It isn't required that you ask a question. Any search item can be
entered on the query line. The simplest search would be to enter one
keyword, like "bear
". All matches containing just the word
(subject to morpheme processing, if turned on) will
be retrieved.
Equivalences (from the thesaurus) for query words may also be searched
for, in one of two ways. First, equivalences can be turned on for
all terms by setting keepeqvs
) or
(Search Appliance) on. Second, equivalences can be
toggled (reverse the keepeqvs
setting) for individual
query terms with the tilde ("~
") operator.
For example, with default settings (
off), the query "~bear arms
will find all equivalences to the word "bear
" - i.e.
", "endure
", "carry
" etc. - but only
the single term "arms
". If we turned keepeqvs
on, the
exact same query would find only the single word "bear
(tilde now toggles equivs to off) but all equivalences for the word
To look for a specific set of equivalences for a keyword - instead
of equivalences derived from the thesaurus - enter them in
parentheses, separated by commas (with no spaces). E.g. "(bolt,fastener,screw)" would find any of "bolt
", or "screw
". Note that wildcards (see
below) are disabled in parenthetical lists, however morpheme
processing is still done if turned on.
Entering more than one keyword on the query line will be interpreted
as 2 search items, as delimited by a space character, unless it is a
phrase known by the Equivalence File. To link any words together as a
phrase you need only put it in quotes. For example, "Alabama
" must find those two words in that sequence, as a
phrase. Such a phrase can be entered as a new entry in the
Equivalence File, and specific names of Alabama Representatives could
be associated as a set. Thereafter the quotes would not be required
on the query line for it to be processed as a single search item.
A wildcard `*
' can be used along with an English word to extend
a rooted pattern by up to 80 characters per asterisk `*
'. For
example, "Pres*Bush
" would locate "President George
". More than one asterisk `*
' may be used. Such an item
which includes an asterisk is matched by a special operator which is
part of SPM
, the Single Pattern Matcher which looks for single
A wildcarded item can be searched for in intersection with other
search items as well. For example: "Pres*Reagan campaign
would locate the sentence "President Ronald Reagan won the
election in November."
A wildcard operator `*
' means just that: "anything" before
of after the string to which it is rooted. If you occasionally find
that the morpheme processing rules for a given word are not treating
it correctly, you can substitute a wildcard to locate the word in a
different way. Even though "property
" will also find
" through morpheme processing, "prop*
will find the word "properties
" for different reasons.
" will also find "proper
" and
", which morpheme processing would intelligently