Intersection Quantity Specification Further Explained

If you want all possibilities you can find, you will find very adequate answers to your search requests usually by setting the quantity to 1 or 2. If you don't get answers at that quantity, drop it lower.

With intersections at 0, the program will retrieve hits containing 0 set intersections; i.e., it will locate any occurrence of any set element. The denotation of 0 indicates no intersection of specified sets is required. In other words, you want Metamorph to locate any hit in which there is any equivalence to any of the set elements in your question. This is comparable to an "or" search.

With intersections at 1, the program will retrieve hits containing an intersection of any 2 specified set elements; for example, an intersection of "life" and "death". With intersections at 2, the program will retrieve hits containing any 2 intersections of any 3 specified set elements; e.g., "life" and "death" plus "death" and "infinity". With the intersection variable at 3, the program might locate an occurrence of "life" and "death", "death" and "infinity", plus "infinity" and "money". The higher the number of intersections being sought, the more precise the retrieved response must be.

The lower you set the intersection quantity, the more hits are likely to be found in relation to the question asked; but many of them are likely to be quite abstract. The higher you set the intersection quantity, the fewer hits are likely to be found in relation to the question asked; but those hits are likely to be more intelligently and precisely related to the search query, as they require a higher number of matching sets.

A smaller intersection quantity will also retrieve any larger intersection quantity responses as a matter of course. However, the program only searches for the number of intersections of elements it is directed to search for, so it will only highlight the requested number of sets.

Conversely, the program cannot locate hits containing more intersections than are possible. If you have set intersections to 6, but you enter a question containing only 3 set elements, realize that one pass through the data will find no answers, as you have designated more intersections than are possible to find.

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