matching data. If looping, the corresponding byte offset into the current search item is returned in $ as well.

[more about: rex, split] [^top^]

<rmcommon $data $template [$maxrm]>

The rmcommon function removes the prefix and suffix text from each $data value that is shared with the corresponding $template value. Up to $maxrm characters are removed, rounded down to the nearest word boundary; the default is the maximum amount of common text. This function is useful in stripping common header and footer text from web pages before indexing.

rmcommon returns $data with its common prefix/suffix text removed.

[more about: rmcommon] [^top^]

<sandr $expr $replace $data>

Special replacement string characters:

Character sequence Replaced with
? Same-position character from hit
{N} Nth character from hit
\N Nth subexpression hit (numbered from 1)
\& Full expression hit (sans \P and \F parts)
+ Incrementing decimal number
#N N subexpression in hexadecimal
\xNN Hexadecimal character NN

sandr returns the $data list with any replacements made.

[more about: sandr] [^top^]

<sb> ... $variables ... </sb>

Enables/disables automatic search-and-blast (sandblast) or search-and-call (sandcall) markup of printed variables, previously configured with fmtcp.

<sb> and </sb> have no effect on $ret.

See also: fmtcp, fmt strfmt, mm

[more about: sb] [^top^]

<SCHEDULE [options] WHEN=schedule [--] [var=val] [...]>

Schedule script for periodic execution according to schedule, which is a vCalendar schedule or one of the following:

[EVERY] [n] DAY[S]|DAILY timeofday [minutes]
[EVERY] [n] WEEK[S|LY] [ON] weekday timeofday [minutes]
     weekday|DAY [OF THE MONTH] timeofday [minutes]


minutes = [EVERY] [n] MIN[UTE[S]] [[REPEAT] n [TIME[S]]
timeofday = AT [h]h[:][[m]m] [A|P[M]]

Option Action
START=date Start schedule on or after Texis date. Default now.
URLEND=/func.txt Append /func.txt to URL when running.
COMMENT=text Add comment to -LS schedule listing.
FLAGS=flags Send space-separated flags, e.g. mutex, nomutex.
-- End of options (optional variable assignments follow).

See also: Vortex Scheduling

[more about: SCHEDULE] [^top^]

<send $values>

send prints each of the $values out as-is, without the HTML escapement normally done with variables.

send returns nothing.

See also: spew, VERB

[more about: send] [^top^]

<setvar [flags] $var $values>

The setvar function sets the single variable named by $var to $values, and returns nothing.

See also: getvar, readvars

[more about: setvar] [^top^]

<sleep $seconds [wake]>

sleep returns the number of seconds remaining to be slept (a float), which is normally 0. However, if the "wake" argument is given, sleep may wake up early and return a non-zero value, if a signal was caught. (This can be used to wait for another process to signal the script and wake it up.)

[more about: sleep] [^top^]

<slist $intersect $values>

slist returns a Metamorph query for $intersect intersections of the values of $values.

See also: clist, Metamorph documentation

[more about: slist] [^top^]

<sort [flags] $var [ICASE|NUM] [DESC|ASC] [$var2 ...]>

Flags that may appear first, before any variables:

Flag Action
SHORTEST Sort shortest variable's number of values
LONGEST Sort longest variable's number of values (default)

sort returns the sorted list in $ret if one variable is given; otherwise it returns nothing and the variables are sorted in place.

See also: uniq

[more about: sort] [^top^]

<spew $files [$offset [$length]]>

The spew function reads each file given in $files and prints it out verbatim. If "-" (single dash) is given, the standard input is sent.

spew returns 1 for each value of $files if successful, or an empty string if not.

See also: send, read, fetch

[more about: spew] [^top^]

<SQL [options] "SQL command" ["SQL fragment" ...][ /]>
  ... Vortex statements ...

Executes SQL command, looping for each row returned. Multiple arguments concatenated to produce SQL command. Returned columns become Vortex variables, one value per loop.

Option Action
SKIP=n Skip first n rows.
MAX=n Return at most n rows.
NOVARS[=varname[,varname,...]] Do not return any variables from statement. If varnames given, skip those variables only.
OKVARS=varname[,varname,...] Only return variables in the given list.
ROW Do not append return variables: clear at each iteration. Do not enter loop context for return variables.
DB=db Database to use for this statement. Default is current database.
USER=user SQL user to access database as. Default is set with <USER>, or PUBLIC if not set.
PASS=password SQL password. Default is set with <PASS>, or empty if not set.
NULL=value $null for this statement. Defaults to $null variable value.
NONULL Use no-value $null for this statement. Defaults to $null variable value.
OUTPUT=xml[:ado][:[no]utf8][:base64] Also print returned variables' data, in specified format.
PROVIDER=$provider Windows: provider to use; default is texis.
CONNECTSTR=$connectstr Windows: ODBC connection string if PROVIDER is odbc.
PARAMPREFIX=$prefix Use Vortex variable parameter name prefix $prefix.

Special variables set by <SQL>. All are set at the start of each iteration, and at normal loop end, unless otherwise noted:

Variable Value
$loop Number of previous iterations (not including SKIP)
$next SKIP + $loop (+ 1 if not loop end)
$indexcount (Deprecated) Number of index rows. Set at start of first iteration.
$rows.min (Deprecated) Minimum number of rows to be returned
$rows.max (Deprecated) Maximum number of rows to be returned
$sqlresult.matchedmin Minimum number of rows that will match
$sqlresult.matchedmax Maximum number of rows that will match
$sqlresult.returnedmin Minimum number of rows to be returned
$sqlresult.returnedmax Maximum number of rows to be returned
$sqlresult.indexcount Number of index rows, or -1 if unknown

[more about: SQL] [^top^]


Directive: number of Texis handles to cache for SQL statements. Default is 2.

See also: SQL, sqlcp

[more about: SQLCACHE] [^top^]

<sqlcp $name $value [...]>

Controls various low-level SQL parameters or actions not settable with apicp.

Setting Action
cache cleanupinterval $n Interval in seconds to clean up SQL handle cache
cache close [db|exceptdb $dbList] Closes SQL handle cache (optionally just for/not-for given databases)
cache stats Print SQL cache statistics
cache resetstats Clears SQL cache statistics
createlocksmethods $methods Set createlocks methods
expressioncache close|{maxnum $N} Closes compiled SQL expression cache; or sets limit to $N
singleuser Set single-user mode (caution); default off
arrayconvert [sql[,timport,assign,expr,all ...]] [params|results ...] on|off [$type ...] Controls Vortex array conversion to/from SQL parameter
arrayconvert default|builtin Sets texis.ini or factory default
nulloutputstring $string Sets NULL output string
tracesql SQL tracing level (default 0; use 3)
tracemetamorph Metamorph tracing bit flags (default 0)
tracerowfields Texis read-rows trace table(s) and field(s) (default empty)
traceindex Metamorph index search tracing level (default 0)
tracekdbf KDBF tracing level; can be summary, a KDBF file, or bit flags (default 0)
autocreatedb Whether to automatically create databases when needed (default on)
lookahead Whether to do one-row look-ahead for SQL select (default on)
rmlocks [force] [verbose] $db Remove stale/all locks on database
addtable $file [$tbname [$db [$com [$user [$pass [$bits]]]]]] Add a raw .tbl file to database
copydbf $src $dest [$skip [$max]] Copies data from KDBF file $src, appends to or creates $dest

sqlcp returns a setting-specific value.

See also: apicp, SQLCACHE

[more about: sqlcp] [^top^]

<srand $seed>

Seeds the pseudo-random number generator used by rand. An empty string for $seed will cause a semi-random seed to be used.

The srand function returns the previous seed value.

See also: rand, randpick

[more about: srand] [^top^]


Directive: sets Vortex call stack limit (-1 for no limit). Default is 250. One stack level used per function, block or loop call.

See also: vxcp

[more about: STACK] [^top^]

<stat [options] $path[ /]> [</stat>]

Obtains information about file(s). Options:

Option Action
ROW Do not accumulate nor loop-context return variables
SKIP=n Skip first n return values
MAX=n Return at most n values, after SKIP, globbing and recursion
MAXDEPTH=n Descend at most n directories deep from top-level $path (default 0; negative is no limit)
NAME=wildcard Only return files whose name (not path) matches wildcard spec.
ALL Return all entries; do not skip "." and ".."
SAMEDEV Stay on same device as current $path argument (may not work under Windows)
DEPTHFIRST Traverse directory contents before returning directory (default return dir first)
SYMLINK Return information about symlinks, not the files they point to. Does not affect $ret.symlink nor $ret.sympath; affects $ret.mode etc.
FOLLOWSYM Follow symbolic links that point to directories when traversing
GLOB Do shell-style file globbing: expand * and ? wildcards in original $path (default no globbing)
SORT=none|name|size|atime|mtime|ctime Sort contents of each directory traversed (default name)
ASC Sort directories' files in ascending order (default)
DESC Sort directories' files in descending order

Returned variables:

Variable Contains
$ret File path
$ret.err Error from stat(), or empty if no error
$ret.depth Number of directories traversed from an original $path to this file
$ret.symlink Raw target of the symlink (non-symlink files: empty)
$ret.sympath Target of symlink, as corrected path from top-level $path
$ret.size (long, int64 or double) Size of file, in bytes
$ret.owner Owner of file
$ Group of file
$ret.isrd 1 if file is readable with current permissions, 0 if not
$ret.iswr 1 if file is writable with current permissions, 0 if not
$ret.isex 1 if file is executable with current permissions, 0 if not
$ret.mode Type and permissions of the file, Unix 10-character ls style
$ret.attrib Windows file attributes, CSV
$ret.atime Last-access time of file
$ret.mtime Last-modify time of file
$ret.ctime Last-change (i.e. of attributes) time of file
$ret.nlinks Number of hard links to file
$ret.devtype Device type number file is on (Unix)
$ Device major/minor number (Unix); drive letter (Windows, unreliable)
$ret.ino Inode of file (Unix)
$ret.blks Blocks consumed by file
$ret.blksize Preferred block size for file's device

stat returns the file path in $ret, plus various other $ret.... variables as listed above. If the looping syntax is used (a closing </stat> tag), $loop and $next are set as well as the other variables.

See also: sysutil, read, WRITE

[more about: stat] [^top^]

<strcmp $a $b [$mode]>
<strcmpi $a $b [$mode]>

The strcmp function compares every value of $a against every value of $b as a string. For each comparison, an integer value is returned:

  • < 0 if $a < $b

  • 0 if $a = $b

  • > 0 if $a > $b

The optional $mode argument is a stringcomparemode-style (here) compare mode to use; the default is the current apicp stringcomparemode, with "ignorecase" added for strcmpi. The $mode values are used in the same order as $b values. The $mode argument was added in version 6.

strcmp and strcmpi return A*B integer values (A and B being the number of values of $a and $b).

See also: strncmp, strnicmp, strfoldcmp

[more about: strcmp, strcmpi] [^top^]

<strfold $str [$mode]>

strfold returns its $str argument with all values folded according to the corresponding stringcomparemode $mode value.

See also: strfoldcmp, upper, lower

[more about: strfold] [^top^]

<strfoldcmp $a $b [$mode]>

strfoldcmp returns an integer corresponding to the sort order of $a and $b according to stringcomparemode $mode.

See also: strfold, upper, lower

[more about: strfoldcmp] [^top^]

<strlen $str [$mode]>

strlen returns the character (not necessarily byte) length of each string value of $str, according to stringcomparemode $mode.

See also: varinfo

[more about: strlen] [^top^]

<strncmp $a $b $len [$mode]>
<strnicmp $a $b $len [$mode]>

Same as strcmp and strcmpi, but compare only up to $len characters (not necessarily bytes). $mode is a stringcomparemode to use.

strncmp and strnicmp return A*B integer values (A and B being the number of values of $a and $b).

See also: strcmp, strcmpi

[more about: strncmp, strnicmp] [^top^]

<strrev $str [$mode]>

strrev returns the values of $str reversed (as character not byte strings), according to stringcomparemode $mode.

[more about: strrev] [^top^]

<strstr $needle $haystack [$mode]>
<strstri $needle $haystack [$mode]>

strstr and strstri return N*H values (N and H being the number of values in $needle and $haystack), i.e. there is exactly one return value for each $needle/$haystack combination. Each return value is the character index into the $haystack value where the corresponding $needle value was first found (0 for first character), or -1 if the $needle value was not found. The first N return values are for the first $haystack value (in $needle order), the next N return values are for the second $haystack value, etc. $mode is a stringcomparemode value.

See also: substr

[more about: strstr, strstri] [^top^]

<strtonum $str>

strtonum returns the double numeric value of each of its string arguments, or 0 if unparseable.

See also: sum

[more about: strtonum] [^top^]

<submit [options] URL=$theURL [var=value ...]>

Submits an HTML form, i.e. fetches a URL with variables set. Options are set before variable assignments:

Option Action
URL=$theURL URL to fetch (required)
METHOD=$method HTTP (or other protocol) method to use (default POST); OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, MKDIR or RENAME
DATA=$data Raw data to send (instead of file or variable list)
FROMFILE=$file File to send (instead of data or variable list)
TOFILE=$file Save received content to file $file instead of variable $ret
CONTENT-TYPE=$type Content type of request (default none, or application/x-www-form-urlencoded if variables set)

submit returns the raw document fetched.

See also: fetch, urlinfo, urlcp

[more about: submit] [^top^]

<substr $str $offset $len [$mode]>

substr returns a list of S*O substrings of $str (S and O being the number of values of $str and $offset). Uses stringcomparemode $mode.

See also: strstr

[more about: substr] [^top^]

<sum $fmt $var [$var ...]>

sum returns the arithmetic sum or string concatenation of its $var arguments, depending on the $fmt code.

See also: fmt, strfmt

[more about: sum] [^top^]

<SWITCH switchval>
  <CASE value1[ /]>
    ... statements if switchval = value1 ...
  <CASE op value2[ /]>
    ... statements if switchval op value2 is true ...
  <DEFAULT[ /]>
    ... statements if no <CASE> matches ...

switchval is a single variable or literal. First matching/true <CASE> is executed. If none match and <DEFAULT> is present, it is executed. Same operators as <IF>.

