Texis can be controlled with a number of internal variables. These change the behavior of Texis. You can see the manual on Server Properties
for a full discussion of the various properties. They are broken down into the following categories:
- Search and optimization: defaultlike, matchmode, predopttype, ignorecase, btreecachesize, ramrows, ramlimit, bubble, optimize, nooptimize.
- Metamorph Parameters: minwordlen, keepnoise, suffixproc, prefixproc, rebuild, useequiv, inc_sdexp, inc_edexp, sdexp, edexp.
- Rank Knobs: likepproximity, likepleadbias, likeporder, likepdocfreq, likeptblfreq.
- Other ranking properties: likeprows, likeptime, likepmode, likepallmatch.
- Indexing properties: indexspace, indexblock, indexmem, addexp, delexp, lstexp, addindextmp, delindextmp, lstindextmp, infthresh, infpercent, btreethreshold, maxlinearrows, likerrows, indexaccess, indexchunk, cleanupwait.
- Locking properties: singleuser, lockmode, locksleepmethod, locksleeptime, fairlock, lockverbose.
- Miscellaneous properties: tablespace, datefmt, indirectcompat, triggermode, paramchk.