9.4 Patent Search

In the following sections we'll explore how Vortex integrates the Texis RDBS with the Web by examining the following sample application.

Copy this script to the file texis/scripts/example in your installation directory so you can run it in your browser and follow along.

This application presents a simple two-tier SQL search interface to the patent table that is part of the standard Texis distribution (in the /usr/local/morph3/texis/testdb database). Along the way we'll see how it demonstrates:

  • Getting vars to and from <FORM> s
  • Coding style: top/bottom HTML functions <look> and </look>
  • Re-entering script at different functions via $url
  • Two-tier SQL search - results page plus details page
  • Modifying SQL queries with $null
  • Formatting output with <fmt>
  • State retention across invocations
  • Paginating results
  • Hit markup with <fmt nbsp;%mbH>

(Run this example.    Download the source.)

  <EXPORT $id $skip    URL>
  <EXPORT $query $when URL USEROK>
  <A NAME=look PRIVATE title>   <!-- Header HTML -->
    <BODY BGCOLOR="white"><H2 ALIGN=center>$title</H2><P>
  <A NAME=/look PRIVATE>        <!-- Footer HTML -->
  <A NAME=showform PRIVATE>     <!-- Show the search form -->
    <FORM METHOD=post ACTION="$urlroot/search.html">
      Search for text: <INPUT SIZE=30 NAME=query VALUE="$query"> <BR>
      With date after: <INPUT SIZE=30 NAME=when VALUE="$when"> <BR>
      <INPUT TYPE=submit>
    </FORM> <P>
  <A NAME=search PUBLIC>        <!-- Do the search -->
    <look title="Patent Search Results">
    <$null = "">                <!-- Ignore empty user vars -->
    <SQL ROW SKIP=$skip MAX=10
        "select pcountry, pnumber, pdate, id
         from patent
         where pabstract like $query and pdate >= $when
         order by pdate asc">
      $next) <A HREF="$url/details.html">$pcountry $pnumber</A>
             <fmt " %at " "%b %e %Y" $pdate> <P>
    <$id = >                    <!-- Save URL space -->
    <pagelinks>                 <!-- Generate the pagination links -->
  <A NAME=details PUBLIC>       <!-- Show a single patent in detail -->
    <look title="Patent Details">
    <SQL "select pdate, pcountry, pnumber, pabstract from patent
          where id = $id">
      <B>$pcountry $pnumber</B> - <fmt " %at " "%b %e %Y" $pdate> <P>
      <fmt "%mbH" $query $pabstract>
  <A NAME=main PUBLIC>          <!-- Default entry point -->
    <look title="Patent Search">

Before running this example, make sure the patent table has an index (the install script probably took care of this):

  tsql -d /usr/local/morph3/texis/testdb
     "create metamorph inverted index xpabs on patent(pabstract,pdate)"

Our script has familiar <look> and </look> functions for header and footer HTML. In <showform> we display a search form that asks for text to search for, and a date to limit the patent search after. This form submits to our <search> function, which is the crux of the application.

Let's enter the text query solar nbsp;cells , and the date June nbsp;1982 : search for patents on solar cells after June 1, 1982 (next page):

Back: Generating HTML Forms Next: Patent Search - Continued
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