See also: IF, ELSE, ELSEIF

[more about: SWITCH] [^top^]

<syscp $what [$arg ...]>

Set system or OS parameters. Options are:

Option Action
chdir $dir or cd $dir Change current working directory to $dir
umask $mode Change process's umask to $mode (chmod-style bitmask; these bits are masked off)
setenv $varname $value [$overwrite] Set environment variable (default $overwrite is yes)

syscp returns an empty string on success, otherwise a string describing the error.

See also: sysinfo, sysutil

[more about: syscp] [^top^]

<sysinfo $what [$arg ...]>

Obtains various system or OS information. Options:

Option Returns
time Current wall-clock (real) time, in seconds (and fraction) since midnight Jan. 1 1970 GMT, as a double
proctime User, system and real process times, in seconds (and fraction) since process start, as 3 double values
procmem Virtual size and resident set size of process, in bytes, as 2 long values (-1 on error)
physmem Physical system memory, in bytes (-1 on error)
getpid or pid Process ID, as integer
getppid or ppid Parent process' ID, as an integer (not supported for Windows)
procexists 1 if process id exists, 0 if not
loadavg 3 system load averages as doubles (-1 on error)
cwd or pwd or getcwd Current working directory of process
platform String describing the hardware, vendor, OS and file bit size that Texis executable was created for
regquery $key $subkey $name [$default] Windows registry query; return $default if not found or unimplemented
resourcestat [$who] $statName Usage of resource $statName
umask Process's umask, as a chmod-style symbolic string
getenv $var Value of environment variable named by $var
availablespace $path Free disk space for non-root in bytes for each filesystem in $path (-1 on error; inaccurate on some old platforms)
freespace $path Free disk space for root in bytes for each filesystem in $path (-1 on error; inaccurate on some old platforms)
totalspace $path Total disk space in bytes for each filesystem in $path (-1 on error; inaccurate on some old platforms)
usedspacepercent $path Percent disk space in use for each filesystem in $path (-1 on error; inaccurate on some old platforms)
hostname Machine's hostname as configured
fullhostname Machine's hostname, fully-qualified via DNS
user or realuser Current real user name running the script
effectiveuser Current effective user name running the script
maxdescriptors Maximum number of open file descriptors possible (-1 if unknown)
opendescriptors Current number of open file descriptors (-1 if unknown)

sysinfo returns various OS-level parameters depending on its first argument.

See also: syscp, sysutil

[more about: sysinfo] [^top^]

<sysutil $action [option ...] $arg [...]>

Various system and OS utilities. Actions are:

Action What it does
mkdir|md $dir [...] Creates each directory $dir
chown|lchown $owner $file [...] Changes ownership of each file or symlink $file
chgrp|lchgrp $group $file [...] Changes group of each file or symlink $file
chmod $mode $file [...] Changes file permissions of each $file; $mode is octal or symbolic
attrib $attrs $file [...] Changes file attributes (Windows). $attrs may be octal or symbolic: {+|-|=}token[,token...][,{+|-|=}token[,token...]]. Tokens: readonly, hidden, system, volumelabel, directory, archive, device, normal, temporary, sparsefile, reparsepoint, compressed, offline, notcontentindexed, encrypted
rm|del|delete $file [...] Removes each $file
rmdir|rd $dir [...] Removes each directory $dir
mv|rename $src [...] $dest Moves each $src file to the corresponding value of $dest.
cp|copy $src [...] $dest Copies each $src file to the corresponding value of $dest
link|symlink $target [...] $name Creates a link $name to the specified $target. Unix only
sync Calls sync() to flush system write buffers to disk (Unix only)
touch $file [...] Touches (updates timestamps on) $file

sysutil returns an empty string on success, otherwise a string describing the first error encountered.

See also: stat, sysinfo, syscp

[more about: sysutil] [^top^]

<TIMEOUT = n[ /]>
  ... text/HTML to print on timeout ...

The TIMEOUT directive sets a timeout (in seconds) for the execution of the Vortex script. If script execution takes longer than n seconds, the enclosed text or HTML is printed and the script exits. Command-line option -t overrides this directive, and <vxcp timeout> overrides -t. The text to print can be overridden at runtime (in version 7 and later) with <vxcp timeouttext>. The default timeout is 30 seconds.

See also: vxcp

[more about: TIMEOUT] [^top^]

<TIMPORT [options] $schema [FROMFILE] $data|$file>
  ... statements ...

Imports data from each $data value (or file $file if FROMFILE), using TIMPORT schema $schema. Returned fields assigned to Vortex variables, ala <SQL> statement.

Option Action
SKIP=n Skip first n rows.
MAX=n Return at most n rows.
NOVARS[=varname[,varname,...]] Do not return any variables from import. If varnames given, skip those variables only.
OKVARS=varname[,varname,...] Only return variables in the given list.
ROW Do not append return variables: clear at each iteration. Do not enter loop context for return variables.
OUTPUT=xml[:ado][:[no]utf8][:base64] Also print returned variables' data, in specified format.
FROMFILE Import from file $file instead of $data buffer.

Special variables set by <TIMPORT>. All are set at the start of each iteration, and at normal loop end, unless otherwise noted:

Variable Value
$loop Number of previous iterations (not including SKIP)
$next SKIP + $loop (+ 1 if not loop end)

See also: SQL, LOOP, BREAK

[more about: TIMPORT] [^top^]

<TRACESQL on|off|N>

Directive: turns SQL statement tracing (via putmsgs) on, off, or sets level N.

See also: sqlcp, -tracesql command line option

[more about: TRACESQL] [^top^]

<TRAP [CONNRESET=on|off|N] [[SIGNALS=]on|off|N]>

Directive: turns signal and connection-reset trapping on or off. For debug use. Overridden by -x command-line option, <vxcp trap|connreset> call.

SIGNALS value is an integer whose bits mean the following:

  • 0x0001: Catch non-ABEND signals (e.g. SIGTERM)

  • 0x0002: Catch ABEND signals (e.g. SIGSEGV)

  • 0x0004: Try to dump core after ABEND via NULL dereference

  • 0x0008: Try to dump core after ABEND via signal return

  • 0x0010: Print registers at ABEND

  • 0x0020: Print 1KB of stack at ABEND

  • 0x0040: Print 16KB of stack at ABEND

  • 0x0080: Print location details (if known) at ABEND

  • 0x0100: Ignore SIGHUP signals (Unix)

  • 0x0200: Treat timeout as ABEND, i.e. try to dump core if 0x0004 set

  • 0x0400: Print command line of signalling PID if known

  • 0x0800: Same info as 0x0400, but also for signalling PPID. If 0x0400 set too, print info for signaller's entire ancestry.

  • 0x1000: Print a backtrace for ABEND signals

The default value "on" is the same as 0x1483; "off" is 0.

The CONNRESET flags are:

  • 0x0001: Trap SIGIO SO_ERROR recognized error

  • 0x0002: Trap SIGIO MSG_PEEK recognized error

  • 0x0004: Trap SIGIO MSG_PEEK no data

  • 0x0008: Log truncated standard-out data if possible

  • 0x0010: Debug print on every SIGIO

  • 0x0020: Continue; do not exit if connection-reset detected

The default value "on" is the same as 7; "off" is 0.

See also: vxcp

[more about: TRAP] [^top^]

<uniq [flags] $var [ICASE|NUM] [DESC|ASC] [$var2 ...]>

Flags that may appear first, before any variables:

Flag Action
SORTED (Optional optimization) Variables are already sorted per given flags
SHORTEST Sort shortest variable's number of values
LONGEST Sort longest variable's number of values (default)

uniq returns the sorted, uniq list in $ret if one variable is given; otherwise it returns nothing and the variables are sorted and unique'd in place. uniqcount returns an integer list in $ret of the number of times each value/row occurred in the previous uniq call.

See also: sort

[more about: uniq, uniqcount] [^top^]

<upper $str [$mode]>

upper returns its $str parameter with all values converted to upper case characters, according to stringcomparemode $mode.

See also: lower, strfold

[more about: upper] [^top^]

<urlcp $setting [$arg ...]>

Control various URL-fetching parameters. Settings are:

