For Linux/Unix platforms, download the
file, from the URL given to you during the registration procedure, to
a temporary directory on your machine. (The number
27.2.0 in the filename
may differ, if you are downloading a different version.) Then
decompress it, extract it, and run the install script using the
following two commands:
gunzip < webinator-27.2.0.tar.gz | tar xvf -
cd webinator-27.2.0 && sh ./
Note: The Webinator install must be run as root.
It will ask for a non-privileged user to own and run the files;
this should be the same user your web server uses to run CGI programs
(typically a non-login user); consult your web server config files for
details (e.g. for Apache this user is typically given by the
User directive). Note: Once installed, Webinator
should generally be run as this non-privileged user, not root
You will be asked several other questions during the installation. For
some of these questions, a default answer may appear in square
brackets. E.g.:
Install dir [ENTER for /usr/local/morph3]:
In this case, if you just hit Enter without typing a path, the
install will use the answer /usr/local/morph3 as if you'd typed
that. Note: Just because a default answer is given, does
not necessarily mean that is the correct or best answer for your
particular environment. It is up to you to choose the default or
enter your own value based on knowledge of your machine's setup.
You will be asked the following questions:
- Install dir
This is the directory where Webinator will place its files and
subdirectories. It should be a unique (empty) directory. If it
does not exist the install script will ask permission to create it for you.
The standard install directory is /usr/local/morph3; you
should use this if at all possible to avoid potential path issues
later. Only enter a different directory if you are specifically
unable to install to the standard directory. Whatever directory
you choose should be inaccessible to your web server
(i.e. outside its server and document directories): the install
will place just the public files of Webinator in your web server
tree later.
- CGI directory
This is the directory from which your web server runs CGI programs.
The install will create a symbolic link to the texis
executable here. Note: Since Webinator runs as a CGI
program your web server must be configured to run CGI
programs. Consult your web server documentation and config files
to find out how and where your server places CGI programs. For
Apache servers it is typically done with a ScriptAlias
directive. Note that this is the file path to your CGI
directory, not the URL entered in a browser.
- CGI URL prefix
This is the URL prefix to the CGI directory you just entered. In
other words, it's the URL that you would enter in a browser to
access a CGI program in that directory, but without the program
For example, assume you already have a CGI program
findit installed on this machine, and you access it via the
URL You would enter /cgi-bin as your URL prefix. If your site uses
virtual hosts, or runs on a non-standard port, you can enter a
full URL instead (e.g.
If you want to start over with a new CGI directory (previous question),
then enter /newdir to back up a step.
- CGI extension
This is the filename extension that CGI programs have in the URL.
On some web servers, instead of just one directory for CGI
programs, any program with a special extension such as .cgi
at the end signifies a CGI program. If this is true for the CGI
URL prefix you've selected, enter it here. For example, if your
CGI programs are named findit.cgi or shop.cgi, then
you might enter .cgi as the extension. (This may be the
case for Apache servers if CGI is set up with an
AddHandler cgi-script directive instead of
ScriptAlias.) If your programs do not have an extension in
the URL, type none.
- Webinator admin password
This is the password for the default Webinator administration
account. This password is used to control access to
your Webinator walks, so choose a password with care, and ensure
that only authorized administrators know it. (Once installed, you
can create multiple administration accounts with different
passwords if you desire, from the web-based admin interface.)
Under some circumstances on some OSes, setting the password from the
install may fail. Don't worry: you will be asked to set the password
the first time you access the administrative interface.
Once the installation has completed successfully, you can remove the
tar and install files, as they are no longer needed:
rm -f install webinator-27.2.0.tar.gz webinator.tar
Note: If you move your web server directories around or change
your CGI configuration after installing Webinator, you will have to
re-install it.
Note: To completely uninstall Webinator and all its files,
including any walk data, run the uninstaller (located in the install
dir) as root, e.g.:
Copyright © Thunderstone Software Last updated: Apr 15 2024