sysinfo - get system-specific information


<sysinfo $what [$arg ...]>

The sysinfo function obtains various system- or OS-level parameters. This information can be used to monitor the performance of large or long-running processes. The $what argument determines what is returned:

  • time

  • time wallclock

  • time continuousfixedrate[orwallclock]

  • time continuousvariablerate

    Given second arg wallclock (or empty/no second arg), returns the current wall-clock (real) time, in seconds since midnight Jan. 1 1970 GMT, as a double. Fractions of a second up to the system clock resolution are returned as well. This is the same value as Unix date displays, but with sub-second resolution. It can be printed and inserted as a Texis date value. Note: User and system time - obtainable with the proctime option - more accurately reflect the CPU utilization of a process. Also, the time needed to fetch a Web page is obtainable with options to urlinfo (here).

    Given second arg continuousfixedrate, the time from a fixed-rate, continuous clock is returned, as a double value of seconds (plus fraction). This clock continuously increments at a fixed rate; the starting point and rate are fixed at boot. Thus it is not affected by forward/backward jumps in the system time (e.g. when the Unix date is set), nor by rate changes in the system time (e.g. from NTP speedup/slowdown). However, this clock's epoch (zero starting point) is undefined; it is not midnight Jan. 1 1970 GMT, so printing it as a Texis date value will give meaningless year/month/day/etc. values. It should only be used for comparison with other continuousfixedrate times during the same system lifetime (i.e. since boot). It can be used to set deadlines or time events in a manner that is unaffected by system time changes. On platforms where this clock is unsupported, -1 is returned. To avoid a -1 return, the second arg may be given as continuousfixedrateorwallclock instead, which returns a continous fixed-rate clock time if supported, or the ordinary wall-clock time if not; this option was added in version 7.07.1568044000 20190909.

    Given second arg continuousvariablerate, a clock similar to continuousfixedrate is returned, except that the rate may vary. I.e. it is subject to the same speedup/slowdown as the system clock, but not the system clock's jumps; this clock will continuously increment, regardless of date changes. On platforms where this clock is unsupported, -1 is returned.

    The wallclock, continuousfixedrate and continuousvariablerate arguments were added in version 7.06.1510695000 20171114.

  • boottime

    Returns the system boot time, in seconds (plus fraction) since midnight Jan. 1 1970 GMT. Added in version 7.06.1510695000 20171114.

  • proctime Returns user, system and real process times, in seconds since process start, as 3 double values. These are the number of seconds the process has spent actually running (user), doing system calls (system), and wall-clock time since process start (real). If the optional $arg argument is given, those values are first subtracted. This allows a certain section of the process to be measured, instead of the entire cumulative process time (see example below). On error, values of -1 are returned.

  • procmem

    Returns virtual size and resident set size of the process, in bytes, as 2 long or int64 values. On error, or if the current OS is unsupported, values of -1 are returned. Although the exact definition varies by platform, the virtual size is typically the total memory used by the process (code, data and stack), and the resident set size is the amount of that memory currently in physical RAM (as opposed to disk swap).

  • physmem

    Returns the amount of physical memory the system contains, in bytes, as a long or int64 value. If this cannot be determined, -1 is returned. Added in version 3.01.981000000 20010131.

  • getpid or pid Returns the process ID, as an integer. Same as the getpid function (here).

  • getppid or ppid Returns the parent process' ID, as an integer. Not supported for Windows.

  • procexists For each process ID given in the $arg list, returns 1 if that process exists, 0 if not. Same as the procexists function (here).

  • loadavg Returns the 3 system load averages as doubles, or -1 if unavailable or the OS is unsupported. Same as the loadavg function (here).

  • cwd or pwd or getcwd Returns the current working directory of the process.

  • cputimes [$cpu] $timeName Returns the (system-wide) CPU time(s), as double seconds, for the selected CPU(s) for time $timeName, which is one of the following values (from Linux /proc/stat cpu values):

    • user

    • nice (Linux only)

    • system (under Windows, kernel time - which includes some idle time)

    • idle

    • iowait (Linux 2.5.41+ only)

    • irq (Linux 2.6.0+ only)

    • softirq (Linux 2.6+ only)

    • steal (Linux 2.6.11+ only)

    • guest (Linux 2.6.24+ only)

    • guestnice (Linux 2.6.33+ only)
    The optional $cpu argument is one of sum (the default), all, cpuN or N. sum returns a single summary value across all CPUs. all returns an array with a value for each CPU. cpuN or N returns a single value for the integral Nth CPU, 0-base indexed.

    -1.0 value(s) are returned on error. Unknown $cpu/$timeName values also report a putmsg. Values that are known but unsupported on the current machine (platform-dependent - see notes above - or out-of-range CPU) silently return -1.0 (potentially multiple times if CPU all requested).

    Added in version 8.01.1707413956 20240208.

  • platform Returns a string describing the hardware, vendor, OS and file bit size that this executable was created for, and is probably running on. Returned as 4 values separated by dashes. Added in version 3.01.980200000 20010122. Note that this may vary from the actual platform that is running, e.g. the revision of the OS.