Setting Default Controls
8bithtml on Leave 8-bit HTML characters as-is when formatting HTML
acceptcookiedels aka acceptcookiedeletes on Whether to accept cookie deletes, i.e. empty or expired values for cookies already seen
acceptcookiemods on Whether to accept cookie modifications, i.e. new non-empty non-expired values for cookies already seen
acceptcookies on A deprecated alias for acceptnewcookies, acceptcookiemods, acceptcookiedels all together (bit flags)
accept $mediaranges $qualities */* Set HTTP Accept header list to media range and quality values
acceptnewcookies on Whether to accept new cookies (i.e. first-time-seen)
addentropy $entropy [$fraction] From prngd daemon Uses random data in string $entropy to help seed random number generator for SSL/HTTPS plugin initialization. $fraction is fraction of $random considered to be truly random; 0.0 to 1.0 (default 1.0)
alarmclose off Whether to use an alarm() to terminate a blocking connection close()
allowbadchunkedinfo on Allow bad chunked encoding info: pass through data as-is
allowinputfiledefault off Allow default <input type="file"> values
allowpunct on Allow punctuation in HTML tag/attribute names
alttxt on Include ALT text from images and AREAs
authschemes [add|del|set] [$schemes ...] All but NTLMv1 Which authentication schemes to use: one or more of anonymous (i.e. none), FTP, Basic, file, NTLM, NTLMv1 or NTLMv2
badhdrmidok or badheadermidok on Whether to accept malformed headers in the middle (i.e. not last) of response headers
badhdrmsgs or badheadermsgs on Whether to issue a putmsg for malformed response headers
baseurl empty Base URL for relative links when formatting; default if empty is page or <base> URL
charsetconfigfromfile texis.ini [Texis] Charset Config value Load charset configuration from given file
charsetconfigfromtext texis.ini [Texis] Charset Config file contents Parse given text as charset configuration
charsetconverter texis.ini [Texis] Charset Converter value, or "%INSTALLDIR%/etc/iconv" -f %CHARSETFROM% -t %CHARSETTO% -c Charset converter; prefix with %ALL% to use for all charsets (not just external/unknown) or %NONE% for none
charsetmsgs on Whether to issue a putmsg for charset conversion problems
charsetpartialconvok on Whether to accept timeout/non-zero exit of external charset translator program, if at least some output was generated
charsetsrc As-detected Character set of pages' fetched source (try charsetsrcdefault instead)
charsetsrcdefault unknown (as-detected) Character set of pages' fetched source, when it is not labelled or detectable (fallback). Overridden by charsetsrc.
charsettxt or charsettext UTF-8 Character set to return formatted text in (i.e. <urlinfo text>). May be source to use source page's charset. Empty string sets default.
checkidleconneof on Whether idle connections in the Keep-Alive cache are checked for EOF (i.e. server closure) before being reused
clearheaders no arg Clear any headers set with header
clearproxycache no arg Clears bad-proxy and bad-PAC-fetch cache
closeidleconn - Closes any currently idle connections in the Keep-Alive cache
contentlocationasbaseurl on Whether to interpret the Content-Location header (if present) as base URL for document (can be overridden by <base> tag)
cookiedomainmatchself on Whether a cookie's Domain value should match itself when it has a leading dot
cookiejar $cookies [append] As fetched Sets the "cookie jar" (internal list of cookies) by processing the text buffer $cookies, inNetscape or Microsoft Internet Explorer format
cookiemsgs off Whether additional messages are printed when invalid cookies are received and discarded
cookies 15 Controls the acceptnewcookies, sendcookies, acceptcookiemods and acceptcookiedels settings together
cookiewildcards off Controls whether wildcards are acceptable in cookies set with cookiejar
defaults - Resets all urlcp settings to default values
delaysave off Whether to delay the saving (and truncating of previous file) of output when using <submit TOFILE=$file> until the connection starts returning data
del on Inclusion of text inside <DEL> blocks in the formatted text obtained with <urlinfo text>
dnsdomains or dnsdomain Obtained from /etc/resolv.conf etc. List of one or more search domains; limit 5
dnsignoretrunc or dnsigntc on Whether to ignore the TC (truncated message) flag in DNS replies
dnsmode intsys Sets the routines to use for domain name resolution: int, sys or intsys (internal, but fallback to system if no nameservers found)
dnsrecurse on Whether to request recursion to other nameservers when resolving hostnames
dnsretrans 5 Initial retransmit interval (in seconds) for DNS lookups
dnsretry 4 Max number of retries for DNS lookups
dnsservices Read from /etc/host.conf etc. Name resolution services to use and their order: one or more of hosts, bind
domvalue $dom $value - Sets the value of the page DOM item indicated by $dom to $value. Does not affect JavaScript DOM, For <urlinfo domvalue>.
eatlinkspace on Whether to strip leading/trailing whitespace from links before processing into absolute links
embedsecurity off Security level for subsidiary URLs: off, nodecrease, noincrease or sameprotocol
emptyhttp09ok off Whether to accept empty HTTP/0.9 responses, i.e. a 0-byte response with no headers
encodings [add|del|set] [$encodings ...] 7bit 8bit binary identity chunked gzip deflate compress Allowed content/transfer encodings
entropypipe texis.ini [Texis] Entropy Pipe setting Sets the Unix file pipe path used to access the entropy daemon, for SSL/HTTPS plugin on some platforms
fetchmeter none Whether to print a progress meter during fetches: simple, percent or none
filedirrobotsfollow on file:// directory URLs' HTML will contain follow in their <meta> robots tags
filedirrobotsindex off file:// directory URLs' HTML will contain index in their <meta> robots tags
fileexclude none for Windows; /dev/, /proc/, /debug/ for Unix File trees to disallow for local file:// URL fetches
fileinclude non List of required file prefixes for local file:// URL fetches
filenonlocal off How to hanle non-localhost file:// URLs: off, unc, ftp
fileroot none Root directory to prepend to local file:// URL paths
filetypes [add|del|set] [file|dir|device|symlink|other ...] file dir symlink List of allowed file types for local file:// URLs
formatxmlashtml on XML documents are formatted and parsed as HTML
formtxt or formtext on Controls the select, input and textarea settings together
ftpactivepassivefallback on Whether to change FTP active/passive mode on failure
ftpdirrobotsfollow on ftp:// directory URLs' HTML will contain follow in their <meta> robots tags
ftpdirrobotsindex off ftp:// directory URLs' HTML will contain index in their <meta> robots tags
ftppassive on Whether to use FTP passive mode first
ftprelativepaths on Assume FTP paths are login-dir-relative, e.g. ftp://host/dir/file.txt obtained with GET dir/file.txt. If off, use GET /dir/file.txt.
ftpsendrelativepathsasabsolute on Send relative FTP paths as absolute, by prefixing FTP home dir (obtained with PWD).
getframes off Get subsidiary frames and append to formatted text
getiframes off Get subsidiary iframes and merge in formatted text
getscripts off Fetch remote scripts too (if javascript on); do not run just inline scripts
header $name $value As needed Set or override HTTP request headers
httpversion $version 1.1 for v6, 1.0 for v5 HTTP version to use for requests
ifmodsince $time none Sets the HTTP If-Modified-Since header to the given time (Texis or HTTP)
ignoreanchorframes on Whether to ignore src="\#" frames/iframes
input on The VALUE of <INPUT TYPE=text> tags is included in the formatted text obtained with <urlinfo text>
inputfileroot none Root directory to require <input type="file"> values to be under for <urlinfo domvalue "...submitContent">
javascript off Run JavaScript in fetched documents
linelen 75 Formatted-text line length to word-wrap at
linger off Whether to set SO_LINGER time of 4 seconds on sockets
linkprotocols [add|del|set] [$protocols|allowed ...] All protocols plus unknown List of protocols allowed to be returned in links from a page
maxconnidletime 5 Max idle time in seconds between requests on a Keep-Alive connection
maxconnlifetime 600 Max total lifetime in seconds of a Keep-Alive connection
maxdownloadsize -1 Max download (network transfer, not final) size of a response document (-1 is no limit; see also maxpgsize)
maxframes 5 Max number of subsidiary frames, iframes, and/or JavaScript pages to fetch for a document
maxhdrsize 128KB Max size of response headers (-1 is no limit)
maxidleconn 2 Max number of idle Keep-Alive connections to cache
maxkeepaliverequests or maxconnrequests 100 Max number of requests to do on a single connection (-1 is no limit)
maxpgcachesz 5MB Max page cache size in bytes (only subsidiary pages are cached)
maxpgsize 512KB Max page size (after content/transfer decoding) that will be accepted
maxprotspacecachesize 128KB Max protection space cache size in bytes
maxprotspaceidletime 3600 Max idle time of a protection space in the cache, in seconds
maxprotspacelifetime -1 Max lifetime of a protection space in the cache, in seconds
maxredirs 5 Max number of redirects or re-fetches per user fetch
methods [add|del|set] [$methods ...] All methods List of request methods allowed: zero or more of OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, MKDIR, RENAME, SCHEDULE, COMPILE, RUN
minclrdiff 0 Minimum foreground/background color difference that formatted text must have
nameservers Read from /etc/resolv.conf etc. List of IPs of nameservers to use, in order, for DNS resolution
nestcomment off Allow nested HTML comments
netmode int Routines to use for page fetching: int or sys (for Windows)
ntlm[v1|v2]128bitencryption ignore Whether to negotiate 128-bit encryption during NTLM session security: one of ignore, accept, request or require
ntlm[v1|v2]ntlmv2sessionsecurity request Whether to negotiate NTLMv2 session security: same values as ntlm128bitencryption
ntlm[v1|v2]sealing ignore Whether to negotiate NTLM sealing (message confidentiality): same values as ntlm128bitencryption
ntlm[v1|v2]signing ignore Whether to negotiate NTLM signing (message integrity): same values as ntlm128bitencryption
offsiteok on Whether documents that are off-site from the original URL will be fetched
pacfetchretrydelay 10 Delay in retrying PAC fetch
pacmsgs on Whether to issue PAC-related JavaScript messages
pass user@host for FTP, none for other protocols Password to use for accessing secure URLs
protocols [add|del|set] [$protocols ...] http ftp gopher javascript https Allowed URL protocols: zero or more of http, ftp, gopher, javascript, https or file
proxy [type] $proxyUrl none HTTP/HTTPs URL to use as proxy for fetches
proxymode auto Proxy mode: auto, proxy, tunnel
proxypass none Proxy password to use when accessing documents via a proxy
proxyretrydelay 300 Delay in retrying a bad PAC proxy when others available
proxyuser none Proxy user to use when accessing documents via a proxy
putmsg pass|save|all|clear [on|off [on|off ...]] all on Disposition of putmsgs from fetches
redirmsgs off Whether to issue info messages about redirects
refs add|del|set link[,image|frame|iframe] tag attr [attr2 val2] Pre-set internal list Which HTML tag/attributes are to be considered links, images etc. when processing HTML
reparent Empty string Full path (e.g. /local/tree): sets reroot reparent mode and uses path as local tree root. Full URL (e.g. sets abs reparent mode and uses URL as page's URL (not recommended; links may become incorrect)
reparentimg on Whether to reparent image links too, when reparenting
reparentmode off How to reparent links in returned HTML: off, abs (absolute links), reroot (relative to reparent path), mirror (absolute, URL-encode links, and prefix reparent URL)
saslmechanisms [add|del|set] [$mechanisms ...] GSSAPI SASL mechanisms for Negotiate auth
saslpluginpath etc/sasl/lib/sasl2 in install dir SASL plugin search path
savedownloaddoc off Whether to save network-transferred download doc, if it varies from post-content/transfer-decoded document
screenheight 1024 Screen height as seen by JavaScript
screenwidth 1280 Screen width as seen by JavaScript
scriptevents [add|del|set] [$events ...] See manual Which JavaScript events to trigger to glean more links etc.
scriptlinks on Execute javascript: protocol links found on a page
scriptmaxtimer 3 Max script (not real) time in seconds to run JavaScript setInterval() and setTimeout() timers (-1 means no limit)
scriptmem 20MB Max memory in bytes to allow the JavaScript engine to use
scriptmsgs off Whether to issue messages about JavaScript errors
scriptrealtimers off Whether to run JavaScript setInterval() and setTimeout() timers in real time
scriptstrlinkabs or scriptstrlinksabs on Whether to absolute URLs from JavaScript String links
scriptstrlinks protocol file Which types of JavaScript String links to scan for and return in <urlinfo strlinks>: one or more of none, file, protocol or all
scripttimeout 5 Total real time in seconds to allow JavaScript to execute (-1 is no limit)
scripturldecode on Whether to URL-decode javascript:-protocol links before execution
scriptvaryevents on Rotate options, checkboxes and radio buttons on forms to generate more JavaScript events.
secure off Whether pages are fetched securely (via SSL) or not: off, preferred or required
select on Text within <SELECT> blocks is included in the formatted text obtainable with <urlinfo text>
sendcookies on Whether to send cookies (i.e. send the appropriate cookies from the cookie jar)
sendemptycontent on Whether to set Content-Length: 0 for empty requests
sendlmresponse on Whether to send the LM response in NTLM authentication responses
sendntlmresponse on Whether to send the NTLM response in NTLM authentication responses
showwidgets [add|del|set] [widget|...|all] [...] none Which <form> input widgets to display in formatted text, with square brackets or parentheses; for debugging. Widgets: one or more of button, checkbox, file, hidden, image, password, radio, reset, select, select-one, select-multiple, submit, text, textarea, or all
shutdownwr on Whether to use shutdown(SHUT_WR) on HTTP/Gopher sockets when all data has been sent and connection is no longer re-usable
sslcacertificatefile $caCertFile unset Trusted SSL CA certificates (from file)
sslcacertificate $caCertString unset Trusted SSL CA certificates (from string)
sslcertificatefile $certFile unset SSL client certificate (from file)
sslcertificate $certString unset SSL client certificate (from string)
sslcertificatechainfile $chainFile [skipfirst] unset SSL client certificate chain (from file)
sslcertificatechain $chainString [skipfirst] unset SSL client certificate chain (from string)
sslcertificatekeyfile $keyFile [$password] unset SSL client certificate private key (from file)
sslcertificatekey $keyString [$password] unset SSL client certificate private key (from string)
sslciphers $cipherList OpenSSL default SSL ciphers to use (OpenSSL syntax)
sslprotocols [add|del|set] [$sslprotocols ...] TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2 Which SSL protocol(s) to allow: zero or more of SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1, TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, all
sslusesni $onOff on Whether to use SNI (Server Name Indication) with TLS
sslverifydepth $depth 1 Max SSL server chain depth (beyond certificate) to allow
sslverifyserver $onOffOrFlags off Whether to verify SSL server certificates
sspi [add|del|set] [$packages ...] Empty SSPI packages for Negotiate auth
strictcomment on Strict comments: must start with <!--, not just <!
strike on Text within <STRIKE> blocks is included in the formatted text
textarea on Text within <TEXTAREA> blocks is included in the formatted text
timeout 30 Max real time in seconds per network fetch
traceauth 0 Trace message level for client/server authentication calls; bit flags
tracecalls 0 Trace message level for fetch-related function calls; bit flags: 0x0001 <urlcp> calls; 0x0100 full arguments
tracedns 0 Trace message level for DNS
traceencoding 0 Trace message level for content and transfer encoding calls; bit flags
tracefetch 0 Trace message level for fetch library calls; bit flags
tracescript 0 Trace message level for JavaScript calls; bit flags
traceskt 0 Trace message level for socket calls; bit flags
urlcanonslash on Whether to canonicalize backslashes (\) to forward slashes (/) in URLs
urlcollapseslashes off Whether to collapse multiple slashes (/) to one slash in URL paths
urlnonprint asis How to treat non-printable bytes (outside the range ! through  ) encountered in URL links of fetched pages: asis, strip or encode
useragent Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; T-H-U-N-D-E-R-S-T-O-N-E) Sets the User-Agent header sent with HTTP requests
user anonymous for FTP, none for other protocols User to use when accessing protected documents
utf8badencasiso88591err on Interpretation of invalid UTF-8 bytes as ISO-8859-1 (when utf8badencasiso88591 is true) still causes an error to be reported (if charsetmsgs true) and returned in errnum
utf8badencasiso88591 on Invalid bytes in UTF-8 source documents will be interpreted as ISO-8859-1 characters (and converted to charsettxt)
verbose 0 Verbosity level; used for debugging; bit flags
writebuffersize 32KB Initial write buffer size for certain writes, transfer/content decodings
xmltags on Tags that start with <? will be interpreted as an unknown HTML tag, i.e. suppressed from the formatted text

traceauth bit flags:

Integer bit flag Prints messages for
0x0001 Protection spaces made (added, expanded, deleted etc.)
0x0002 Protection spaces used (attached, detached)
0x0004 Authentication objects used (stop, start, handle, connection closed, headers etc.)
0x0008 Authentication protocol-specific messages
0x0010 Keep-Alive (persistent connections) messages
0x0020 WWW-Authenticate parsing
0x0040 Connection open/close/idle/re-use
0x0080 Socket/descriptor/handle open/close

tracedns levels:

Integer level Prints messages for
0 No tracing
1 gethostbyname(), gethostbyaddr() calls; miscellaneous warnings
2 Service calls (hosts/BIND/NIS); nsswitch.conf and host.conf parse
3 Packets sent/received
4 Individual config entries, /etc/hosts entities, reply RR entries
5 All socket calls

traceencoding bit flags:

Integer bit flag Prints messages for
0x0001 Open/close objects
0x0002 ...TranslateEncoding filter calls
0x0004 Decoder object state changes etc.
0x0040 Data read
0x0080 Data written

tracefetch bit flags:

Integer bit flag Prints messages for
0x0001 Top-level (user-initiated) fetch
0x0002 Sub-object (script/frame) fetch
0x0004 Sub-object fetch from cache
0x0008 Static (HTML) links added while formatting
0x0010 Script links added
0x0020 Static images/frames/etc. added
0x0040 Script images/frames/etc. added
0x0080 Top-level fetch from user-provided source
0x0100 Proxy cache activity (except script fetches)
0x0200 Redirect fetch
0x0400 Authorization fetch
0x0800 Proxy retry fetch (attempt with 2nd+ proxy)
0x1000 Empty-response retry fetch
0x2000 PAC script fetch

tracescript bit flags:

Integer bit flag Prints messages for
0x0001 Inline scripts run
0x0002 Remote scripts run
0x0004 javascript &-protocol links run
0x0008 Timers run
0x0010 Objects checked for events
0x0020 Modify-and-call-event-handler objects run
0x0040 Event handlers run (normal or modify)
0x0080 Check-string-for-URL called
0x0100 Check-string-for-URL link added
0x0200 Script output inserted (into raw HTML parse buffer)
0x0400 Event handlers added
0x0800 Memory allocated
0x1000 Memory freed

traceskt bit flags:

Integer bit flag Prints messages for
0x00000001 After open(), close(), accept() etc.
0x00000002 After select()
0x00000004 After reads
0x00000008 After writes
0x00000010 After ioctl(), getsockopt()
0x00000020 Currently unused
0x00000040 The data read
0x00000080 The data written, or sent with ioctl()
0x00000100 Details of SSL verification of peer certificate
0x00010000 Before open(), close(), accept() etc.
0x00020000 Before select()
0x00040000 Before reads
0x00080000 Before writes
0x00100000 Before ioctl(), getsockopt()
0x00200000 Currently unused
0x00400000 The data buffer before reads
0x00800000 The data buffer before writes or ioctl()
0x01000000 Request SSL peer certificate (if not already requested)
0x10000000 Datagram sockets too (i.e. DNS)

[more about: urlcp] [^top^]

<urlinfo $name [$which]>

Gets detailed info about most recent fetch or submit.

