addtable - Add existing table to database


addtable [-h] [-d database] [-l tablename] [-c comment] [-u user]
[-p password] [-b bits] filename

The program addtable is used to add a table file to a database. This could be done as a fast way to copy a table to another database, if you need to restore a table from a backup, or to move a table to a different disk partition. Table files have a .tbl extension, and typically have the same name as the table. With the -l option to addtable you can give a different name to the table within Texis instead of the default, which is taken from the filename. The -d option indicates which database you want to add the table to, with the current directory being the default. A comment can be recorded in SYSTABLES with the -c option. You can also specify a Texis user and password to log in to the database when the table is added. The default is to log in as PUBLIC with an empty password.

The -b option specifies the file bit size of the file. Some platforms have 32- and 64-bit file bit size Texis versions, and the tables are not binary compatible. (The file bit size is given by the fourth dash-separated "word" in parentheses output at the end of texis -version.) By specifying the source file's bit size with -b, it can usually be converted to the bit size of the local Texis version, if that differs. Added in version 4.01.1030377945 Aug 26 2002.

You should not use addtable on a file which is part of another database unless it is a read-only table.


addtable example.tbl

This is the simplest case, which will add the table example to the current database.

addtable -d /usr/local/morph3/texis/testdb -l sample -c "Sample table"
-u MyUserName -p MyPassword /home/data/example.tbl

This will add the file /home/data/example.tbl to the database /usr/local/morph3/texis/testdb in which it will be known as sample. The table will be owned by MyUserName.

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