Compiling and Linking

Once code has been written for user functions, Vortex must be made aware of them, by creating a new texis executable (this is usually a symbolic link to monitor). The functions are listed in the global array VUserFuncs[] in the vufuncs.c file. This array determines what user functions are available in Vortex, their names, how many arguments they take, and their return type. It is an array of VUSERFUNC structs (declared in vortex.h):

typedef char **VUFUNC    ARGS((char *arg[], ...));
typedef char **VA_VUFUNC ARGS((int argc, char **argv[]));

typedef struct VUSERFUNC_tag
  char    *name;  /* name of function */
  VUFUNC  *func;  /* pointer to VUFUNC or VA_VUFUNC to call */
  int     nargs;  /* number of expected args (-1 for varargs) */
  int     type;   /* FTN_... type to cast return value(s) to */

Each user function available in Vortex must have an entry in this array, which is terminated with a NULL entry. The name field is the name of the function. func is a pointer to the function, declared in either of the two syntaxes above. nargs is the number of arguments the function expects. If -1 is given, then the function can take a variable number of arguments, and func is expected to point to a VA_VUFUNC-style declaration instead of VUFUNC-style. Non-variable-argument functions with more than ten arguments must also be declared VA_VUFUNC.

The type field is a FTN_... type (SQL type) that the returned string value(s) will be cast to as $ret. The default is VUTYPE_DEFAULT, which is string (varchar). Other possible values include FTN_LONG for integer, FTN_DATE for a date field, FTN_FLOAT for a floating-point value, etc. Note that the returned C data from the function is always an array of char * text strings; the type field indicates what these strings will be cast to by Vortex when assigned to $ret.

To add new user functions, edit the vufunc.c file and add entries for your functions. Note that there are already entries for standard Vortex functions, such as sum, apicp, etc.

Compile vufunc.c and your code, and then re-link texis with vufunc.o, your code, and the Vortex, Texis and system libs. An example makefile is in the /usr/local/morph3/api directory; a typical version is excerpted here:

# `monitor' is the actual executable; `texis' is symlinked to it:
monitor:     vufunc.o vufuncex.o
    $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJDIR)/monitor.o vufunc.o vufuncex.o \
      -lvhttpd -lvortex -lcgi -lntexis -ltexis -lapi3 -lm -o $@

# `texis' and `tsql' are just symbolic links to `monitor':
texis tsql:  monitor
    rm -f $@
    ln -s monitor $@

vufunc.o:    vufunc.c vufunc.h
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c vufunc.c
vufuncex.o:  vufuncex.c
    $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c vufuncex.c

OBJDIR must be set to the installed API directory, normally /usr/local/morph3/api. The order of libs is important: note that the -lvhttpd lib is first, and the system libs like -lm are last. On some platforms, additional system libs may be needed at the end, such as -lsocket, and/or the Thunderstone libs may need to be included again at the end to resolve all symbols.

Note: Before running the new texis, old Vortex P-code files (*.vsc) must be deleted to ensure that scripts are re-compiled properly. Also, the executable or symlink must start with the name texis in order to run. Make sure that the proper path to the new texis is given when testing, e.g. ./texis, to ensure the old/current texis in /usr/local/morph3/bin isn't run inadvertently to confuse things.

Once the new texis is tested, the new monitor that it points to can replace the stock monitor executable installed in /usr/local/morph3/bin (after backing it up). A symlink from texis to monitor should already exist there.

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