Option Returns
actualurl Last URL retrieved (may differ from initial argument to fetch, e.g. if redirects)
allrefs List of all links, images, frames, iframes, strlinks
authparam $param Authentication parameter $param (e.g. realm for Basic, target, serverchallenge for NTLM) from the server response
authparams List of names of parsed authentication parameters in server response
authscheme Authentication scheme used (<urlcp authschemes> token)
authschemehighest Highest (most secure) authentication scheme used during entire transaction
authschemes Authentication schemes allowed
charsetconfigtotext Current charset configuration, in the format used by <urlcp charsetconfigfromfile>
charsetdetected Charset of source page, as detected by scanning document (sans meta/headers)
charsetexplicit Charset of source page, as explicitly set in header or meta; Unknown if unknown or not set
charsetsrc or charsetsource Charset of source page, as interpreted by the parser: charset as set by <urlcp charsetsrc>, charset explicitly set in header/meta, charset detected, or the <urlcp charsetsrcdefault> charset
charsettxt or charsettext Charset of formatted text returned by <urlinfo text>
contenttype Content-Type of page (sans parameters); from header, meta, or URL extension; lower-case
contenttypeparams List of names of Content-Type parameters; lower-case
contenttypeparam $which List of values of Content-Type parameter(s) $which
contenttypesrc How contenttype etc. was determined: one of generated, header, doctype, metaheader, urlpath, contentscan or unknown
cookiejar [all] [netscape4x] Contents of the "cookie jar", as a Netscape-cookie-file-like format text buffer. Persistent only; all cookies if all given. True Netscape format (sans IsHttpOnly column) if netscape4x given
dnstime Time in seconds (plus fraction) to resolve hostname(s) via DNS
domvalue $dom Value of DOM item indicated by $dom (from page not JavaScript). document.forms.myForm.{submitUrl|submitContent} for form submit URL and content.
downloaddoc Network-transferred downloaded document body. Same as rawdoc if no content/transfer encodings; encoded doc if encodings present. Must set <urlcp savedownloaddoc on> first.
encodings List of content/transfer encodings of response document, in order applied by server
errmsg Human-readable string description of fetch error. May change in future releases.
errnum Vortex fetch error code (not the HTTP/protocol code). 0 is no error
errtoken String token representing fetch error (e.g. DocNotFound). For more readable/self-documenting code
frames List of frame URLs in document. If <urlcp getframes> is true, list is empty (frames were fetched and merged with doc)
headers Names of HTTP headers in response
header $hdrName Entire value(s) of HTTP header name(s) listed in single $hdrName
headerparam $hdrName $paramName Value(s) of single $paramName in HTTP header(s) with single name $hdrName
headerparams $hdrName Parameter names in HTTP header(s) with single name $hdrName
headervalue $hdrName Initial value(s) (before ";") of HTTP header(s) with single name $hdrName
httpcode Value of protocol response code, if any. Varies by protocol; see errtoken for consistent token
httpmsg Protocol response string, if any. Varies by protocol; see errmsg for more consistent message
iframes List of <IFRAME> URLs in document. If <urlcp getiframes> is true, list is empty (iframes were fetched and merged with doc)
images List of image URLs in document
insecure Which parts of transaction were insecure (not via SSL). Same tokens as secure.
intermediateurls Intermediate redirects, file/dir retries etc. fetched before final URL
links List of non-image link URLs in document
metaheaders Unique names of <META HTTP-EQUIV> tags in document
metaheader $hdrName Entire value(s) of <META HTTP-EQUIV> tag(s) listed in single $hdrName
metaheaderparam $hdrName $paramName Value(s) of single parameter name $paramName in meta header(s) of single $hdrName
metaheaderparams $hdrName Parameter names in meta header(s) of single $hdrName
metaheadervalue $hdrName Initial value(s) (before ";") of meta header(s) with single name $hdrName
metanames Names of <META NAME> tags in document
metaname $hdrName Entire value(s) of <META NAME> tag(s) listed in single $hdrName
metanameparam $hdrName $paramName Value(s) of single parameter name $paramName in meta name(s) with single $hdrName
metanameparams $hdrName Parameter names in meta name(s) of single $hdrName
metanamevalue $hdrName Initial value(s) (before ";") of meta name(s) listed in single $hdrName
originalurl Original URL retrieved (i.e. the one given to fetch or submit)
prngdpid [$path] PID of verb`prngd` daemon running on Unix file pipe path $path, 0 if none, -1 on error. If no/empty path, all standard paths (/var/run/egd-pool, /dev/egd-pool, /etc/egd-pool, /etc/entropy) and configured path (texis.ini [Texis] Entropy Pipe value are checked
processedchunks Ordered list of raw buffer chunks parsed. May differ from rawdoc if latter is not UTF-8, or if JavaScript run.
processedchunksbufnums Ordered list of original buffer numbers that processedchunks come from.
processeddoc Concatenation of processedchunks.
putmsgs Fetch-related putmsgs since the most recent fetch. Only if <urlcp putmsg save on> (default). Disambiguates parallel fetch messages.
rawdoc Document source (after content/transfer encodings decoded, if enabled)
redirs Number of redirects encountered
saslmechanisms List of SASL mechanisms enabled
saslmechanismsavailable List of SASL mechanisms available
saslpluginpath Colon-separated dir path to look for SASL plugins
secure Which parts of transaction were conducted securely (via SSL); one or more of request (final URL request), response (final response), ancestors (all previous requests/responses), descendants (all requests/responses for subsidiary objects on final page), all (all requests/responses for entire transaction)
sslciphers SSL cipher list currently set
sslclientcalist SSL client-certificate issuer names the server deems acceptable
sslservercertificate SSL server certificate obtained
sslverifyservererrtoken String token identifying the sslverifyserver failure reason
sspipackages List of SSPI packages enabled
sspipackagesavailable List of SSPI packages available
strbaseurls List of JavaScript base URLs corresponding to strlinks
strlinks List of JavaScript String links. May be unreliable or require further processing. See <urlcp scriptstrlinksabs>.
text Formatted text of document
textformatter Token describing what formatter was used to produce <urlinfo text> value; one of: unknown, rawdoc (text is document source), text (plain-text formatter), gopher, html, rss, frame
time or totaltime Total time in seconds (plus fraction) to retrieve the page (DNS plus content transfer)
title Formatted title of document
transfertime Time in seconds (plus fraction) to transfer content to/from server

  The possible errnum, errtoken and errmsg values are:

errtoken errmsg
0 Ok Ok
1 ClientErr Unknown client error
2 ServerErr Server error
3 UnkResponseCode Unrecognized response code
4 UnkProtocolVersion Unrecognized protocol version
5 ConnTimeout Connection timeout
6 UnkHost Unknown host
7 CannotConn Cannot connect to host
8 NotConn Not connected
9 CannotCloseConn Cannot close connection
10 CannotWriteConn Cannot write to connection
11 CannotReadConn Cannot read from connection
12 CannotWriteFile Cannot write to file
13 OutOfMem Out of memory
14 PageTrunc Page not expected size, possibly truncated
15 MaxPageSizeExceeded Max page size exceeded, truncated
16 TooManyRedirs Too many redirects
17 OffsiteRef Off-site or unapproved redirect or frame
18 UnkProtocol Unknown/unimplemented access method
19 BadParam Bad parameter
20 UnkErr Unknown error
21 BadRedir Bad redirect
22 DocUnauth Document access unauthorized
23 DocForbidden Document access forbidden
24 DocNotFound Document not found
25 ServerNotImplemented Server did not recognize request (unimplemented)
26 ServiceUnavailable Service unavailable
27 UnkMethod Unknown request method
28 CannotReadFile Cannot read from file
29 CannotLoadLib Cannot load dynamic library
30 ScriptErr Script error
31 ScriptTimeout Script timeout
32 ScriptMemExceeded Script memory limit exceeded
33 DisallowedProtocol Disallowed protocol
34 SslErr SSL error
35 ProxyUnauth Proxy access unauthorized
36 EmbeddedSecurityChange Embedded object security change
37 DisallowedFilePrefix Disallowed file prefix
38 DisallowedFileType Disallowed file type
39 DisallowedNonlocalFileUrl Disallowed non-local file URL
40 CannotConvertCharset Cannot convert character set
41 DisallowedAuthScheme Disallowed authentication scheme
42 SecureTransNotPossible Secure transaction not possible
43 UnexpectedResponseCode Unexpected server response
44 DisallowedMethod Disallowed request method
45 ConnUpgradeToSslRequired Connection upgrade to SSL required
46 FetchNotPermittedByLicense Fetch not permitted by license
47 UnknownContentEncoding Unknown Content- or Transfer-Encoding
48 DisallowedContentEncoding Disallowed Content- or Transfer-Encoding
49 CannotDecodeContentEncoding Cannot decode Content- or Transfer-Encoding

errtoken errmsg
50 NotAcceptable Client-acceptable version not found
51 CannotVerifyServerCertificate Cannot verify server certificate
52 ConnectionNotReusable Connection not reusable
53 CannotTunnelProtocol Cannot tunnel protocol
54 PacError Proxy auto-config error

urlinfo returns the requested value(s).

See also: fetch, submit, urlcp

[more about: urlinfo] [^top^]


urltext returns the formatted text of the last-fetched document. urllinks returns a list of its non-image links, in absolute path form.

See also: fetch, submit, urlinfo, urlcp

[more about: urltext, urllinks] [^top^]

<urlutil $action [$arg ...]>

URL/fetch related utilities.

Action Returns
abs|absurl $absurl $relurl Absolute version of $relurls
charsetcanon $charset Canonical name for charset name $charset
charsetconv $buf $from [$to] Text buffer $buf converted from charset $from to $to. Default for $to is current <urlcp charsettxt> setting
charsetdetect $buf Charset for text buffer $buf if detected, "Unknown" if unknown
filepath $u Local file path corresponding to file:// URL $u, as determined by current <urlcp fileroot> etc. settings
pacinit 1 if proxy auto-config successful, 0 if not
split $u $parts URL $u value split into one or more parts: protocol, user, pass, host, port, path, type, query or anchor
sslcertificate $pem tostring Human-readable string version of PEM string buffer
inetabbrev $inet Shortest representation of $inet; empty string on error
inetcanon $inet Canonical representation of $inet (4 decimals, and a /N netmask), or empty string on error
inetnetwork $inet 4-decimal IP address with network bits of $inet, and host bits set to 0; empty string on error
inethost $inet 4-decimal IP address with host bits of $inet, and network bits set to 0; empty string on error
inetbroadcast $inet 4-decimal IP broadcast address for $inet, i.e. with network bits, and host bits set to 1; empty string on error
inetnetmask $inet 4-decimal IP netmask for $inet, i.e. with network bits set to 1, and host bits set to 0; empty string on error
inetnetmasklen $inet Integer netmask length of $inet; -1 on error
inetcontains $inetA $inetB 1 if $inetA contains $inetB, 0 if not, or -1 on error
inetclass $inet Class of $inet, e.g. A, B, C, D, E or classless if different netmask is used; empty string on error
inet2int $inet Integer representation of IP network/host bits of $inet (sans netmask); -1 on error (or for
int2inet $i inet string for integer $i taken as an IP address; empty string on error

Several actions take inet type arguments, which are IP network and/or host address specification strings of the form: N[.N[.N[.N]]]{/B|:IP}] where N is a decimal, octal or hexadecimal integer from 0 to 255, B is a decimal, octal or hexadecimal netmask integer from 0 to 32, and IP is an IP address netmask of the form N[.N[.N[.N]]]. If only x Ns are specified, the last N may be 5-x bytes in size instead of 1 byte. E.g. "1.2.65535" is legal (last N is 2 bytes), whereas "" is not. If no netmask (/B|:IP) is specified, the netmask will be calculated from standard class A/B/C/D/E rules, but it will be at least large enough to include all specified bytes of the IP. (Thus, to get the class A/B/C/D/E netmask of an IP address via inetnetmask, just give the first/highest N byte of the IP, as this is the sole determiner of class.) If an IP netmask is specified, only the largest contiguous set of most-significant 1 bits are used. Examples: "" (netmask is /32 because 4 bytes given), "10" (netmask is /8 because it is a Class A address), "", "67305985" (e.g.

See also: fetch, urlinfo

[more about: urlutil] [^top^]

<USER = user>
<PASS = pass>

The USER and PASS commands set the SQL user and password for accessing databases. These values will be used by future <SQL> statements, unless overridden by the USER and PASS options to a particular <SQL> (here).

See also: SQL

[more about: USER, PASS] [^top^]

<userstats $REMOTE_ADDR [license|user]>

userstats returns the (integer) number of accesses by the given user in the last minute, or the current or highest number of active users. license gives builtin stats, user gives stats logged by <loguser>.

See also: loguser, resetstats

[more about: userstats] [^top^]

<USES [DATE=date] module[=file] [module[=file]]>

Directive: list of modules to be included during compilation. Modules read from library table, unless =file option specified. Revision at date used from library table if specified. Modules can use other modules.

See also: Vortex Library Modules

[more about: USES] [^top^]

<$var = [value1 ...] >

<$var = (SQL expression)>

See also: SQL, EXPORT

[more about: Variable assignment] [^top^]

<varinfo $action [flags ...] [$arg]>

Action Returns
list [$source] Names of all known variables in current scope, including unlisted environment/CGI variables only accessible via getvar. Only from a single source if $source given: url (query string), env (environment), content (POST), cgi (POST and query-string), cookie
size $arg Size in bytes of each variable named by $arg
type $arg SQL type of variable named by $arg
dump $arg Debug information about variable named by $arg (same format as $?myVar syntax)
filename $arg Filename for variable named by $arg; for multipart file uploads only
contenttype $arg Content-Type for variable named by $arg; multipart file uploads only

The varinfo function returns various information about variables, per its arguments.

See also: getvar

[more about: varinfo] [^top^]

  ... raw text to be output ...

Text inside the block is output as-is (but with HTML escapement), without Vortex interpretation. If NOESC, text is not HTML-escaped.

VERB has no effect on $ret.

See also: send

[more about: VERB] [^top^]

<vxcp setting [args ...]>

Controls various low-level Vortex settings.

