
The simplest URL is just that generated by $url in the script:

See <A HREF=$url>here</A>.

This URL might look something like this to the user (if they view the resulting HTML source in their browser):

See <A HREF=/cgi-bin/texis/myVortexScript/+wwr4tyuq>here</A>.

When this URL is invoked by the user, the same script (/myVortexScript) is run. The script's EXPORTed variables, having been automatically saved (encoded in /+wwr4tyuq), are restored to their values. No function/MIME extension was given, so the script defaults to starting at main and content type text/html.

A more complex script may need to start at a particular function. For example, a search script may print the results of a search, and give a URL next to each hit for more information on that particular item. These URLs, when followed, would call a function like details for further display of the chosen item. To accomplish this, the details function name is simply appended to $url in the script, along with a MIME extension, when printing the initial search results:

For more info, see <A HREF=$url/details.html>here</A>.

When this URL is invoked, the script will start at the function details, and set the Content-Type to "text/html".

The MIME extension may differ if a different content type is needed. A script with a link to a print function that generates a Postscript document might use this:

<A HREF=$url/print.ps>Print</A> this document.

Here the function print is the start, and the MIME type application/postscript (instead of text/html) will be set, which tells the user's browser to treat the document as Postscript.

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