14.1 The fetch Statement | |
The <fetch> statement, given a URL, fetches that page on the Web and returns it:
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=vortex> <A NAME=main PUBLIC> <FORM METHOD=post ACTION="$url/"> Enter a Url: <INPUT NAME=page SIZE=40 VALUE="http://"> <INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="fetch"> </FORM> <IF $page neq ""> <H2>Here's the link text</H2> <fetch $page> <rex ROW "<a=[^>]+>\P=!</a>*" $ret> $ret <BR> </rex> </IF> </A> </SCRIPT> |
This script asks for a URL $page , and then uses <fetch> to contact that web server and obtain the page. <rex> is used in a loop to scan the raw HTML for the anchor text of hyperlinks. (The looping syntax of <rex> was added Sep. 24 1999.)
When we run this script against Thunderstone's home page, we get the following (next page):
Back: Processing Data from the Web | Next: The fetch Statement - Continued |