Option Controls
putmsg call|log|print|all on|off|exceptiononly Action(s) to take for <putmsg>s
putmsgbuffersize $sz Size of <putmsg> buffer
stack Maximum Vortex stack depth
timeout Vortex script timeout (Texis date, or seconds from now
timeouttext $text Vortex script timeout text (text printed at timeout)
trap Debug: whether to trap signals. See <TRAP> directive.
connreset Debug: whether to trap connection-resets. See <TRAP> directive.
tracealarm Debug: integer bit flags for alarm tracing
tracelib Debug: integer bit flags for shared-library tracing
tracepipe Debug: integer bit flags for pipe tracing
htmlmode Whether to run in HTML mode (and escape variables) or not
filemsg Whether or not to issue putmsg for sysutil and some syscp file-oriented actions' errors; default on
execmsg Whether or not to issue putmsg for <EXEC> errors; default on. See also $ret.err
libpath Search path for dynamically-loadable libraries; overrides texis.ini [Texis] Lib Path
libcheckversion $module on|off Whether to check version of loadable $module when it is loaded; e.g. ssl
transferlog $file Web server transfer log for this transaction, if using integrated vhttpd environment
errorlog $file Web server error log (not Vortex log) for this transaction, if using integrated vhttpd environment
applylicense $data $user $pass [$remoteUrl] Applies Texis license update data $data. $user/$pass must match [License Update] settings in texis.ini. Return string combines error token and human-readable message.
maxurllen $sz Maximum URL length for $url/$urlq; default 512
tracevortex log $file Trace Vortex log file; default is script path sans extension plus .vstrace
tracevortex forceflush on|off Force flush of Trace Vortex log file after every write
tracevortex on|off Turn Trace Vortex on or off
compatibilityversion $version Set Texis compatibility version to $version

Bit flags for tracepipe; subject to change in future releases:

Integer bit flag Messages issued
0x00000001 After open(), close(), TXcreatethread(), LogonUser() etc.
0x00000002 After select(), WaitForMultipleObjects()
0x00000004 After reads
0x00000008 After writes
0x00000010 After SetEvent(), ResetEvent()
0x00000020 After thread run (at soft exit in thread)
0x00000040 The data read
0x00000080 The data written
0x00010000 Before open(), close(), TXcreatethread(), LogonUser() etc.
0x00020000 Before select(), WaitForMultipleObjects()
0x00040000 Before reads
0x00080000 Before writes
0x00100000 Before SetEvent(), ResetEvent()
0x00200000 Before thread run (at start in thread)
0x00400000 The data buffer before reads
0x00800000 The data buffer before writes

Bit flags for tracelib; subject to change in future releases:

Integer bit flag Messages issued
0x01 libpath expansion
0x02 Library file search and loading
0x04 Symbol/function lookup

The vxcp function returns setting-dependent value(s).

See also: sqlcp, apicp, urlcp, PUTMSG, TIMEOUT, STACK, TRAP

[more about: vxcp] [^top^]

<vxinfo $what [$arg ...]>

Option Returns
outputsz Number of bytes output by script so far
db Current database path used by SQL statements
globaldb Global database, used for EXPORT TABLE
version Texis version string
platform Texis platform ID string (cpu-vendor-os-filebits-addrbits)
installdir Texis install dir
executabledir Texis executables dir
features List of platform-dependent features: RE2
htmlmode 1 if HTML mode, 0 if not
release Date of Vortex (texis) executable's release
license $name Texis license value: violationmsg, violationtime, gentime, expiretime, verifytime, verifytrytime, serial, curhits, curhitstime, maxhits, curtblrows, maxtblrows, curtblsz, maxtblsz, curdbrows, maxdbrows, curdbsz, maxdbsz, curtotrows, maxtotrows, curtotsz, maxtotsz, texismonitorpid, equivpath, uequivpath, vortexlog, defaultdb, defaultscript, vortexflags, texisflags, schemas, inittime, maxversion, maxversionnum, prevhits, highhits, flags, fetchesToday, fetchesTodayStart (when fetchesToday count started), fetchesThisMinute, fetchRate3, fetchRate15, fetchRate60 (fetches/min. averaged over 3, 15, 60 minutes), maxfetches (licensed fetch limit per day; 0 is unlimited), metamorphsToday, metamorphsTodayStart, metamorphsThisMinute, metamorphRate3, metamorphRate15, metamorphRate60, maxmetamorphs (limit), thisMinuteStart (when minute for ...thisMinute vals started; >1 minute ago: may be invalid).
content Raw content of POST or multi-part MIME upload to the script, if any
objectpath File path to currently running object file
cmdlnargs Vortex command-line arguments
scriptargs Script command-line arguments
stack dump [$N] Current Vortex stack information Optional $N, which defaults to 0, is bitwise OR of flags: 1 Dump all items, not just function calls; 2 Dump parameters too; 4 Dump full length of parameter values; 8 Print global variables too
texisconf [$section [$setting [$default]]] Current texis.ini value for $setting in $section. $section may be numeric (from 0). If $default given, that value is returned if setting is not present. If $setting not given, all setting names in $section are returned. If $section not given, all section names in file are returned, in file order.
texisconffrom $file [$section [$setting [$default]]] Same as texisconf, but reads settings from $file instead of active config. If $file is empty, the default texis.ini file in the install dir is used.
texisconffile File path to texis.ini file used by current invocation of Vortex. Note that the file may not exist.
sourcepath File path to currently running script source
sourcepathnoext File path to currently running script source, but without its extension
scriptroot Full file path to effective Script Root. May be empty if Script Root is not applicable or computable in the current invocation
execreadline When called from within <EXEC> block, returns the next line of data from program's output, without trailing newline, blocking if needed until data is available. Returns empty (0 values) if EOF has been reached. Each line read is removed from (later) $ret return value of the closing </EXEC>. For "hot" interaction with an <exec>.
compatibilityversion Texis compatibility version number as a double, i.e. major.minor version Texis is attempting to emulate.

The vxinfo function returns option-dependent value(s).

See also: vxcp

[more about: vxinfo] [^top^]

<WHILE condition>
  ... statements ...

Loops over statements while condition is true. The condition has the same syntax as for <if>. $loop is set every iteration, starting with 0 before the first iteration (i.e. it may be used as a counter in the condition). <BREAK> will exit the loop.

See also: IF, BREAK

[more about: WHILE] [^top^]

<wordlist $table [$field [$wordsOrWildcards [$options]]]>

wordlist returns a list of the words found in a Metamorph index. wordcount returns the corresponding document frequencies of those words. wordoccurrencecounts returns the hit counts (every word every doc).

[more about: wordlist, wordcount, wordoccurrencecounts] [^top^]

  ... output to file ...

Redirects output inside the block to $file. Appends instead of truncates $file if APPEND flag given. If $file is "-" (single dash), output goes to Vortex standard output (i.e. no-op). If $file is "--" (two dashes), output goes to top-level standard output, i.e. "breaks through" any outer <CAPTURE> etc. blocks. "---" (three dashes) prints to stderr. In version 7 and later, OUTPUT flag may be given to also copy output normally to output; FLAGS value may be given (CSV) to dynamically set other flags at run-time; and SKIPONFAIL will skip inner block code on failure of $file open.

WRITE has no effect on $ret.

See also: read, READLN

[more about: WRITE] [^top^]

<xtree [XTREE=$treename] $command [$values] [$treename][ /]>
<xtree [XTREE=$treename] [options] $command [$values] [$treename]>

Giving any of these options (besides XTREE) makes <xtree> looping:

Option Action
ROW Do not accumulate hits in $ret/$ret.count/$ret.seq, and do not make them loop variables
SKIP=$n Skip the first $n values. Does not affect value of $loop.
MAX=$n Return at most $n values
XTREE=$treename Use tree named $treename instead of the default


Command Action
CLEAR Clear tree: all counts set to 0, but tree and values remain in memory
DUMP Dump tree. Returns unique, sorted list of values in tree that have non-zero counts. In looping syntax, $ret.count and $ret.seq are set to the corresponding count and sequence numbers
COUNT Dump value counts from immediately previous non-looping DUMP, SEARCH or INSERT command on the same-named tree
SEQ Returns corresponding sequence numbers (starting at 0), from immediately previous non-looping DUMP, SEARCH or INSERT on the same-named tree
INSERT Adds $values to the tree (if not already present), and increments their counts.
DELETE Deletes $values from tree, i.e. sets their counts to 0.
SEARCH Returns a list of $values that are in tree. For looping syntax, $ret.count and $ret.seq are set.
SET Set option(s) given in $values
GET Get option(s) given in $values
FLUSH Remove tree and free its memory

SET options:

SET Option Action
noadd Do not add new values to tree during INSERT
clear Also clear the tree during DUMP
stringcomparemode $mode Set string compare mode for tree to $mode
storefolded $onOff Set the store-folded flag for tree to $onOff
defaults Restore defaults

GET options:

GET Option Returns
noadd 1 if not adding new values to tree during INSERT
clear 1 if also clearing the tree during DUMP
stringcomparemode String compare mode for tree
storefolded 1 if storing values folded
numitems Number of items in tree (that are DUMPable)
numallocateditems Number of allocated items (including "hidden" COUNT 0 items)
memused Memory in bytes used by the tree

The xtree function returns either nothing, a list of strings, or a list of integer counts. If invoked as a looping command, $ret.count and $ret.seq may be set as well.

See also: sort, uniq

[more about: xtree] [^top^]


The LIKE clause in Texis uses the Metamorph search engine to evaluate the results. It is also able to use a metamorph index to improve the search speed. When generating queries it is useful to keep the following points in mind.
  • Make the query as precise as possible. The fewer the rows to be returned, the faster the response will be.
  • The index is most useful for finding keywords and concepts, so try to include at least one such term in the query.
[more about: An Overview] [^top^]

The approximate pattern matcher is used to locate words that have been misspelled, incorrectly typed, or otherwise changed. This pattern matcher is invoked by preceding the expression with the '%' character. This is optionally followed by a two digit number specifying the degree of match required (default is 80), and then a string.
... LIKE 'iraq gulf %qadhafi'
[more about: Approximate Patterns] [^top^]

By default Texis will only search for the word in the query. If you want to search for a concept you should precede the term with a tilde (~). For example:
... LIKE '~cat'
will also return documents containing kitten or tiger.

If you want to supply the search terms which comprise the query term yourself you can do so as follows:

... LIKE '(cat,tiger,kitten)'
[more about: Concept Searching] [^top^]

The most basic type of search is a keyword search. This allows you to find documents containing a particular word. The query for this is simply the word you are looking for. For example
... WHERE text LIKE 'dog';
If you want to find multiple keywords you can simply add them to the query, for example:
... WHERE text LIKE 'dog cat';
Which will find documents having a sentence which contains the word cat and the word dog. Look at the proximity operators for searching within different blocks than a sentence. By default in Texis WebScript the linguistic settings are set such that it will only find the word as entered. To enable linguistic processing you can use the apicp function to set the minwordlen to 5.
[more about: Keyword Search] [^top^]

The Metamorph engine has the ability to find quantities in almost any form they might occur, whether spelt out as English words, or written with arabic numerals. The query term is introduced with a '#' character. This can be followed either by a number to find exactly that number or '<' number and/or '>' number to find ranges of numbers. To find cancer statistics you could use the query:
... LIKE 'cancer #>0<1'
which would match:
  • ... 20 percent of cancer victims ...
  • ... two-thirds of those suffering from lung cancer ...
[more about: Numeric Quantities] [^top^]

There are two ways that you can search for phrases, depending on your priorities. Doing a LIKEP search will rank those documents containing the words in the order specified, and as close together as possible the highest. It will also find documents containing matches that are similar to the phrase, but possibly with extra words interspersed. Enclosing the phrase in double quotes will find that phrase exactly when doing a LIKE query. For example if you were searching for a persons name, and are unsure if the middle initial is included you could use LIKEP:
... LIKEP 'john smith'
which would find, among others
John Smith
John D. Smith
Smith, John
If you only wanted to find John Smith, and none of the other variations you would use the query:
... LIKE '"John Smith"'
[more about: Phrase Searching] [^top^]

When there are multiple terms in the query Texis will try to find them within particular delimiters. Texis knows a number of predefined delimiters, and also allows you to specify your own delimiter with REX syntax. You can have different start and send delimiters. The proximity range specifier is started with w/. The delimiter follows. If only one delimiter is specified it is used as both start and end delimiter. If two are specified then the first is the start delimiter and the second is the end delimiter. The known delimiters are:

Expression Meaning
line within a line
sent within a sentence
para within a paragraph
page within a page
all within the field
NUMBER within NUMBER characters
REX Expressionuse expression as delimiter


Find cat and dog withing a paragraph

...LIKE 'cat dog w/para'
Find President and congress within a section, which has uppercase SECTION headings.
...LIKE 'president congress w/\RSECTION'
[more about: Proximity Range] [^top^]

The default logic for a LIKE query is AND, so that all terms must appear. It is possible to require some number of the terms, or to exclude individual terms. The @N operator (N is a number) specifies the number of intersections of the sets. This is one less than the number of sets you want to find. If there were three Smith brothers, David, Michael and John, you could search for places where two of them were talked about with the following query:
'john david michael +smith @1'
The + means that smith must occur. The @1 means that there should be at least one intersection (two sets) between the remaining sets (john, david and michael). The symbols available are:
Required set. Not counted in permutation.
Excluded set. Do not include hits which match this term.
Permutations. Requires N intersections of remaining sets. (N + 1 of the sets must match) Default is all of them.
The permutation operators can be used with any of the pattern matchers.

In the ranking queries (LIKER, LIKEP), the intersects operator is ignored, and the + and - take on a different meaning. Normally the weight of a word is determined by its frequency. A + will give that word the maximum possible weight. A - will take the weight of the term, and negate it, so a document containing the weight will have its rank reduced.

[more about: Query Logic] [^top^]

Texis includes a regular expression matcher as part of the Metamorph query engine. This can be used to match patterns in the text. No linguistic processing is done on the term. The expression is indicated by a leading / on the term. If you are looking for documents containing part numbers for screwdrivers, and you know that part numbers consist of 3 letters followed by 4 numbers you could use the query
... LIKE 'screwdriver /\alpha{3}\digit{4} w/line'

Within Rex the meaning of various characters is as follows:

\RRespect Case
\IIgnore Case (default)
\LToggle Literal mode. Removes special meaning from characters
Followed/Preceded By. Allows the finding of an expression following or in front of another. The preceding or following expression is not counted as part of the hit.
!NOT the following expression
>>Use the following expression as the root, which means it will be found first.
Character ClassMeaning
\alpha \upper \lower \digit \xdigit \alnum \space \punct \print \graph \cntrl \ascii Match the same characters that are would be matched by the respective is...() function, e.g. isalpha()
[]Matches any single character from those contained between the brackets. Ranges can be given with a '-' (e.g. a-z0-9). A '^' as the first character inverts the set. Case is respected.
Single CharactersValue
\xNNNN is the hexadecimal code of the character
$End of line. (Appropriate for operating system)
.Any Single Character
OtherMatches itself
\\Matches a backslash
Repetition OperatorsMeaning
{x}expression repeated x times
{x,y}repeated between x and y times
*zero or more occurences
+one or more occurences

Note that the repetition operators apply to entire preceding expression, not just the last character. So

Will match 1abcABC, but not 1abcC
[more about: Regular expressions] [^top^]


    string xmlReaderGetAllContent(xmlReader reader)


  • reader - the xmlReader object


  • text value for the current element and its sub-elements

See also: xmlReaderGetName, xmlReaderGetContent, xmlReaderGetAttribute

[more about: xmlReaderGetAllContent] [^top^]

    string xmlReaderGetAttribute(xmlReader reader, string name
    [, string nsURI])


  • xmlReader - the xmlReader object

  • name - the name of the attribute whose value you want

  • nsURI (optional) - The URI or the namespace for the attribute. Defaults to any namespace.