  • regquery $key $subkey $name [$default] Under Windows, queries the registry under the given $key and $subkey for the value associated with $name. $key must be one of the predefined HKEY_... values such as "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE". $subkey is generally a string "path". If there is no value defined, the $default value is returned if given. Under non-Windows platforms this function is unimplemented; the $default value is always returned. Added in version 3.01.976300000 20001208. regqueryvalue is an alias for regquery.

  • resourcestat [$who] $statName Returns the current process's usage of the resource named by $statName, which is one of the following:

    • UserTime

    • SystemTime

    • RealTime

    • MaxResidentSetSize

    • IntegralSharedMemSize

    • IntegralUnsharedDataSize

    • IntegralUnsharedStackSize

    • MinorPageFaults

    • MajorPageFaults

    • Swaps

    • BlockInputOps

    • BlockOutputOps

    • MessagesSent

    • MessagesReceived

    • SignalsReceived

    • VoluntaryContextSwitches

    • InvoluntaryContextSwitches
    The optional $who parameter is one of self, children, both or thread; the default is self. This determines which resource group the value is returned from. Not all platforms support all resources, nor all $who values. Added in version 7.01.1384824000 20131118.

  • umask Returns the process's umask, as a chmod-style symbolic string. Added in version 4.00.997400000 20010809.

  • getenv $var Returns the value of environment variable named by $var. Note: Vortex variables are automatically initialized from environment variables; e.g. $PATH in Vortex contains the path from the environment. This call is less efficient, and should only be needed if environment variables have been changed since script start with syscp setenv. Added in version 4.00.997400000 20010809.

  • availablespace $path

    Returns the amount of free disk space in bytes (for non-root users) for each filesystem in $path, as an int64 value. If the free space cannot be determined, -1 is returned. On some old platforms an inaccurate value may be returned. Added in version 7.05.1450200000 20151215.

  • freespace $path

    Returns the amount of free disk space in bytes (for root) for each filesystem in $path, as an int64 value. If the free space cannot be determined, -1 is returned. On some old platforms an inaccurate value may be returned. Added in version 4.04.1080180000 20040324. In versions prior to 7.05.1450200000 20151215, this returned the same as availablespace, i.e. space for non-root users.

  • totalspace $path

    Returns the total disk space in bytes for each filesystem in $path, as an int64 value. If the total space cannot be determined, -1 is returned. On some old platforms an inaccurate value may be returned. Added in version 7.05.1450200000 20151215.

  • usedspacepercent $path

    Returns the used disk space for each filesystem in $path, as a double percent value. If the total space cannot be determined, -1 is returned. On some old platforms an inaccurate value may be returned. Added in version 7.05.1450200000 20151215.

  • hostname Returns the machine's hostname as configured. Added in version 4.04.1080000000 20040322.

  • fullhostname Returns the machine's hostname, fully-qualified via DNS if possible. Added in version 4.04.1080000000 20040322.

  • user or realuser

    Returns the real user name running the script. Added in version 4.04.1072150000 20031222. In version 7.00.1352762000 20121112 the alias realuser was added. In version 8.00.1634252269 20211014 and later the domain is included under Windows.

  • effectiveuser Returns the effective user name running the script. Added in version 7.00.1352762000 20121112. In version 8.00.1634252269 20211014 and later the domain is included under Windows.

  • maxdescriptors Returns the maximum number of open file descriptors possible, or -1 if unknown. Added in version 4.02.1037476167 20021116.

  • opendescriptors Returns the current process's number of open file descriptors, or -1 if unknown. Added in version 4.02.1037476167 20021116. Windows support added in version 8.01.1711936048 20240331.

  • processdescription

    Returns process description (sans "texis: " prefix) currently set by <syscp processdescription> (here), or empty if none. Added in version 7.06.1522794000 20180403. Note that the returned description may be truncated from the value passed to <syscp processdescription>, due to limited original command line space in the process.

  • maxprocessdescriptionlen Returns maximum length in characters of a process description that can be passed to <syscp processdescription> (here) without truncation. Added in version 7.06.1522794000 20180403.

sysinfo returns various OS-level parameters depending on its first argument.

To obtain the CPU utilization of an entire script, call <sysinfo proctime> at the end. In this example, we time a single function call, <CPUhog>, while ignoring any previous or later functions:

... ignore time of earlier calls here ...
<sysinfo proctime>
<$start = $ret>
<sysinfo proctime $start>
CPUhog times: <LOOP $ret> $ret </LOOP>

The sysinfo function was added in version 3.01.967500000 20000828.

Some options may be unavailable on some platforms, or may require additional user privileges (such as reading kernel memory). Vortex should not be run as root to obtain these privileges; use a lower privilege user that still has the required perms (e.g. kmem). No databases should be accessed when running as such a non-Texis user, to avoid making files inaccessible to other (Texis user) invocations of Vortex.

syscp, sysutil

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