Locating Keywords and Wildcards

This is really easy, just type in the keyword(s) you want to find. If you want to find a part or parts of a keyword the * (asterisk) may be used as a wildcard character.

Word form (Morpheme) processing will automatically be performed on any English keyword. This allows you to locate the varied forms of a word without having to resort to the wildcard character.

If the item you wish to locate is more complicated than the simple * wildcard can accomplish, then you can use the more powerful regular expression matcher.

If you wish to locate a number of words in a specific order, surround them with " (double quotation) characters.


Expression             Locates
john                   john, John
Marsha                 Marsha, marsha
John*Public            John Q. Public, John Public
1*456*a*def            1-23456-789-ABCDEF
activate               activate, activation, activated...

In Texis concept expansion is disabled by default. In Metamorph it is enabled by default. Preceding a word or phrase with a '~' (tilde) character will toggle on or off concept expansion for the following word or phrase.

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