  • The value of the attribute.

See also: xmlReaderGetAttributeCount, xmlReaderGetAttributeNumber

[more about: xmlReaderGetAttribute] [^top^]

    int xmlReaderGetAttributeCount(xmlReader reader)


  • reader - the xmlReader object


  • The number of attributes on the current element

See also: xmlReaderGetAttribute, xmlReaderGetAttributeNumber

[more about: xmlReaderGetAttributeCount] [^top^]

    string xmlReaderGetAttributeNumber(xmlReader reader,
                                       int number)


  • reader - the xmlReader object

  • number - the index of the attribute you want (starting at 0)


  • The text value of the requested attribute.

See also: xmlReaderGetAttribute, xmlReaderGetAttributeCount

[more about: xmlReaderGetAttributeNumber] [^top^]

    int xmlReaderGetBytesConsumed(xmlReader reader)


  • reader - the xmlReader object


  • the number of bytes consumed

See also: xmlReaderGetColumn, xmlReaderGetDepth, xmlReaderGetLine, xmlReaderGetType, xmlReaderIsEmptyElement

[more about: xmlReaderGetBytesConsumed] [^top^]

    int xmlReaderGetColumn(xmlReader reader)


  • reader - the xmlReader object


  • the current column of the parer

See also: xmlReaderGetBytesConsumed, xmlReaderGetDepth, xmlReaderGetLine, xmlReaderGetType, xmlReaderIsEmptyElement

[more about: xmlReaderGetColumn] [^top^]

    string xmlReaderGetContent(xmlReader reader)


  • reader - the xmlReader object


  • The content of the current element or attribute.

See also: xmlReaderGetName, xmlReaderGetAllContent

[more about: xmlReaderGetContent] [^top^]

    int xmlReaderGetDepth(xmlReader reader)


  • reader - the xmlReader object


  • The reader's current depth

See also: xmlReaderGetBytesConsumed, xmlReaderGetColumn, xmlReaderGetLine, xmlReaderGetType, xmlReaderIsEmptyElement

[more about: xmlReaderGetDepth] [^top^]

    string xmlReaderGetEncoding(xmlReader reader)


  • reader - the xmlReader object


  • The encoding of the document.

See also: xmlReaderGetLang, xmlReaderGetVersion

[more about: xmlReaderGetEncoding] [^top^]

    string xmlReaderGetLang(xmlReader reader)


  • reader - the xmlReader object


  • the value of the special xml:lang attribute for the current element(if any).

See also: xmlReaderGetEncoding, xmlReaderGetVersion

[more about: xmlReaderGetLang] [^top^]

    int xmlReaderGetLine(xmlReader reader)


  • reader - the xmlReader object


  • the current line of the parser

See also: xmlReaderGetBytesConsumed, xmlReaderGetColumn, xmlReaderGetDepth, xmlReaderGetType, xmlReaderIsEmptyElement

[more about: xmlReaderGetLine] [^top^]

    string xmlReaderGetLocalName(xmlReader reader)


  • reader - the xmlReader object


  • the local name of the current element or attribute

See also: xmlReaderGetNsURI, xmlReaderGetNsPrefix

[more about: xmlReaderGetLocalName] [^top^]

    string xmlReaderGetName(xmlReader reader)


  • reader - the xmlReader object


  • the full name of the current element or attribute

See also: xmlReaderGetAllContent, xmlReaderGetContent

[more about: xmlReaderGetName] [^top^]

    string xmlReaderGetNsPrefix(xmlReader reader)


  • reader - the xmlReader object


  • the namespace prefix of the current element or attribute

See also: xmlReaderGetLocalName, xmlReaderGetNsURI

[more about: xmlReaderGetNsPrefix] [^top^]

    string xmlReaderGetNsURI(xmlReader reader)


  • reader - the xmlReader object


  • the URI for the namespace of the current element or node

See also: xmlReaderGetLocalName, xmlReaderGetNsPrefix

[more about: xmlReaderGetNsURI] [^top^]

    string xmlReaderGetType(xmlReader reader)


  • reader - the xmlReader object


  • the type of the current node

See also: xmlReaderGetBytesConsumed, xmlReaderGetColumn, xmlReaderGetDepth, xmlReaderGetLine, xmlReaderIsEmptyElement

[more about: xmlReaderGetType] [^top^]

    string xmlReaderGetVersion(xmlReader reader)


  • reader - the xmlReader object


  • the XML version of the data

See also: xmlReaderGetEncoding, xmlReaderGetLang

[more about: xmlReaderGetVersion] [^top^]

    int xmlReaderIsEmptyElement(xmlReader reader)


  • reader - the xmlReader object


  • Whether the current element is an empty (<p/>) element

See also: xmlReaderGetColumn, xmlReaderGetDepth, xmlReaderGetLine, xmlReaderGetType

[more about: xmlReaderIsEmptyElement] [^top^]

    int xmlReaderMoveToAttribute(xmlReader reader, string name)


  • reader - the xmlReader object

  • name - the name of the attribute you want to move to


  • 1 - success

  • 0 - attribute not found

  • -1 - other error

See also: xmlReaderMoveToAttributeNumber, xmlReaderMoveToElement, xmlReaderMoveToFirstAttribute, xmlReaderMoveToNextAttribute, xmlReaderRead

[more about: xmlReaderMoveToAttribute] [^top^]

    int xmlReaderMoveToAttributeNumber(xmlReader reader,
                                       int number)


  • reader - the xmlReader object

  • reader - the index of the attribute you want to move to (starting at 0)


  • 1 - success

  • 0 - attribute not found

  • -1 - other error

See also: xmlReaderMoveToAttribute, xmlReaderMoveToElement, xmlReaderMoveToFirstAttribute, xmlReaderMoveToNextAttribute, xmlReaderRead

[more about: xmlReaderMoveToAttributeNumber] [^top^]

    int xmlReaderMoveToElement(xmlReader reader)


  • reader - the xmlReader object


  • 1 - success

  • 0 - not moved

  • -1 - other error

See also: xmlReaderMoveToAttribute, xmlReaderMoveToAttributeNumber, xmlReaderMoveToFirstAttribute, xmlReaderMoveToNextAttribute, xmlReaderRead

[more about: xmlReaderMoveToElement] [^top^]

    int xmlReaderMoveToFirstAttribute(xmlReader reader)


  • reader - the xmlReader object


  • 1 - success

  • 0 - not found

  • -1 - other error

See also: xmlReaderMoveToAttribute, xmlReaderMoveToAttributeNumber, xmlReaderMoveToElement, xmlReaderMoveToFirstAttribute, xmlReaderMoveToNextAttribute, xmlReaderRead

[more about: xmlReaderMoveToFirstAttribute] [^top^]

    int xmlReaderMoveToNextAttribute(xmlReader reader)


  • reader - the xmlReader object


  • 1 - success

  • 0 - not found

  • -1 - other error

See also: xmlReaderMoveToAttribute, xmlReaderMoveToAttributeNumber, xmlReaderMoveToElement, xmlReaderMoveToFirstAttribute, xmlReaderRead

[more about: xmlReaderMoveToNextAttribute] [^top^]

    xmlReader xmlReaderNewFromFile(string filename 
                                   [, string encoding ]
                                   [, string options  ] )


  • filename - the name of the XML file you'd like to read

  • encoding (optional) - encoding to use for the file. If none given, xmlReader will attempt to discover on its own.

  • options (optional) - a comma-separated list of parsing options (see below)


  • the xmlReader for this file

See also: xmlReaderNewFromString

[more about: xmlReaderNewFromFile] [^top^]

    xmlReader xmlReaderNewFromString(string data
                                   [, string encoding ]
                                   [, string options  ] )


  • data - the XML you want to parse and read

  • encoding (optional) - encoding to use for the file

  • options (optional) - a comma-separated list of parsing options (see below)


  • the xmlReader for this string

See also: xmlReaderNewFromFile

[more about: xmlReaderNewFromString] [^top^]

    int xmlReaderRead(xmlReader reader)


  • reader - the xmlReader object


  • 1 - the next node was read successfully

  • 0 - there are no more nodes to read

  • -1 - error

See also: xmlReaderMoveToAttribute, xmlReaderMoveToAttributeNumber, xmlReaderMoveToElement, xmlReaderMoveToFirstAttribute, xmlReaderMoveToNextAttribute

[more about: xmlReaderRead] [^top^]

    xmlNode xmlTreeAddChild(xmlNode parent, xmlNode child)


  • parent - The node that you want to assign the child to.

  • child - The node that you want to move to being a child of parent.


  • the child

See also: xmlTreeAddChildList, xmlTreeAddNextSibling, xmlTreeAddPrevSibling, xmlTreeAddSibling, xmlTreeSetRootElement

[more about: xmlTreeAddChild] [^top^]

    xmlNode xmlTreeAddChildList(xmlNode parent, xmlNode child)


  • parent - The node that you want to assign the child to

  • child - The first node in the list of children that you want to assign to parent


  • the child

See also: xmlTreeAddChild, xmlTreeAddChildList, xmlTreeAddNextSibling, xmlTreeAddPrevSibling, xmlTreeAddSibling, xmlTreeSetRootElement

[more about: xmlTreeAddChildList] [^top^]

    xmlNode xmlTreeAddContent(xmlNode node, string content)


  • node - the xmlNode you want to add content to

  • content - the text content you want to add.


  • the node

See also: xmlTreeSetName, xmlTreeSetContent

[more about: xmlTreeAddContent] [^top^]

    xmlNode xmlTreeAddNextSibling(xmlNode node, xmlNode sibling)


  • node - the xmlNode that the sibling is being added next to

  • sibling - the xmlNode that is being added as the next sibling of node


  • the sibling

See also: xmlTreeAddChild, xmlTreeAddChildList, xmlTreeAddPrevSibling, xmlTreeAddSibling, xmlTreeSetRootElement

[more about: xmlTreeAddNextSibling] [^top^]

    xmlNode xmlTreeAddPrevSibling(xmlNode node, xmlNode sibling)


  • node - the xmlNode that the sibling is being added next to

  • sibling - the xmlNode that is being added as the previous sibling of node


  • the sibling

See also: xmlTreeAddChild, xmlTreeAddChildList, xmlTreeAddNextSibling, xmlTreeAddSibling, xmlTreeSetRootElement

[more about: xmlTreeAddPrevSibling] [^top^]

    xmlNode xmlTreeAddSibling(xmlNode node, xmlNode sibling)


  • node - the xmlNode that the sibling is being added next to

  • sibling - the xmlNode that is being added to the node's list of siblings.


  • the sibling

See also: xmlTreeAddChild, xmlTreeAddChildList, xmlTreeAddNextSibling, xmlTreeAddSibling, xmlTreeSetRootElement

[more about: xmlTreeAddSibling] [^top^]

void xmlTreeCleanup(xmlDoc doc [, int options])


  • doc - the xmlDoc to remove unlinked orphans from

  • options - specifying 1 will cause verbose messages to be printed about what it's cleaning up

[more about: xmlTreeCleanup] [^top^]

    int xmlTreeClearNs(xmlNs ns)


  • ns - the namespace to clear


  • 0 - success

  • <0 - error

See also: xmlTreeSetNsPrefix, xmlTreeSetNsURI

[more about: xmlTreeClearNs] [^top^]

    xmlNode xmlTreeCopyAttribute(xmlNode target,
                                 xmlNode attribute)


  • target - the element that will receive the attribute

  • attribute - the attribute to be copied


  • the newly created attribute on target

See also: xmlTreeCopyDoc, xmlTreeCopyNode, xmlTreeCopyNodeList, xmlTreeCopyAttribute, xmlTreeCopyAttributeList

[more about: xmlTreeCopyAttribute] [^top^]

    xmlNode xmlTreeCopyAttributeList(xmlNode target,
                                     xmlNode attribute)


  • target - the xmlNode that will receive the attribute list

  • attribute - the first attribute in the list to be copied


  • the first attribute in the newly created list on target

See also: xmlTreeCopyDoc, xmlTreeCopyNode, xmlTreeCopyNodeList, xmlTreeCopyAttribute

[more about: xmlTreeCopyAttributeList] [^top^]

    xmlDoc xmlTreeCopyDoc(xmlDoc doc)


  • doc - the xmlDoc to copy


  • the new xmlDoc

See also: xmlTreeCopyNode, xmlTreeCopyNodeList, xmlTreeCopyAttribute, xmlTreeCopyAttributeList

[more about: xmlTreeCopyDoc] [^top^]

    xmlNode xmlTreeCopyNode(xmlDoc targetDoc, xmlNode node
                            [, int recursive])


  • targetDoc - the xmlDoc that the new node/nodes will be placed into. This is only to help optimize internal string operations. It's possible to specify no doc by passing in an empty string (''). If node is going in the same document, it's common to use xmlTreeGetDoc(node) as this parameter.

  • node - the xmlNode to be copied

  • recursive (optional) - If the node to be copied is an element (as opposed to a comment, CDATA, etc.), setting recursive to 1 will cause all child nodes of the element to be copied too.

    recursive is 0 by default.


  • the new copy of node

See also: xmlTreeCopyDoc, xmlTreeCopyNodeList, xmlTreeCopyAttribute, xmlTreeCopyAttributeList

[more about: xmlTreeCopyNode] [^top^]

  xmlNode xmlTreeCopyNodeList(xmlDoc targetDoc, xmlNode node)


  • targetDoc - the xmlDoc that the new node/nodes will be placed into. This is only to help optimize internal string operations. It's possible to specify no doc by passing in an empty string (''). If node is going in the same document, it's common to use xmlTreeGetDoc(node) as this parameter.

