Timport reads a schema file and operates on specified text files. You can see the syntax for Timport by typing in:
timport -h
timport -H
The -h
help option gives the syntax for use of Timport. The
option gives additional syntax on form of a schema file.
Use the following command to load the demo text files supplied with
the program into your table.
timport -s 3db.sch -v /usr/local/morph3/text/*
If all goes well, you should see something like this:
200 Reading schema 3db.sch
800 Statement: "insert into threedb values(counter,?,?,?);"
200 Connecting to server
200 Opening database /tmp/testdb
200 Verifying schema
200 Loading data
800 File: "/usr/local/morph3/text/alien"
800 File: "/usr/local/morph3/text/constn"
800 File: "/usr/local/morph3/text/declare"
800 File: "/usr/local/morph3/text/events"
800 File: "/usr/local/morph3/text/garden"
800 File: "/usr/local/morph3/text/kids"
800 File: "/usr/local/morph3/text/liberty"
800 File: "/usr/local/morph3/text/qadhafi"
800 File: "/usr/local/morph3/text/socrates"
204 9 records added
204 9.0 records/sec
The 3-digit number is a message type. What follows is the file being loaded. In this case each file is entered in the table as one record.