Texis conf/texis.ini Section

The [Texis] section of conf/texis.ini affects Texis and Vortex.

Log Dir
Default: /var/log/texis under Unix, %INSTALLDIR%/logs under Windows
Sets the %LOGDIR% variable, and thus the log dir for log file settings that use this variable, e.g. [Texis] Vortex Log, [Monitor] Log File, [Httpd] Transfer Log by default in version 8. Thus changing this one setting (with log file settings left default) will change where log files reside. Added in version 8. See also Run Dir.

Run Dir
Default: /run/texis under Unix, %INSTALLDIR%/run under Windows
Sets the %RUNDIR% variable, and thus the run dir for run-time-only file settings that use this variable, e.g. [Texis] Statistics Pipe, [Monitor] Lock File by default in version 8. Thus changing this one settings (with run-time file settings left default) will change where run-time files reside. Added in version 8. See also Log Dir.

Log Reopen
Default: true

If nonzero (true), re-open/close log files for every use (e.g. every message), instead of keeping them open for the life of the process. This may allow system log rotators to rotate log files without restarting the monitor, vhttpd, or long-running Vortex script daemons, and potentially allows disk space to be recovered even if such a process is unresponsive. Affects monitor log, Vortex log, vhttpd and monitor web server transfer log, and vhttpd error log. Note that some of these log files may nonetheless be held open a non-trivial amount of time, if necessary. E.g. the monitor web server redirects Vortex scripts' standard error to the monitor log under Unix, so long-running or overlapping fetches of Vortex scripts run by the monitor web server may hold that log open (vhttpd does not do this).

Added in version 8.01.1711127229 20240322. See also [Monitor] Log Reopen (p.here), which defaults to this setting's value.

Default: %INSTALLDIR%/license.key
Points to the license file. Path must end in .key.

Statistics Pipe
Default: %RUNDIR%/texisstats under Unix in version 8 and later (/tmp/.texisstats in version 7 and earlier), \\.\pipe\texisstats under Windows.
A named pipe is used to communicate statistics between monitor processes. This setting allows its path to be specified.

Compile Pipe
Default: \\.\pipe\\texiscompile
Named pipe used under Windows.

Default: builtin
Sets the default path to the thesaurus. Deprecated; set [Apicp] eqprefix instead.

Default: %INSTALLDIR%/eqvsusr
Sets the default path to the user thesaurus. Deprecated; set [Apicp] ueqprefix instead.

Lib Path
Default: %EXEDIR%:%LIBDIR%:%SYSLIBPATH% (%EXEDIR%:%BINDIR%:%SYSLIBPATH% before version 8); semicolon-separated under Windows
Sets the search path for loading certain dynamic (shared) libraries, such as the OpenSSL plugin. This is a colon-separated (semicolon under Windows) list of directories to check. The %SYSLIBPATH% variable is unique to Lib Path, and refers to the OS-dependent shared library load path.

Note that Lib Path refers to plugin libraries loaded after program startup by Texis, not linked libraries such as the C or math lib loaded by the OS at program startup. Added in version 4.01.1026200000 Jul 9 2002.

Default: 0
If nonzero, a copy of SYSLOCKS will be saved if problems are detected.

Write Timeout
Default: 5.0
Sets the maximum time in seconds to retry certain database writes if they fail with a temporary error, e.g. Windows 1450 ERROR_NO_SYSTEM_RESOURCES. Added in version 5.01.1218575000 20080812.

Enable FDBF
Default: 0
If nonzero, enables FDBF file access, which is a deprecated Texis database table format. Should only need to be enabled for tables or indexes created with Texis versions before 1996. Added in version 5.01.1136500000 20060105.

Varchar To Strlst Sep
Default: create in version 7 and later, lastchar before 7
Default value for the varchartostrlstsep SQL setting (here). Added in version 5.01.1225870000 20081105.

Multi Value To Multi Row
Default: yes
Default value for the multivaluetomultirow SQL setting (here). Added in version 5.01.1243980000 20090602.