  • node - the first xmlNode of the node list to be copied


  • the first xmlNode of the new node list

See also: xmlTreeCopyDoc, xmlTreeCopyNode, xmlTreeCopyAttribute, xmlTreeCopyAttributeList

[more about: xmlTreeCopyNodeList] [^top^]

    string xmlTreeDumpNode(xmlNode node [, string options])


  • node - the node to dump

  • options - content options (see below)


  • the XML contents of node

See also: xmlTreeGetName, xmlTreeGetAllContent, xmlTreeGetChildrenContent, xmlTreeGetLine, xmlTreeGetType, xmlTreeIsBlankNode, xmlTreeGetAttributeContent

[more about: xmlTreeDumpNode] [^top^]

    string xmlTreeGetAllContent(xmlNode node)


  • node - the xmlNode to get content from


  • The text value of node and all children

See also: xmlTreeDumpNode, xmlTreeGetName, xmlTreeGetContent, xmlTreeGetLine, xmlTreeGetType, xmlTreeIsBlankNode, xmlTreeGetAttributeContent

[more about: xmlTreeGetAllContent] [^top^]

    string xmlTreeGetAttributeContent(xmlNode element, string name
                                      [, string ns_URI])


  • element - the element that contains the attribute you want the value of

  • name - the name of the attribute that you want the value of

  • ns_URI (optional) - the namespace URI of the attribute you'd like to retrieve (defaults to any namespace)


  • the value of the attribute name on the element

See also: xmlTreeGetName, xmlTreeGetContent, xmlTreeGetAllContent, xmlTreeGetLine, xmlTreeGetType, xmlTreeIsBlankNode

[more about: xmlTreeGetAttributeContent] [^top^]

    xmlNode[] xmlTreeGetAttributes(xmlNode element [, string name
                                [, string ns_URI] ])


  • element - the element to get the attribute(s) from

  • name (optional) - the name of the attribute to get. If not specified, all attributes are returned.

  • ns_URI (optional) - limit result to the attributes in the namespace ns_URI. If not specified, namespace is ignored.


  • the xmlNode(s) of the attribute(s) requested

See also: xmlTreeGetFirstAttribute

[more about: xmlTreeGetAttributes] [^top^]

    xmlNode[] xmlTreeGetChildren(xmlNode parent [, string name
                               [, string ns_URI]])


  • element - the element to get the children from

  • name (optional) - only get children with the specified local name. If not specified, all children are returned.

  • ns_URI (optional) - limit result to the children in the namespace ns_URI. If not specified, namespace is ignored.


  • the xmlNode children of the element parent

See also: xmlTreeGetFirstChild, xmlTreeGetNext, xmlTreeGetPrevious, xmlTreeGetParent, xmlTreeGetChildrenContent

[more about: xmlTreeGetChildren] [^top^]

string[] xmlTreeGetChildrenContent(xmlNode parent, string name
                               [, string ns_URI])


  • parent - the element to get the children's content from

  • name - the local name of the child elements to get content from

  • ns_URI (optional) - limit result to the children in the namespace ns_URI. If not specified, namespace is ignored.


  • the content of the named children

See also: xmlTreeDumpNode, xmlTreeGetAllContent, xmlTreeGetContent xmlTreeGetFirstChild, xmlTreeGetNext, xmlTreeGetPrevious, xmlTreeGetParent

[more about: xmlTreeGetChildrenContent] [^top^]

    string xmlTreeGetContent(xmlNode node [, string options])


  • node - the node to get the content of

  • options - content options (see below)


  • the content of node

See also: xmlTreeGetName, xmlTreeGetAllContent, xmlTreeGetChildrenContent, xmlTreeGetLine, xmlTreeGetType, xmlTreeIsBlankNode, xmlTreeGetAttributeContent

[more about: xmlTreeGetContent] [^top^]

    xmlDoc xmlTreeGetDoc(xmlNode node)


  • node - the xmlNode you want the xmlDoc of


  • the xmlDoc of node

See also: xmlTreeGetRootElement, xmlTreeGetChildren, xmlTreeGetFirstChild, xmlTreeGetNext, xmlTreeGetPrevious, xmlTreeGetParent

[more about: xmlTreeGetDoc] [^top^]

    string xmlTreeGetEncoding(xmlTree tree)


  • doc - the xmlDoc object


  • The encoding of the document.

See also: xmlTreeGetVersion

[more about: xmlTreeGetEncoding] [^top^]

    string xmlTreeGetEntityType(xmlNode entity)


  • entity - the XML_ENTITY_DECL you want to get the type from


  • the entity type of entity

See also: xmlTreeGetName, xmlTreeGetContent

[more about: xmlTreeGetEntityType] [^top^]

    string xmlTreeGetExternalID(xmlNode node)


  • node - the XML_DTD_NODE or XML_ENTITY_DECL you want to get the External ID from


  • the External ID from the DTD subset / entity node

See also: xmlTreeGetSystemID

[more about: xmlTreeGetExternalID] [^top^]

    xmlNode xmlTreeGetExternalSubset(xmlDoc doc)


  • doc - the doc you want to get the external DTD from


  • the xmlNode for the external DTD subset of doc

See also: xmlTreeGetInternalSubset

[more about: xmlTreeGetExternalSubset] [^top^]

    xmlNode xmlTreeGetFirstAttribute(xmlNode element)


  • element - the element you want to get the first attribute of


  • the first attribute of element

See also: xmlTreeGetChildren, xmlTreeGetFirstChild, xmlTreeGetNext, xmlTreeGetPrevious, xmlTreeGetParent, xmlTreeGetAttributes

[more about: xmlTreeGetFirstAttribute] [^top^]

    xmlNode xmlTreeGetFirstChild(xmlNode node)


  • node - the node to get the first child of


  • the first child of node

See also: xmlTreeGetDoc, xmlTreeGetRootElement, xmlTreeGetChildren, xmlTreeGetFirstChild, xmlTreeGetNext, xmlTreeGetPrevious, xmlTreeGetParent

[more about: xmlTreeGetFirstChild] [^top^]

    xmlNode xmlTreeGetInternalSubset(xmlDoc doc)


  • doc - the doc you want to get the internal DTD from


  • the xmlNode for the internal DTD subset of doc

See also: xmlTreeGetExternalSubset

[more about: xmlTreeGetInternalSubset] [^top^]

    int xmlTreeGetLine(xmlNode node)


  • node - the xmlNode you want the line number of


  • the line number that node occurs on

See also: xmlTreeGetName, xmlTreeGetContent, xmlTreeGetAllContent, xmlTreeGetType, xmlTreeIsBlankNode, xmlTreeGetAttributeContent

[more about: xmlTreeGetLine] [^top^]

    string xmlTreeGetName(xmlNode node)


  • node - the xmlNode you want the name of


  • the name of node

See also: xmlTreeGetName, xmlTreeGetContent, xmlTreeGetAllContent, xmlTreeGetLine, xmlTreeGetType, xmlTreeIsBlankNode, xmlTreeGetAttributeContent

[more about: xmlTreeGetName] [^top^]

    xmlNode xmlTreeGetNext(xmlNode item)
    xmlNs   xmlTreeGetNext(xmlNs item)


  • item - the xmlNode/xmlNs you want the next sibling of


  • the next sibling of item

See also: xmlTreeGetChildren, xmlTreeGetFirstChild, xmlTreeGetPrevious, xmlTreeGetParent

[more about: xmlTreeGetNext] [^top^]

    xmlNs xmlTreeGetNs(xmlNode node)


  • node - the element/attribute you want to get the namespace of


  • the assigned namespace for node

See also: xmlTreeGetNsDef

[more about: xmlTreeGetNs] [^top^]

    xmlNs[] xmlTreeGetNsDef(xmlNode element)


  • element - the element that you want to get the namespace declarations from


  • the namespace declarations from element

See also: xmlTreeGetNs

[more about: xmlTreeGetNsDef] [^top^]

    string xmlTreeGetNsPrefix(xmlNs ns)


  • ns - the namespace to get the prefix of


  • the prefix of the namespace ns

See also: xmlTreeGetNsURI, xmlTreeLookupNsURI, xmlTreeLookupNsPrefix

[more about: xmlTreeGetNsPrefix] [^top^]

    string xmlTreeGetNsURI(xmlNs ns)


  • ns - the namespace to get the URI from


  • the URI of the namespace ns

See also: xmlTreeGetNsPrefix, xmlTreeLookupNsURI, xmlTreeLookupNsPrefix

[more about: xmlTreeGetNsURI] [^top^]

    xmlNode xmlTreeGetParent(xmlNode node)


  • node - the xmlNode to get the parent of


  • the parent of node

See also: xmlTreeGetChildren, xmlTreeGetFirstChild, xmlTreeGetNext, xmlTreeGetPrevious

[more about: xmlTreeGetParent] [^top^]

    xmlNode xmlTreeGetPrevious(xmlNode node)


  • node - the node to get the previous sibling of


  • the previous sibling of node

See also: xmlTreeGetChildren, xmlTreeGetFirstChild, xmlTreeGetNext, xmlTreeGetParent

[more about: xmlTreeGetPrevious] [^top^]

    xmlNode xmlTreeGetRootElement(xmlDoc doc)


  • doc - the document you want to get the root element from


  • the root element of the doc

See also: xmlTreeGetDoc, xmlTreeGetChildren, xmlTreeGetFirstChild, xmlTreeGetNext, xmlTreeGetPrevious, xmlTreeGetParent

[more about: xmlTreeGetRootElement] [^top^]

    string xmlTreeGetSystemID(xmlNode node)


  • node - the XML_DTD_NODE or XML_ENTITY_DECL you want to get the System ID from


  • the System ID from the dtd subset node

See also: xmlTreeGetSystemID

[more about: xmlTreeGetSystemID] [^top^]

    string xmlTreeGetType(xmlNode node)


  • node - the xmlNode to get the type of


  • the type of the node

See also: xmlTreeGetName, xmlTreeGetContent, xmlTreeGetAllContent, xmlTreeGetLine, xmlTreeIsBlankNode, xmlTreeGetAttributeContent

[more about: xmlTreeGetType] [^top^]

    string xmlTreeGetVersion(xmlDoc doc)


  • doc - the xmlDoc to get the XML version from


  • the XML version of the data

See also: xmlTreeGetEncoding

[more about: xmlTreeGetVersion] [^top^]

    int xmlTreeIsBlankNode(xmlNode node)


  • node - the xmlNode in question


  • 0 - the node is not a blank text node

  • 1 - the node is a blank text node

See also: xmlTreeGetName, xmlTreeGetContent, xmlTreeGetAllContent, xmlTreeGetLine, xmlTreeGetType, xmlTreeGetAttributeContent

[more about: xmlTreeIsBlankNode] [^top^]

  xmlNs xmlTreeLookupNsPrefix(xmlNode node, string prefix)


  • node - the xmlNode to lookup the namespace from

  • prefix - the prefix of the namespace to lookup


  • the namespace that uses prefix

See also: xmlTreeGetNsURI, xmlTreeGetNsPrefix, xmlTreeLookupNsURI

[more about: xmlTreeLookupNsPrefix] [^top^]

    xmlNs xmlTreeLookupNsURI(xmlNode node, string URI)


  • node - the node you want to look up the namespace from

  • URI - the namespace URI you want to look up


  • the xmlNs for the URI namespace.

See also: xmlTreeGetNsURI, xmlTreeGetNsPrefix, xmlTreeLookupNsPrefix

[more about: xmlTreeLookupNsURI] [^top^]

    xmlNode xmlTreeNewAttribute(xmlNode parent, string name,
                                [, string content[, xmlNs ns]])


  • parent - the xmlNode to create the attribute on

  • name - the name of the new attribute

  • content (optional) - the content for the attribute

  • ns (optional) - the namespace to use for the attribute


  • the xmlNode for the new attribute

See also: xmlTreeNewElement, xmlTreeNewPI, xmlTreeNewText, xmlTreeNewCDATA, xmlTreeNewComment, xmlTreeNewNs

[more about: xmlTreeNewAttribute] [^top^]

    xmlNode xmlTreeNewCDATA(xmlNode parent, string content)


  • parent - the parent of the new CDATA section (can specify none with '')

  • content - the content for the new CDATA section


  • the xmlNode for the new CDATA section

See also: xmlTreeNewElement, xmlTreeNewPI, xmlTreeNewText, xmlTreeNewComment

[more about: xmlTreeNewCDATA] [^top^]

    xmlNode xmlTreeNewComment(xmlNode parent, string content)


  • parent - the parent of the new comment node (can specify none with '')

  • content - the content of the new comment


  • the xmlNode of the new comment

See also: xmlTreeNewElement, xmlTreeNewPI, xmlTreeNewText, xmlTreeNewCDATA

[more about: xmlTreeNewComment] [^top^]

    xmlDoc xmlTreeNewDoc(string version)


  • version - the XML version for the doc (usually 1.0 or 1.1)


  • the new xmlDoc

See also: xmlTreeNewDocFromFile, xmlTreeNewDocFromString, xmlTreePrintDoc, xmlTreeSaveDoc

[more about: xmlTreeNewDoc] [^top^]

    xmlDoc xmlTreeNewDocFromFile(string filename
                [, string encoding] [, string options])


  • filename - the filename of the XML file to read

  • encoding optional - encoding to use for the file. If none given, the parser will attempt to discover on its own.

  • options optional - a comma-separated list of parsing options (see below)


  • the parsed xmlDoc of the file

See also: xmlTreeNewDoc, xmlTreeNewDocFromString, xmlTreePrintDoc, xmlTreeSaveDoc

[more about: xmlTreeNewDocFromFile] [^top^]

xmlDoc xmlTreeNewDocFromString(string data [, string encoding]
                                 [, string options])


  • data - the XML data to parse

  • encoding optional - encoding to use for the file. If none given, the parser will attempt to discover on its own.

  • options optional - a comma-separated list of parsing options (see below)


  • the parsed xmlDoc from the text data

See also: xmlTreeNewDoc, xmlTreeNewDocFromFile, xmlTreePrintDoc, xmlTreeSaveDoc

[more about: xmlTreeNewDocFromString] [^top^]

xmlNode xmlTreeNewElement(xmlNode parent, string name,
                              [, string content[, xmlNs ns]])


  • parent - the xmlNode to create the element on

  • name - the name of the new element

  • content (optional) - the text content for the element

  • ns (optional) - the namespace to use for the element


  • the xmlNode for the new element

See also: xmlTreeNewPI, xmlTreeNewText, xmlTreeNewCDATA, xmlTreeNewComment

[more about: xmlTreeNewElement] [^top^]

xmlNs xmlTreeNewNs(xmlNode element, string prefix, string URI)


  • parent - the element that will be parent of this xmlNs

  • prefix - the prefix for the new namespace. '' may be used to indicate no prefix.

  • URI - the URI for the new namespace. '' may be used for the default, empty namespace.