Blobz External Compress Exe
Default: unset
If set, use this command to compress data for non-trivial blobz fields, instead of the builtin routines. Uncompressed data that is at least Blobz External Compress Min Size bytes in size will be compressed with this command; smaller data (or if Blobz External Compress Exe is unset) will use the default internal gzip routine (or be stored as-is, whichever is smaller). Blobz External Uncompress Exe must be set as well if this setting is set, or data may not be readable once written. Both commands must read input from stdin and write output to stdout, and may contain space-separated arguments (quoted if needed).

Note that using this setting may slow down table writes, as the given executable may be run for any blobz field written.

Blobz External Uncompress Exe
Default: unset
If set, use this command to uncompress data from blobz fields that was previously commpressed with Blobz External Compress Exe (here). Both commands must read input from stdin and write output to stdout, and may contain space-separated arguments (quoted if needed).

Note that using this setting may slow down table reads, as the executable may be run for any blobz field read.

Blobz External Compress Min Size
Default: 32
The minimum size of uncompressed (original/source) data that will cause external (Blobz External Compress Exe, here) compression to be used, for blobz fields. If source data is smaller, or Blobz External Compress Exe is unset, the internal gzip routine - or storage as-is - will be used instead. The default of 32 is a compromise that avoids the overhead of running the executable for small data that is unlikely to compress better than gzip anyway, but still runs it for large data that might compress better. A value of 0 would run it for all blobz data written.

Hexify Bytes
Default: 1 for tsql, 0 in other programs
Default value for the hexifybyte SQL property (here). Added in version 7.

Createlocks Methods
Default: direct monitor
The list of methods to try (in sequential order) to create the lock structure for a database (global file mapping, shared memory segment, or file, depending on platform). The value is a space-separated list of one or more of the tokens direct or monitor. The direct method tries to create the lock structure directly; the monitor method asks the Texis Monitor to creatre it. On some platforms, such as Windows 2008 and later, ordinary users may not have permissions to create the OS object (e.g. global file mapping) needed for the lock structure. Since the Texis Monitor often runs as a service under Windows - with elevated SYSTEM permissions - it may be used to create the object on behalf of the Texis process.

Added in version 7.00.1372118000 20130624. Previous versions only tried the direct method.

Createlocks Timeout
Default: 10
The length of time, in seconds, to wait for the monitor method to create the lock structure. Added in version 7.00.1372118000 20130624.

Trace Locks Database, Trace Locks Table
Default: both unset

Database and/or table to trace locks for (debugging). If either is set, locks trace messages will be saved to locks.lg in the appropriate database dir. Tracing will be limited to the database and/or table named.

Trace Dumptable
Default: 0
Integer whose bits are flags for debugging the cpdb dumptable protocol; same as cpdb -T value (here).

Create Db Ok Dir Exists
Default: 0
If nonzero, a database's directory may pre-exist at database creation time. Default is 0 (false) to help prevent database creation races.

Validate Btrees
Default: 0x101f
Bit flags for extra consistency checks on B-trees; subject to change in future releases.

  • 0x0001: validate tree on open

  • 0x0002: validate page on read

  • 0x0004: validate page on write

  • 0x0008: validate page on release

  • 0x0010: other page-release errors

  • 0x0020: more stringent limits

  • 0x0040: validate on page manipulation

  • 0x1000: attempt to fix bad pages if possible

  • 0x2000: overwrite freed pages in memory

Added in version 7.05.1449078000 20151202. Overridable by validatebtrees SQL property.

Default: 0x1493 (0x0010 added to default in version 7.06.1512512000 20171205)
An integer set of bit flags for signal/exception control and information. Applies to Vortex, Texis/database monitor, and most other Texis programs. Can be overridden in Vortex by the <trap> directive and <vxcp trap> statement. Not all print-info flags supported on all platforms.

  • 0x0001: Catch normal signals (SIGTERM etc.; Vortex only)

  • 0x0002: Catch "bad" signals (SIGSEGV etc.; Vortex only)

  • 0x0004: Dump core after bad signal/exception via *NULL

  • 0x0008: Dump core after bad signal/exception via signal handler return (Cores placed in dir of Vortex or monitor log if possible)

  • 0x0010: Print registers at bad signal (Vortex only)

  • 0x0020: Print +1KB of stack at bad signal (Vortex only)

  • 0x0040: Print +16KB of stack at bad signal (Vortex only)

  • 0x0080: Print location (human-readable context) for bad signals

  • 0x0100: Ignore SIGHUP (Vortex only)

  • 0x0200: Treat timeout as bad signal (Vortex only)

  • 0x0400: Print info of signalling PID (PID and command line)

  • 0x0800: Print info of signalling PID and PPID (if 0x0400 set too, info for all ancestors printed)

  • 0x1000: Print backtrace at bad signal

Added in version 7.06.1472335000 20160827.

Unneeded REX Escape Warning
Default: yes
Whether to issue REX: Unneeded escape sequence ... warnings when a REX expression uses certain unneeded escapes. An unneeded escape is when a character is escaped that has no special meaning in the current context in REX, either alone or escaped. Such escapes are interpreted as just the literal character alone (respect-case); e.g \w has no special meaning in REX, and is taken as w.

While such escapes have no meaning currently, some may take on a specific new meaning in a future Texis release, if REX syntax is expanded. Thus using them in an expression now may unexpectedly (and silently) result in their behavior changing after a Texis update; hence the warning message. Expressions using such escapes should thus have them changed to the unescaped literal character.

If updating the code is not feasible, the warning may be silenced by setting [Texis] Unneeded REX Escape Warning to no - at the risk of silent behavior change at an upgrade. Added in version 7.06.1465574000 20160610. Overridden by unneededrexescapewarning SQL setting (here).

IN Mode
Default: subset
Initial value for the SQL inmode property (here). Added in version 7.

Legacy Version 7 Order By Rank
Default: off in compatibilityversion 8 and later, on in version 7 and earlier
If on, an ORDER BY $rank (or $rank-containing expression) uses legacy version 7 behavior, i.e. typically orders in numerically descending order, but may change to ascending (and have other idiosyncrasies) depending on index, expression and DESC flag use. If off, such ORDER BYs are consistent with others: numerically ascending unless DESC flag given (which would be typical, to maintain descending-numerical-rank order). This setting can be overridden by the legacyversion7orderbyrank SQL setting (here). Added in version 7.06.1508871000 20171024.

Note that this setting may be removed in a future release, as its enabled behavior is deprecated. Its existence is only to ease transition of old code when upgrading to Texis version 8, and thus should only be used temporarily. Old code should be updated to reflect version 8 default behavior - and this setting removed from code - soon after upgrading.

Default Password Hash Method
Default: SHA-512 (effectively DES in version 7 and earlier, which predate this setting)
Method to use for hashing new passwords, when not specified in the salt (e.g. when setting Texis or Webinator passwords, or <pwencrypt> with no salt). Can be one of DES, MD5, SHA-256 or SHA-512. Added in version 8.

Note: For databases created with Texis version 7 or earlier, non-DES password hashes require upgrading the SYSUSERS table; this should happen automatically when a version 8+ database monitor starts (if [Monitor] Upgrade SYSTEM Tables is nonzero, the default in version 8). Changing the hash method for an existing password entry also requires explicitly updating the SYSUSERS entry (e.g. via ALTER USER ... SQL). If the SYSUSERS upgrade has not been performed, attempting to set a non-DES password hash will give the warning "SHA-512 password hash would be too long for current SYSUSERS schema in `...'; using DES instead", and DES will be used instead. A similar message may be given if creating a long (over 20 bytes) user name when the upgrade has not been performed.

Default Password Hash Rounds
Default: 5000
Number of rounds to perform when hashing new passwords, when not specified in the salt (e.g. when setting Texis or Webinator passwords, or <pwencrypt> with no salt), for SHA algorithms. Can be 1000 - 999999999. Added in version 8. See also note for [Monitor] Default Password Hash Method, here.

Compatibility Version
Default: 8.01 (or whatever the running Texis version is)
Sets the Texis compatibility version - the version to attempt to behave as - to the given string, which is a Texis version of the form "major[.minor[.release]]", where major is a major version integer, minor is a minor version integer, and release is a release integer. Added in version 7.07.1571170000 20191015. See the <vxcp compatibilityversion> setting in Vortex for details. Note that changing this setting may cause Vortex scripts to need recompilation.

Other [Texis] settings are specific to Texis Web Script (Vortex). For details on these Vortex-specific settings, see the "Configuration Settings" section of the Vortex manual.

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