  • the xmlNs of the new namespace

See also: xmlTreeNewElement, xmlTreeNewPI, xmlTreeNewText, xmlTreeNewCDATA, xmlTreeNewComment, xmlTreeNewAttribute

[more about: xmlTreeNewNs] [^top^]

    xmlNode xmlTreeNewPI(xmlNode parent, string target,
                         string content)


  • parent - the xmlNode that will be the parent of the new processing instruction

  • target - the application to which the processing instruction is directed

  • content - the content for the new processing instruction


  • the xmlNode for the new processing instruction

See also: xmlTreeNewElement, xmlTreeNewText, xmlTreeNewCDATA, xmlTreeNewComment

[more about: xmlTreeNewPI] [^top^]

    xmlNode xmlTreeNewText(xmlNode parent, string content)


  • parent - the xmlNode that will be the parent of the new text node

  • content - the text content of the new text node


  • the xmlNode for the new text node

See also: xmlTreeNewElement, xmlTreeNewPI, xmlTreeNewCDATA, xmlTreeNewComment

[more about: xmlTreeNewText] [^top^]

    xmlXPath xmlTreeNewXPath(xmlDoc doc)


  • doc - the xmlDoc to create the XPath for


  • the new xmlXPath engine

See also: xmlTreeXPathExecute, xmlTreeXPathRegisterNs xmlTreeXPathSetContext

[more about: xmlTreeNewXPath] [^top^]

    string xmlTreePrintDoc(xmlDoc doc [, string encoding]
                           [, string options])


  • doc - the xmlDoc to be printed

  • encoding - the character encoding to use when serializing the document. Defaults to UTF-8.

  • options - the options to use when saving (see below)


  • the serialized string of doc

See also: xmlTreeSaveDoc

[more about: xmlTreePrintDoc] [^top^]

    string[] xmlTreeQuickXPath(string xmlRaw, string xpathQuery
        [, string[] xmlns)


  • xmlRaw - the plain text of the XML document you want to extract information from

  • xpathQuery - the XPath expression that identifies the nodes you want to extract the data from

  • xmlns (optional) - an array of prefix=URI namespaces to use in the XPath query


  • String values of the node from the XML document xmlRaw that match xpathQuery

See also: xmlTreeNewXPath, xmlTreeXPathExecute, xmlTreeXPathRegisterNs

[more about: xmlTreeQuickXPath] [^top^]

    int xmlTreeSaveDoc(xmlDoc doc, string filename,
                       [, string encoding] [, string options])


  • doc - the xmlDoc to be saved to a file.

  • filename - the file to save doc to

  • encoding (optional) - the character encoding to use. Default is UTF-8.

  • options (optional) - the options to use when saving (see below)


  • the number of bytes written, or -1 in the case of error.

See also: xmlTreePrintDoc

[more about: xmlTreeSaveDoc] [^top^]

    xmlNode xmlTreeSetContent(xmlNode node, string content)


  • node - the xmlNode to set the content for

  • content - the text to set as the content of node


  • the node

See also: xmlTreeSetName, xmlTreeAddContent

[more about: xmlTreeSetContent] [^top^]

    xmlNode xmlTreeSetName(xmlNode node, string name)


  • node - the xmlNode you want to set the name of

  • name - the name you want to use for node


  • the node

See also: xmlTreeSetContent, xmlTreeAddContent

[more about: xmlTreeSetName] [^top^]

    xmlNode xmlTreeSetNs(xmlNode node, xmlNs ns)


  • node - the xmlNode to set the namespace for

  • ns - the namespace to use for node


  • the node

See also: xmlTreeGetNs, xmlTreeNewNs

[more about: xmlTreeSetNs] [^top^]

    string xmlTreeSetNsPrefix(xmlNs ns, string prefix)


  • ns - the xmlNs whose prefix you want to change

  • prefix - the new namespace prefix to use for ns


  • the old namespace prefix for ns (if any)

See also: xmlTreeSetNsURI, xmlTreeClearNs

[more about: xmlTreeSetNsPrefix] [^top^]

    string xmlTreeSetNsURI(xmlNs ns, string URI)


  • ns - the xmlNs whose prefix you want to change

  • URI - the new namespace URI to use for ns


  • the old namespace URI for ns (if any)

See also: xmlTreeClearNs, xmlTreeSetNsURI

[more about: xmlTreeSetNsURI] [^top^]

    xmlNode xmlTreeSetRootElement(xmlDoc doc, xmlNode element)


  • doc - the xmlDoc to set the root element of

  • element - the element to set as the root of doc


  • the old root element (if any)

See also: xmlTreeAddChild, xmlTreeAddChildList, xmlTreeAddNextSibling, xmlTreeAddPrevSibling, xmlTreeAddSibling

[more about: xmlTreeSetRootElement] [^top^]

    xmlNode xmlTreeUnlinkNode(xmlNode node)


  • node - the xmlNode you want to unlink


  • the node

See also: xmlTreeAddChild, xmlTreeAddChildList, xmlTreeAddNextSibling, xmlTreeAddPrevSibling, xmlTreeAddSibling, xmlTreeSetRootElement

[more about: xmlTreeUnlinkNode] [^top^]

    xmlNode xmlTreeXPathExecute(xmlXPath xpath, string expression)


  • xpath - an xmlXPath object

  • expression - the XPath expression to execute


  • the xmlNode's that match the XPath expression

See also: xmlTreeNewXPath, xmlTreeXPathRegisterNs xmlTreeXPathSetContext

[more about: xmlTreeXPathExecute] [^top^]

int xmlTreeXPathRegisterNs(xmlXPath xpath, string prefix,
                               string URI)


  • xpath - the xmlXPath to register a namespace for

  • prefix - the prefix for the namespace

  • URI - the URI for the namespace


  • 0 - success

  • -1 - error

See also: xmlTreeNewXPath, xmlTreeXPathExecute

[more about: xmlTreeXPathRegisterNs] [^top^]

xmlNode xmlTreeXPathSetContext(xmlXPath xpath, xmlNode node)


  • xpath - the xmlXPath to set a context for

  • node - the new starting context for xpath


  • the previous context

See also: xmlTreeNewXPath, xmlTreeXPathExecute

[more about: xmlTreeXPathSetContext] [^top^]

    int xmlWriterEndAttribute(xmlWriter writer)


  • writer - the xmlWriter


  • the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

See also: xmlWriterStartAttribute, xmlWriterWrite, xmlWriterWriteAttribute

[more about: xmlWriterEndAttribute] [^top^]

    int xmlWriterEndCDATA(xmlWriter writer)


  • writer - the xmlWriter


  • the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

See also: xmlWriterStartCDATA, xmlWriterWrite, xmlWriterWriteCDATA

[more about: xmlWriterEndCDATA] [^top^]

    int xmlWriterEndComment(xmlWriter writer)


  • writer - the xmlWriter


  • the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

See also: xmlWriterStartComment, xmlWriterWrite, xmlWriterWriteComment

[more about: xmlWriterEndComment] [^top^]

    int xmlWriterEndDocument(xmlWriter writer)


  • writer - the xmlWriter


  • the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

See also: xmlWriterGetContent

[more about: xmlWriterEndDocument] [^top^]

    int xmlWriterEndElement(xmlWriter writer)


  • writer - the xmlWriter


  • the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

See also: xmlWriterStartElement, xmlWriterWrite, xmlWriterWriteElement

[more about: xmlWriterEndElement] [^top^]

    int xmlWriterEndPI(xmlWriter writer)


  • writer - the xmlWriter


  • the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

See also: xmlWriterStartPI, xmlWriterWrite, xmlWriterWritePI

[more about: xmlWriterEndPI] [^top^]

    string xmlWriterGetContent(xmlWriter writer)


  • writer - the xmlWriter


  • the data that has been written to writer

See also: xmlWriterEndDocument

[more about: xmlWriterGetContent] [^top^]

    xmlWriterNewToFile(string filename)


  • filename - the file to write the XML document to


  • the new xmlWriter object

See also: xmlWriterNewToString, xmlWriterSetIndent, xmlWriterStartDocument

[more about: xmlWriterNewToFile] [^top^]

    xmlWriter xmlWriterNewToString(string options)


  • options - currently no options, use the empty string ''


  • the new xmlWriter object

See also: xmlWriterNewToFile, xmlWriterSetIndent, xmlWriterStartDocument

[more about: xmlWriterNewToString] [^top^]

    int xmlWriterSetIndent(xmlWriter writer, int indent
                           [, string indentString])


  • writer - the xmlWriter

  • indent

    • 0 (default) - do not indent

    • 1 - indent output

  • indentString (optional) - What string to use for indenting. The default is a single space.


  • 0 - success

  • -1 - error

See also: xmlWriterNewToFile, xmlWriterNewToString, xmlWriterStartDocument

[more about: xmlWriterSetIndent] [^top^]

    int xmlWriterStartAttribute(xmlWriter writer, string name
                                [, string prefix [, string URI]])


  • writer - the xmlWriter

  • name - the name of the attribute

  • prefix (optional) - the XML namespace prefix for the attribute

  • URI (optional) - the URI for the namespace


  • the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

See also: xmlWriterWrite, xmlWriterEndAttribute, xmlWriterWriteAttribute

[more about: xmlWriterStartAttribute] [^top^]

    int xmlWriterStartCDATA(xmlWriter writer)


  • writer - the xmlWriter


  • the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

See also: xmlWriterWrite, xmlWriterEndCDATA, xmlWriterWriteCDATA

[more about: xmlWriterStartCDATA] [^top^]

    int xmlWriterStartComment(xmlWriter writer)


  • writer - the xmlWriter


  • the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

See also: xmlWriterWrite, xmlWriterEndComment, xmlWriterWriteComment

[more about: xmlWriterStartComment] [^top^]

    int xmlWriterStartDocument(xmlWriter writer, string version
            [, string encoding [, string standalone]])


  • writer - the xmlWriter

  • version - the XML version to use (usually 1.0)

  • encoding (optional) - what character encoding to use for the document. UTF-8 is used by default.

  • standalone (optional) - pass yes to make this a standalone XML document. See for more information. The value no may be passed to make the document not standalone (default).


  • the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

See also: xmlWriterNewToFile, xmlWriterNewToString, xmlWriterSetIndent

[more about: xmlWriterStartDocument] [^top^]

    int xmlWriterStartElement(xmlWriter writer, string name
            [, string prefix [, string URI]] )


  • writer - the xmlWriter

  • name - the name of the new element

  • prefix (optional) - the namespace prefix to use for this element. Default is no prefix.

  • URI (optional) - declare the prefix namespace to be URI


  • the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

See also: xmlWriterWrite, xmlWriterEndElement, xmlWriterWriteElement

[more about: xmlWriterStartElement] [^top^]

    int xmlWriterStartPI(xmlWriter writer, string target)


  • writer - the xmlWriter

  • target - the application to which the processing instruction is directed


  • the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

See also: xmlWriterWrite, xmlWriterEndPI, xmlWriterWritePI

[more about: xmlWriterStartPI] [^top^]

    int xmlWriterWrite(xmlWriter writer, string content)


  • writer - the xmlWriter

  • content - the content you want to write


  • the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

See also: xmlWriterWriteRaw

[more about: xmlWriterWrite] [^top^]

    int xmlWriterWriteAttribute(xmlWriter writer, string name,
            string content [, string prefix [, string URI]])


  • writer - the xmlWriter

  • name - the name of the attribute

  • content - the content of the attribute

  • prefix (optional) - the namespace prefix of the attribute

  • URI (optional) - the namespace URI for prefix


  • the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

See also: xmlWriterStartAttribute, xmlWriterWrite, xmlWriterEndAttribute

[more about: xmlWriterWriteAttribute] [^top^]

    int xmlWriterWriteCDATA(xmlWriter writer, string content)


  • writer - the xmlWriter

  • content - the content of the CDATA section


  • the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

See also: xmlWriterStartCDATA, xmlWriterWrite, xmlWriterEndCDATA

[more about: xmlWriterWriteCDATA] [^top^]

    int xmlWriterWriteElement(xmlWriter writer, string name,
            string content [, string prefix [, string URI]])


  • writer - the xmlWriter

  • name - the name of the element

  • content - the content of the element

  • prefix (optional) - the namespace prefix of the element

  • URI (optional) - the namespace URI for prefix


  • the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

[more about: xmlWriterWriteElement] [^top^]

    int xmlWriterWritePI(xmlWriter writer, string target,
            string content)


  • writer - the xmlWriter

  • target - the application to which the processing instruction is directed

  • content - the contents of the processing instruction


  • the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

See also: xmlWriterStartPI, xmlWriterWrite, xmlWriterEndPI

[more about: xmlWriterWritePI] [^top^]

    int xmlWriterWriteRaw(xmlWriter writer, string content)


  • writer - the xmlWriter

  • content - the raw content to write to writer


  • the bytes written (may be 0 because of buffering) or -1 in case of error

See also: xmlWriterWrite

[more about: xmlWriterWriteRaw] [^top^]

    xmlDoc xsltApplyStylesheet(xmlDoc doc, xsltStylesheet style
        [, string[] names, string[] values] )


  • doc - the XML document to you want to transform

  • style - the XSL stylesheet that will be used to transform the doc

  • names (optional) - an array of parameter names to pass in to the transformation

  • values (optional) - an array of parameter values that correspond to the names


  • The output of the transformation as an xmlDoc

See also: xsltParseStylesheetDoc, xsltParseStylesheetFile, xsltParseStylesheetString

[more about: xsltApplyStylesheet] [^top^]

xsltStylesheet xsltParseStylesheetDoc(xmlDoc doc)


  • doc - the XML document to build the stylesheet from


  • the new xsltStylesheet

See also: xsltApplyStylesheet, xsltParseStylesheetFile, xsltParseStylesheetString

[more about: xsltParseStylesheetDoc] [^top^]

    xsltStylesheet xsltParseStylesheetFile(string filename)


  • doc - the XSL file to read


  • the new xsltStylesheet

See also: xsltApplyStylesheet, xsltParseStylesheetDoc, xsltParseStylesheetString

[more about: xsltParseStylesheetFile] [^top^]

    xsltStylesheet xsltParseStylesheetString(string xsl)


  • doc - the XSL data to parse


  • the new xsltStylesheet

See also: xsltApplyStylesheet, xsltParseStylesheetDoc, xsltParseStylesheetFile

[more about: xsltParseStylesheetString] [^top^]

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